Abeemation: Bees and Wasps "Vinerite"

Published by Qwert_KSD on
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Bees and Wasps

A Mod that expands Bees and adds Wasps to Minecraft!


This is a mod that is being developed so, you can give Ideas, or Report Bugs!


  • GeckoLib

  • Forge1.20


  • Mobs

  • Biomes

  • Structures

  • Functional Blocks and Items


  • Wasps


  • Wasps are neutral mobs that hate the bees, they can be found at the Surface of Megaflora, and at Small Wasp Nests if the player breakes nest blocks.


  • Queen Bee

Queen Bee

  • Queen Bee is a neutral Boss that can be found in Big Hives, and can be summoned by giving a bee Royal Jelly.

    If the Player Right Clicks her, her shop is oppened, the player can trade: Honey, Wasp Larvae, Royal Jelly, and Honey Comb, for Floion.

    When killed, the Queen Bee either drops Wing Fragments, or Bee's Wings.


  • Moss Bee Warrior


  • This kind of Moss Bee is agressive and can only be found in the Vinebrath Fields.

    They rarely drop Mossy Vines when killed.


  • Moss Bee Defender


  • Megaflora


  • Megaflora is a new biome added by the mod.

    Giant Flowers can be found growing in this strange biome.


  • Vinebrath Fields

Vinebrath Fields

  • Vinebrath Fields is a new biome added by the mod.

    A surface version of the Lush caves, Giant Trees can be found growing in it, called Vinebrath Trees.

    Vinebrath Trees are unic for their Greenish Wood Color.


  • Big Hive

Big Hive

  • Big Hives are rare structures found at the Surface of Megaflora.

    Its the place were the player can naturaly found the Queen Bee.


  • Small Wasp Nest

Small Nest

  • Small Wasp Nests are rare structures found at the underground Megaflora

    They are made with Wood Fiber Blocks, they give mining fatigue VIII if the player isn't using the Honey Breaker,.

    The player can enter it by a smal entrance at the top.

    In the end, after breaking Nest Blocks, the player is rewarded with a Floralizer.


  • Behi Statue

Behi Statue

  • Behi Statue is one of the remains of the Behi's Remains

    They're made of Escorvine a green variant of granite.


  • Behi Church

Behi Church1

  • Behi Church are Behi's Remains.

    They were the place were the Behis cultuate their god.

    Two paintings can be found inside "Tragic Birth" and "Everything is Connected".

Behi Church2

Functional Blocks and Items

  • Floralizer


  • Floralizers can be found in Small Nests.

    They are used to fuse items with Floion.

    List of Items that can be used in the Floralizer:


     -Leather Armor -> Honey Skin Armor

     -Diamond Pickaxe -> Honey Breaker

     -Bee's Wings -> Wasp Wings


    When the player right clicks the block with one of this items, it turns blue.

    RightClick it with Floion, wait a bit, and the item is dropped.


  • Honey Tools


  • Honey Tools are diamond tier tools.

    They can be crafted in the floralizer by right-clicking it with a wodden tool.



  • Floion


  • Floion is an Emerald-Like Ore but Organic.

    It can be obtained by mining Floion Ores, or by trading with the Queen Bee.

    It is used to craft Honeydized Items at the Floralizer.


  • Honey Skin Armor Set, Bee's Wings and Wasp Wings


  • The Honey Skin Armor is a new armor type added to the mod.

    It is the Honeydized version of the Leather Armor.

    When the player is using the armor, the player gains a buff called Honey Cover(Imune to poison and a good health regeneration).


    Bee's Wings is a PVP version of the Elytra, instead of flying the player gets jump boost and feather falling.

    They can be crafted with 7 Wing Fragments and a Honey Comb.

    Wasp Wings is the Honeydized version of Bee's Wings, giving the same buffs, and Speed, while equiped.


  • Vinerite



  • Vinerite is an overworld netherite variant exclusive to the honey skin and tools set.

    -How to get it:

    First the player needs to get 8 Mossy Vines and a netherite bar.


  • Now by placing them like this, Raw vinerite is created.
  • To make a Vinerite Bar, the player needs to put Raw Vinerite in the Floralizer.
  • Now to make the items, its just like netherite.

Minecraft mod files
abeemation-1.0.7.jar - Vinerite and Moss Bees Uploaded on: 01/29/2024 - 02:07   File size: 684.71 KB


1.0.1-Bug Fixes

1.0.2-Floion Texures Upgraded, Bug fixes

1.0.3-Vinebrath Fields Biome

1.0.4-Bug Fixes


1.06-Behi's Remains

1.0.7-Vinerite and Moss Bees