SU Gems

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GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 (LGPLv3)
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Long ago, your ancestors fought agaisnt the Gem race, humanoid beings with advanced technology invading the world to steal its resources, and while they did win, now that they are gone, if the gems were to come back, would you be able to push them back?


Discover their drowned spires...


Their broken machinery and fallen towers...


Their flying arenas who can only dream of battles long fought...



Die, and be reborn as a Gem



And once the Gem Empire returns, fight back

[Not Implemented yet though]


- Bouts and Scouts Update Part 1 -

The most recent update adds The Celestial Sky Arena, Gem Weapons, Gem Cuts, The Strawberry Battlefields biome and More!


This mod adds Steven Universe content into the world of minecraft, which will include technology, enemies, gem weapons, structures and much more!


The mod is still in development and i will be trying my best to keep it frequently updated. As a team of exactly one person, i would appreciate some help, even the most simple such as just joining the discord and enjoying the mod! ^^


I still have big plans for this mod, so stay tuned!


How to Become a Gem

How to Fix the Lunar Sea Spire

Discord Server



Trello Wiki

Minecraft mod files
su_gems-1.1.3-1.20.1_1.jar Uploaded on: 02/26/2025 - 00:50   File size: 6.67 MB
su_gems-1.1.2-1.19.4_0.jar - Bouts and Scouts Update Part I Uploaded on: 11/24/2024 - 19:36   File size: 5.89 MB
su_gems-1.1.1-1.19.4.jar - Bouts and Scouts Update Part I Uploaded on: 09/20/2024 - 00:18   File size: 5.37 MB
su_gems-1.1.0.jar - Bouts and Scouts Update Part I Uploaded on: 09/16/2024 - 20:23   File size: 5.37 MB
SUGems-1.0.1-1.19.4.jar Uploaded on: 11/18/2023 - 17:57   File size: 1.81 MB

Changelog 1.1.3 - 1.20.1

  • Updated to Forge 1.20.1
  • Crystal Veins retextured + Black and White variations added
  • Black and White Metallic Plates variations added
  • (Currently Creative-Only) Hand Pedestals and Hand Robonoids added


  • Fixed some interactions with height in the gem weapon's attacks



Changelog 1.1.2 - 1.19.4

  • Recolored the color pallete of gems and most gem items. including weapons, gem icons and textures
  • Changed Terracotta Statues to be a Crafting Table recipe
  • Added recipes and all colors of Glazed Terracotta Panels
        Glazed Terracotta Panels can be carved with Gem Chisels when hit
        Made in the Crafting table
  • Added Crafting Recipes and other colored Metallic Plates
  • Breaking a Chroma Crystal with a Silk Touch pickaxe now has a chance to drop its Block
  • Gem Bow's 3rd Attack arrow is now bigger in size
  • When joining a world with the "allGem" gamerule, you can now press Esc to be a human
  • Added poofedGemSpectateDistance gamerule


  • Fixed Arena Loot
  • Fixed game crashing on some occasions while summoning a gem weapon
  • /degem and /gem can now be used on command blocks



Changelog 1.1.1 - 1.19.4

  • Fixed Bubbling and movement of bubbles
  • Fixes relating to the Kindergarten Control Room
  • Removed debug numbers in the Celestial Sky Arena



Changelog - 1.1.0

  • Added Gem Cuts
  • Added 7 Gem Weapons, each with 16 color variants and 2 special variants
    • Crafted with Prismatic Materials in the Gem Assembly Table, requires their specific schematics
  • Added Prismatic Ingots, Bars, Nuggets and Blocks, crafted with Iron and Chroma
  • Added Chroma Crystals, which drop chroma when broken and spawn mostly everywhere, colors vary based on it's biome
  • Added Glowing Concrete, a block with the appearence to concrete but glows with a light level of 15
  • Added Cracking and Shattering
    • If the gem is heavily damaged while poofed, you will be cracked and a timer will begin once you reform
      • The target will periodically be under various negative effects, from weakness and slowness to nausea and blindness
      • Once 10 minutes pass or you receive fatal damage, you will be shattered, leaving behind 3 shards containing your items
  • Strawberry Battle Fields, beautiful fields fillend with strawberries and remnants of the war between humans and gems, their giant weapons still remaining
    • Strawberry fruits, Giant Strawberries and Strawberry Bushes
      • Giant Gem Weapons made of Prismatic Debris, can be smelted in a blast furnace for prismatic nuggets
  • Added The Sky Arena, a giant arena made for gems to train and battle each other, as well as a meeting ground for aristocrat gems
    • Gem Weapons Schematics and pre-built Gem Weapons can be found in the rooms under the arena
      • Added Pink Diamond's Essence, a healing liquid that can restore a cracked gem, found in the furthest down room in the arena
  • Added a secret Kindergarten structure
    • Not yet implemented, but you can Find the structure
      • Added the blocks pertaining it
  • Added a Server-side config to allow the use of human armors for gems, as long as it is not enchanted
  • Added the command "/selfpoof" to gems


  • While poofed, getting too far from your gem or trying to phase through a wall will teleport you back to your gem
  • Gems are now immune to freezing
  • Bubbles have been remodelled



Changelog - 1.0.1

  • Improved Kindergarten biome generation
  • Changed the Gem Assembly Table's model
  • Fixed Injector spawning and placement



Changelog - 1.0.0

  • Added gem colors, all of the 16 minecraft colors are included.
  • Bubbling added. While shifting and looking at a gem, press G to bubble them and press right click on a bubble to grab it, hit a bubble to pop it.
  • The Lunar Sea Spire cries out to it's goddess. By crafting a Moon Goddess Statue through the Gem Assembly Table, you will now be able to fix the spire by placing it on its pedestal and waiting for midnight.
  • Gem Assembly Table. A specialized gem crafting table which allow for special crafting recipes based on a main item or schematic.
  • Star-Lighter, Star-Lights and Stardust have been added. Light up your house with novel floating lights used by the gem empire! Stored in the ruins of Stardust Towers found in the Kindergartens.
  • Terracota Statues, found initially on the lunar sea spire, you are able to craft them with terracotta in the Gem Assembly Table

    Updated Content

  • Updated the Old Logs of the ancient explorer.
  • Gem Particles have been updated.
  • The Gem Pad will only open up while looking at a drill block or drillable gem geode.

Hi, I'm having trouble seeing the photos in the description, you should probably look into that :)