The Mod O' Festive

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The Mod O' Festive


The Mod o' Festive (tMoF) is one of the dozens of festive mods. Except it updates throughout the year! Such holidays as Valentine's, Easter, Patrick's, Malsiana and even more are waiting to be added to the mod!





Halloween Content:


Flamegrower is a boss that can be summoned by setting carved pumpkin in fire during the night. It can shoot and set player on fire. Sometimes it spawns spiritburns and pumpkin force. After it dies it releases the Halloween spirit that you can catch and used to craft Topaz o'Lantern, but it doesn't spend upon being used in a craft. Topaz o'Lantern has a chance to heal players in 6 blocks radius.

Envoy is a dangerous mob that has a big chance to spawn if player sleeps in dark. You should light up the area near your bed in order for him to not spawn. Drops rotten flesh after death.


Twilight Trader is an interdimentional traveler that can be bartered with using Topaz gems. He spawns nearby the player in the night once per world. After some bartering or when the day comes he despawns. Sometimes he can sell Pumpking music disc. Drops topaz upon death. Topaz ore can be found in Taiga and Dark oak forest.


Tricky-Treaty is a pumpkin basket on a zombie hand. When attacks it can steal player's hunger points. Drops pumpkin basket when dies. Pumpkin basket can be used on shift-right-click to get candy. Candy give player random effects for a short time.


Spiritburns are creatures summoned by Flamegrower. They fly after the player and damage them on collide. Despawn after some time.


Pumpkin force are creatures summoned by Flamegrower too. They prevent player from damaging their master. Flamegrower can't be damaged unless every pumpkin force in the area is killed. Don't despawn.


Halloween spirit is a creature released after Flamegrower dies. It can be catched by being hit. But it also despawns after sometime if isn't catched in time.


Soul Jack o'Lantern can be crafted, but it doesn't have any use yet. It will get an exciting use in the next Halloween update.


Christmas content:


Permafrost is a new dimension, portal to which can be constructed with Reinfrosted snow and lit with Hoarfrost. Both items are crafted using Christmas spirit. Christmas spirit is obtained upon killing Krampus. This dimension is a snow desert with a few biomes. Most common are Polus forest and Birch plains. Hoargrass grows here. There are also new shrubs that can slow mobs down. Another plants are Christmasberry bushes, Snowy birch and Christmas tree. Christmas trees can be combined with garland and a Christmas star. Foxes, polar bears and robins spawn there. Villages, mineshafts, and igloos can generate. Permafrost also has a unique type of stone called Rimestone that can be used for more decorative blocks.


Krampus is a boss that can be summoned by sacrificing a pig in any of the cold biomes using the lollipop sword under the snowfall. Krampus can summon sectarians and shoot boos. When he dies krampus frees a Christmas spirit from his cage, which can be catched. Christmas spirit is used to craft a lot of things including Permafrost portal materials and a Christmas star, but it doesn't spend upon being used in a craft.


Sectarians prevent player from hitting anyone. They apply max level weakness when they come close to the player. Better to be killed from the distance.


Christmas spirit is a creature released after Krampus dies. It can be catched by being hit. Doesn't despawn.


Robins are a new type of birds that can be fed with christmasberries. If two robins are fed they can breed and lay an egg. The egg can be fried and eaten.


Wreath doors are a new type of doors that have all vanilla wood variants.





Requires Geckolib


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Edit: yeah this mod is discontinued :p

Minecraft mod files
tMoF - v1.1.0 - 1.19.2.jar Uploaded on: 12/22/2022 - 20:34   File size: 18.47 MB

v1.1.0 - The Christmas Update Part: I

  • Changed Flamegrower texture
  • Added Permafrost dimension
  • Added Krampus
  • Added Sectarians
  • Added Robins and Robin eggs
  • Added Christmas trees
  • Added Lollipop Sword
  • Added Christmasberries

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