[Tutorial] How to use World Renderer [World Renderer]

Started by sumeshi0216 on

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[Tutorial] How to use World Renderer [World Renderer]
Sun, 05/12/2024 - 05:12 (edited)

World Renderer allows you to render sky, clouds, weather, etc. However, you will need to learn some things. This is a guide about the plugin.


Event Triggers

World Renderer has some event triggers. Here is a list of event triggers.


Graphics - Compute FOV

It can set FOV. A procedure "Viewport - Set FOV" is available.


Graphics - Compute camera angles

It can compute camera angles with yaw, pitch and roll values. A procedure "Viewport - Set camera angles" is available.


Graphics - Compute fog color

It can set a fog color. A procedure "Viewport - Set fog color" is available.


Graphics - Render clouds

It can render clouds. Procedures in a procedure list "Clouds" are available.

An event trigger "Graphics - Set up dimensions" is also required to make it work.

Here is a guide.


Graphics - Render fog

 It can set a fog distance and shape. Procedures "Viewport - Set fog distance" and "Viewport - Set fog shape" are available.


Graphics - Render models

It can render block, item and entity models. Procedures in a procedure list "Model" are available.


Graphics - Render shapes

It can render shapes like triangles, quads, etc. Procedures in a procedure list "Shape" are available.

Here is a guide.


Graphics - Render sky

It can render skyboxes, sun, moon, etc. Procedures in a procedure list "Sky" are available.

An event trigger "Graphics - Set up dimensions" is also required to make it work.

Here are guides.


Graphics - Render weather

It can render weather like rain and snow. Procedures in a procedure list "Weather" are available.

An event trigger "Graphics - Set up dimensions" is also required to make it work.

Here is a guide.


Graphics - Set weather particles and sounds

It can set weather particles and sounds. Procedures in a procedure list "Weather particles and sounds" are available.

An event trigger "Graphics - Set up dimensions" is also required to make it work.

Here is a guide.


Graphics - Set up dimensions

It is required to work some event triggers. Procedures in a procedure list "Setup" are available.

Here is a guide.



Procedure Lists

World renderer adds many procedures. they are separated by procedure lists.



Those procedures can render clouds. They are available for an event trigger "Graphics - Render clouds" only.



Those procedures can get various colors. They are available everywhere.



Those procedures can get world data. They are available everywhere.



Those procedures can iterate data. They are available everywhere.



Those procedures can render block, item and entity models. They are available for an event trigger "Graphics - Render models" only.


Render effects

Those procedures is used for rendering. They should not be used for FOV, camera angles, fog color, fog rendering etc.



Those procedures can set up dimensions. They are available for an event trigger "Graphics - Set up dimensions" only.



Those procedures can render shapes. They are available for an event trigger "Graphics - Render shapes" only.



Those procedures can render objects in the sky. They are available for an event trigger "Graphics - Render sky" only.



Those procedures can set textures for rendering. They should not be used for FOV, camera angles, fog color, fog rendering etc.



Those procedures can set FOV, camera angles, a fog color, etc.



Those procedures can render weather. They are available for an event trigger "Graphics - Render weather" only.


Weather effects

Those procedures can add particles and sounds to weather. They are avaiable for an event trigger "Graphics - Set weather particles and sounds" only.




The procedure allows you to set a texture for rendering.

  • ID: It is your mod ID.
  • Name: It is a texture name. ".png" is not necessary. For example, if a texture name is "custom_skybox.png", set "custom_skybox".


Moreover, it is required to be used before rendering as follows.


Textures need to be imported as "Oher textures."


In order to make sure of your mod ID, open an item "Workspace > Workspace settings" from your workspace, and see it.

Edited by sumeshi0216 on Sun, 05/12/2024 - 05:12