Dion´s Magic

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This Mod is about Magical Staffs and Wands.


Put the Player-animator Jar file into your Mods folder. (woent work otherwise)

First up, there are two different Typs of Magic items:

  1. Magic wands: You can get them from magical Lootcrates which are found in the new ruins structure. But you can only cast one spell and they have a totel of 100 uses.


  2. Magic Staffs: There are many different types of magic Staffs, but they all have 4 individuell spells and also have unlimited uses. To unlock a staff, you will first need to get the Wand varient of it. After that you also need to collect a stack of Magical Dust found in ancient ruins (they only spawn on grass). Once you got all of that you also need to craft a new type of ecnhanment table. "The Sorcery table".To craft it, just put one regular echantmenttable in the middle and fill the cornes with one magical dust each. Now just fill the rest with Obsidian and you are Done. Now in the ui, fill one Slot with 64 magical dust and put the want you want to upgrade in the other one. Now just click fuse and you are done.



Press "r" to open the skill menu (you need to have the staff in your main hand)


Update Information:

Eternity Dimension:

To enter the eternity dimension you will need to find a key to eternity. It can be found in ruin chests. Then just rightclick and you are in.but remember, the only way out is by dfeating the eternal wizard



Eternal Wizard:

To summon the Eternal wizard, you have to rightclick the ancient altar, which can be found in the eternal dimension. If you kill it, it is going to drop a key to the overworld along with other cool stuff.


Mage trading:

A villager can be turned into a mage by placing a sorcery table next to it. There are many different trades, most of them involve going into the eternaty dimension to find eternal Crystals.


Minecraft mod files
Dion´s magic.zip - contains a new curseforge link Uploaded on: 08/20/2023 - 13:25   File size: 217 bytes
  • addet two missing staffs (Shadow and Electric)
  • Small balance changes
  • Overhaul changes (Uis and Description, Names ...)


  • added the new eternaty dimension
  • added the new eternaty wizard boss
  • New Blocks and items 
  • added new Advancements
  • added new Villager Profession with trades

    {small changes to V2 were mad}