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Overstacked is a vanilla style mod that aims to add a variety of decoration and construction blocks to expand upon many already existing Minecraft blocks.
Some of the new included features:

- New block types for ores blocks.
Blocks such as Lapis, Redstone and Amethyst now have as many variants as Quartz. While Iron, Gold and Netherite have as many block variants as Copper.
In addition there are also new additions to these such as Echo shards having block and other variants similar to Amethyst, While the Metallic set of ores get extra blocks like Pressure Plates, Buttons, Doors and more.

- New wood types for existing blocks.
Similar to Bamboo, Sugarcane can be crafted into Blocks of Sugarcane which can be turned into the Sugarcane planks for decoration or crafting other blocks from the Sugarcane wood set. The Desert as gets a new wood type as you can strip Cactus to get Cactus Skeletons and can craft 4 of them into a Cholla Log.

- Soapstone inspired rocks from Shulkers
You can now cook Shulker Shells in the furnace to make the new Shulkite block, Which is a new rocky block that can be coloured any dye in the game similar to Shulker Boxes. Shulkite also has a Polished variant for it's base and dyed variants

- Misc blocks made from Mob Drops
Many mob drops now have new blocks for you to create and use for your decoration and building. Such as Mats made from Leather, Rabbit Hide and Phantom Membrane. You can also now use Cobwebs to make Swathe, Silk and Veil blocks for your spider themed designs. As well as a popular request from my friends to add a "Rotten Flesh Block" which similar to Copper with degrade and change colour over time.

- A new mineral type exclusive to the Badlands: Halite
Halite is a new mineral type similar to Lapis, Redstone, Amethyst and Quartz which can now be found on the surface of the Badlands biome types in small clusters. Mining it will make the blocks drop Halite Salt which has a number of purposes. Like the other blocks of it's type there are many different building blocks you can make for a smooth caramel coloured block type. You can also use Halite Salt similar to Honey Combs on Copper to cure Rotten Flesh Blocks. Along with using them to create a new set of Salt Lamp light source blocks called "Luminous" blocks, with colour variants based after the Quartz esc mineral group. They can also be used to make Ice Cream which is a food source light on hunger and saturation but works well as a stackable milk bucket.

- Customizable Tatami Mats
Every wood type now has 2 type of Tatami Mats which you can use to make unique fun floor patterns to better suit your Minecraft houses. Regular Tatami Mats are better used for single lines and patterns while the Large Tatami Mats are more connected and better for bigger scale floors. The rotation and pattern of the block depends on which way you are placing it so be aware when building!

- Ruins and Statues
You can find 6 new ruins across Minecraft each with their little statue which you can collect. They can be used as decoration and toggleable between 2 states, An inactive state where it is safe to mine them and active state which mining them will "curse" you with a negative potion effect for a little while. You can active them by right clicking with a redstone torch in your hand and deactive them by right clicking with a brush.

- New Sniffer Plants
The Sniffer's item pool has been over doubled with the addition of 4 new flowers you can discover add some new bloom into the Minecraft world. You can get the new Fossilized Sapling which can be bonemealed to grow into the new Fragroma Tree, With a chalky gray log with lavender inspired leaves and a smokey black wood type. There's also a very rare new music disc that has a chance to be dug up by the Sniffer.

I would like to give credit to all the people who helped me make this mod, I don't think I would of been able to make this without all the wonderful support they have given me.
Sepia - Block Suggestions and Feedback
Poisonous Kirb Gas - Modeller and Supporting Sprite Artist
Nim - Block Suggestions and Feedback
BenitoFlaeks - Block Suggestions and Feedback
Fraigo - Block Suggestions and Feedback
CypCyp - Composer
I'mBadAtStuff - Playtester
Goose - General Feedback
Bielles - Playtester
Croby - General Feedback
Rice Korvono - General Feedback
Wushi Nimbus - General Feedback
Andros - General Feedback
VgJol - General Feedback
Nekomaster - General Feedback

Minecraft mod files
overstacked-1.0.0-forge-1.20.1.jar Uploaded on: 10/18/2024 - 16:11   File size: 5.26 MB

There are no words that can do this justice. It is as close to perfection as anything can physically be.