Bugs Aplenty

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The Overworld can feel a bit empty at times. Where the Oceans, Caves, and Netherworld are brimming with living things and creepy ambience, the Overworld is often strangely silent and lifeless. This mod aims to offer an adorable solution for visual and auditory ambience, as well as some other interesting, insect-related systems. To be clear, the mod is about literal bugs. Any technical bugs are purely for comedic effect, and definitely not my fault.

This mod adds the following:

  • Loads and Loads of Beetles, small, harmless little critters with loads of different varieties unique to different depths and biomes. Each type of beetle lends unique ambient noises to its respective location, and can be captured via a net and bottles to create a Beetle Bottles- musical instruments, each with a full octave of notes. Each type of beetle produces a unique sound, and some are quite rare, providing a unique collectable in addition to adding a little bit of life to otherwise silent areas.
  • Dragonflies, another ambient mob unique to swamps, mangroves, and jungles. They're hard to catch, but their wings can be used to make a new Potion of Levitation. Not the most useful for oneself, but a great deterrent for your enemies...
  • Butterflies, which are cute, but admittedly don't do anything.
  • Termites, an insect whose mounds can be found in savannas and badlands. They seek out nearby wooden materials, harvest them, and then store them in their nests. Termites can be used to obtain different shades of Cobbled Terracotta, (a nifty new building block), and more technical players can use them to create less explosive means of farming wood.

This mod Requires Geckolib to Work, because all the insects have cool animations and stuff. You can find Geckolib here; be sure to download the correct version. (1.20.1, at the time of writing.)

...And that's about it. There's a more extensive changelog on Curseforge if you're interested. ...Otherwise, happy bug hunting!



Minecraft mod files
BugsAplentyV1.3.jar - 1.19.2 Uploaded on: 04/05/2023 - 02:15   File size: 6.39 MB
BugsAplentyV1.4.jar - 1.19.4, Minor fixes Uploaded on: 07/17/2023 - 03:32   File size: 6.39 MB
BugsAplentyV2.jar - Latest Version for Forge 1.20.1 Uploaded on: 01/28/2024 - 21:14   File size: 6.6 MB
BugsAplenty(NEOFORGE)V3.jar - Latest Version for Neoforge 1.21.1 Uploaded on: 10/21/2024 - 23:37   File size: 6.58 MB
  • Added 133 different mobs, (counting all the different beetle patterns), all of which are arthropods, and none of which make Bane of Arthropods any more useful.
  • Also added Termites, whose pathfinding was ludicriously difficult to get working properly, but who should at least make automatic tree farms slightly less explosive.
  • Updated the Mod to 1.19.4
  • Fixed bottle duping glitch with the copper net when using bottles in the offhand.
  • Toned down dragonfly spawnrates.
  • Updated to 1.20.1
  • Overhauled termite pathfinding. Again.
  • Decreased spawnrates. Again.
  • Added Butterflies! There's 16 different biome specific species, and they're all very cute.
  • Added Butterfly Bottles
  • Added a new 3D hand model for the copper net. (It was needed.)
  • Dragonflies and butterflies no longer do entity collisions. (Which could cause lag if you had a lot in one place.)
  • Fixed bug, (hopefully for real this time), where bugs could spawn inside solid blocks and then die.
  • Dragonflies are now an ambient mob, and thus only spawn in proximity to players.
  • Insect spawn rates can now be configured using gamerules.
  • The copper net can now be used to put aquatic mobs into water buckets. (Though it currently won't save NBT data for tropical fish and axolotls. I'm working on it.)
  • Tweaked termite textures, (again.)
  • Updated everything to Neoforge.