-All of the potions added:
-Absorption regenration+glowstone dust
-Bad omenthick+crossbow
-Conduit powermundane+conduit
-Dolophins gracewater breathing+fse
-Glowingawkward+glowstone dust
-Hasteawkward+iron picaxe
-Health boosthealing+glowstone dust
-Hero of the villagethick+emerald
-Hungerwater bottle+rotten flesh
-Levitionawkward+shulker shell
-Mining fatiguehaste+fse
-Saturationawkward+suspicious stew
-Uncraftblewater botter+enchanting table
Luckawkward+fishing rod
-New potions added-
Adminuncrafteble potion+fajse
Instant Deathnightmare+fse
INSTANT Regenerationhealth boost+fajse
Dicewater bottle+fajse
A Lot Of Dicesdice+glowstone
Creativewater bottle+silence armor trim
Survivalwater bottle+grass block
Adventurewater bottle+empty map
Spectatorwater bottle+eye of ender
Grenadewater bottle+tnt
Minerawkward+diamond picaxe
Flyingmundane+end crystal
Inventory Bomb(ebomb for short.)grenade+tnt
Small Bleedingthick+iron sword
Large Bleedingsmallbleeding+glowstone
LAGuncraftble potion+suspicious sand
Nasty Treatwater bottle+poisonous potato
Yummy Treatwater bottle+baked potato
Berserkwater bottle+uncraftble potion
And More!
and added the recipe of potion of luck and all of the potions added
some of the potion recipes don't make sense like using items that don't make sense
the small letters next to the added potions are the recipe of that potion,
and the first one is the one is the potion slot and the second one is the one that goes in the ingredient slot,
and fse = fermented spider eye, fajse = fresh and juicy spider eye
-Things planed-
New potions
-comment your potion ideas!
-if there is more info like duration if its instant or if its bad or beneficial ill add it but if not ill just chose by my self
-big update at the last day of every month
-next update : The last day of the month that the MANP wiki is made(expections are if the day that the manp wiki is made is the last day of the month, then the update will be at the last day of the next month)
-and if its not possible to make ill make it as close as possible
!Works in multiplayer!(tested)
versions 0.0.0~0.0.2 are in curseforge
0.0.0: mod was made
: Uploaded on: 04/16/2024 - 10:58 File size: 82.63 KB
:Ended on 07/25/2024 - 11:45
0.0.1 : added the recipes of uncraftble potions (potion, splash potion, lingering potion, tipped arrow)
: Uploaded on: 05/01/2024 - 00:56 File size: 87.46 KB
: Ended on 07/29/2024 - 05:01
0.0.2 pre-1 : added potion of admin, nightmare, moon, instant death, INSTANT regeneration, dice, a lot of dices, creative, survival, adventure, septator, grenade
: items: fresh and juicy spider eye , advancements: 1 + 1 = 1?
: Uploaded on: 07/07/2024 - 11:11 File size: 13.07 MB
:Ended on: 10/29/2024 - 09:13
0.0.2 pre-2 : updated the dice effect whit the new effects
: Uploaded on: 07/07/2024 - 11:33 File size: 13.47 MB
0.0.2 : creative potion has been debuffed by 25%(75% works), changed 1 letter in '<sunjihoo> No Effect For You This Time! Goodbye! ;0' to '<sunjihoo> No Effect For You This Time! Goodbye! ;O'
: Uploaded on: 07/14/2024 - 10:45 File size: 63.21 MB
0.0.25 : added items: bandage - crues large bleeding, plaster - crues small bleeding, antibiotics - crues large and small infection
: added damage types : bleeding death message <player> died by exsanguination, virus death message : <player> was taken over by an infection
: added effects large , small bleeding, large , small infection , flying , ireland , inventory bomb ( or ebomb for short )
: manp 100 days celebration things: MANP cake , MANP candle ,creative tab: MANP's Birthdays , buffed creative to be a 100% succes chance
advancements : Happy 100 Days! :D , What Number Is This? , Unplaceble Cake
: commands all_faces : output : <sunjihoo> Here's all of the faces in this mod! : ;O , :/ , :() , ;+ , :! , ;_____ ( , ;( , :- / , :D , ;)
: updated the dice effcet with the new effcts added
:Uploaded on: 07/25/2024 - 11:45 File size: 228.71 KB
0.0.3: added potions: nasty treat, yummy treat, berserk
: added advacements : do not get confused with ebook
: debufed flying , creative by 25%(works 75% of the time)
: updated dice and all_faces
: Uploaded on: 07/29/2024 - 05:01 File size: 250.95 KB
0.0.4: sorry, i dont know what i added(to much stuff)
:Uploaded on: 10/29/2024 - 09:13 File size: 606 KB
4.0.1: fixed a typo, added the amulet of dimension in the creative menu, made the version follow the M.m.p format
: Uploaded on: 11/02/2024 - 01:51 File size: 606.01 KB
Potion of Canada- Kills you and teleports you to a snowy biome when you respawn
Rocket Potion: Increases jump by a huge amount like 100
Sonic potion: Makes you run 100x faster
Mute potion: Makes you unable to chat
Immortal potion: Gives you thousands of hearts, strength, haste, speed, jump boost, all that good stuff
you just added many Nicoding's ideas :O its my turn:
potion of command: makes you be able to use commands (so powerful in hardcore, where you just go creative)
potion of anti-command: reverts the command potion effect
potion of brightness: opposite of darkness
missing/null={lang.exception}: starts a world MISSING corruption
potion of sculkification: starts a world SCULK corruption
potion of lightning: strikes a lightning
potion of slow jumping: slow falling, but while jumping
potion of void breathing: water breathing, but on void
potion of blackhole: makes blocks be pulled to you. they hurt you causing this to be a negative effect
potion of enderman: makes you can't touch water, and also randomly teleport
potion of the 1.21 effects and the new bad omens
potion of nostalgia: makes the textures look like before the texture update
potion of zombie: adds a zombie layer to your skin
UTC +9:00