All Things Kevium adds over 700 blocks, items, and recipes to Minecraft
Latest Changes:
- Recipe to get (3) Sugar from Beetroot using Kevium Bone & Bowl
- Recipe for vanilla Name Tag
- Recipe for Iron Horse Armor - providing Protection, Fire Protection, and Projectile Projection at Level 5
- Recipe for Gold Horse Armor - providing Protection, Fire Protection, and Projectile Projection at Level 6
- Recipe for Diamond Armor - providing Protection, Fire Protection, and Projectile Projection at Level 7
- Recipe for vanilla Horse Saddle
- Recipe for (3) paper from wood Planks using Kevium Shears
- Recipe for vanilla Enchanted Book
- Kevium TNT (Downwards) - Vertical blast downward ~25 blocks at a power of 9x regular TNT
- Joycium TNT (Downwards) - Vertical blast downward ~55 blocks at a power of 9x regular TNT
- Jakium TNT (Downwards) - Vertical blast downward ~75 blocks at a power of 9x regular TNT
- Kevium Luck Token - gives Luck IV while in inventory
- Joycium Luck Token - gives Luck V while in inventory
- Jakium Luck Token - gives Luck VI while in inventory
- Concrete Glass - a blast resistant glass block with the same resistance of Jakium Concrete and Bedrock
- Kevium Compressed Carbon - right-click on Diamond Maker for a Kevium Diamond; right-click on Emerald Maker for a Kevium Emerald
- Joycium Compressed Carbon - right-click on Diamond Maker for a Joycium Diamond; right-click on Emerald Maker for a Joycium Emerald
- Jakium Compressed Carbon - right-click on Diamond Maker for a Jakium Diamond; right-click on Emerald Maker for a Jakium Emerald
- Kevium Concrete Bricks - blast resistance of 12,000
- Joycium Concrete Bricks - blast resistance of 1,000,000
- Jakium Concrete Bricks - blast resistance of 18,000,000 (same as Bedrock)
- XP Seeds - grows XP Plants
- XP Plants - drops (4) XP Orbs when harvested
- Joycium Bread now gives Instant Health and Haste for 1:00 min
- Twice Baked Joycium Bread now gives Instant Health II and Haste II for 2:00 min
- Joycium Carrot now gives Instant Health and Night Vision for 1:00 min
- Joycium Baked Potato now gives Instant Health and Strength for 1:00 min
- None
The primary focus of this mod is to provide a different method of obtaining potion effects and enchantments without having to use a Brewing Stand or the Enchantment Table. This is accomplished by adding a couple of new ores that drop a magical powder. These new powders (Kevium and Joycium) are used to craft 100’s of items and foods, infused with magic. The mod also adds numerous convenince features to make for a more casual gameplay.
Powder Alchemy on the Vanilla Crafting Table:
The magical lifestyle mod.
A mod designed for the casual Minecraft player in mind. It affords access to potion effects and enchantments from day 1 and increasing levels of each as the player progresses through the game, even up to Level 10 in some cases. The mod contains many other convenience items to make the game more fun and casual to play.
DISCLAIMER: This mod is Single-Player only and makes no pretense of "balance".
For a ready-made modpack designed especially for this mod, try "All Things Kevium - The Modpack", available on the Curse launcher. The modpack features Lycanites Mobs, which provides a great use for all these armors and weapons.
No special machines or altars required, everything works with the vanilla crafting table and furnace. Powder Alchemy is performed on the crafting table.
TIP: As it pertains to the potion effects and enchantments in this mod, there are three, overlapping "streams" to keep in mind:
- Magical foods and items - from early game onwards, vanilla foods and items can be enhanced with Kevium, Joycium, and Jakium Powders to give low levels (I-III) of potion effects. These effects are generally persistent while the item is in the player's inventory. There are over 100 of these items and higher level items have two or three effects.
- Magic Armor, Tools, and Weapons - Jakium armor and above have increasing levels (II-IV) of potion effects while the player wears them. Tools and Weapons can be enchanted with the use of Catalyst Stones from the Kevium/Joycium level and above, providing increasing enchantment levels (II-V).
- Magical Tokens - single effect items that provide higher levels (IV-IX) of potion effects while in the players inventory.
These overlapping "streams" afford players with lots of options, all via crafting and smelting.
Main Features: All recipes are in JEI, which is highly recommended. Appleskin is also useful.
Armor, Weapons, and Tools
- (12) new sets of armor with status effects, three have Flight and No Fall Damage
- (6) versions of the VBR (Vertical Block Remover) that functions like a vertical hammer, breaks and drops blocks one down and 4-12 up from the block the player right-clicks on, depending on type of VBR
- A set of unbreakable sword and pickaxe, and a nearly unbreakable (999,999 durability) set of armor with status effects, flight, and no fall damage
- (3) Slingshots that shoot regular and explosive projectiles
- Status effects and enchantments up to Level 10 on weapons, tools, armor, magical items and food
Magical Items
- (100+) Mundane Minecraft items become magical when crafted with Kevium, Joycium, and Jakium Powders providing status effects while in player inventory or temporary buffs
- (6) Magical wands that place torches, boats, carrots, potatoes, Kevium, and Joycium Ore
- (36) Magical Tokens (12 types x 3 tiers) that give higher level effects while in inventory
Food and Crops
- Vanilla food gets greatly improved (instant health) when Kevium or Joycium Powder is added
- (18) seeds to grow your resources (Kevium, Joycium, Jakium, Bedrock, Iron, Gold, Emerald, Diamond, String, Gunpowder, Glowstone, Redstone, Lapis, Leather, Rabbit Hide, Bone, Rotten Flesh, and Jakium Coal)
- (2) fruit bushes added to WorldGen that drop berries to make magical juices, tonics, muffins, and pies; berries can be crafting into seeds to grow your own bushes
- Kevium and Joycium Flowers in WorldGen that drop powder for early game crafting
- My favorite Welsh food, Cornish Pasty, in four varieties, a hearty and magical food
- A variety of hearty meat stews made from Beef, Pork, and Mutton that provide great health restoration and magical effects if crafted with additional powders
Convenience Features
- (4) Tiers of Spacial Blocks - teleports player 5, 10, 15, or 20 blocks up/down, depending on the tier
- Compress/decompress cobblestone, stone, dirt, sand, gravel, and netherack
- Craft string from Wool Blocks with special shears; craft (9) string back to wool
- Temporal Day/Night Blocks - right-click with a Temporal Wand and change the time of day
- Infinite Water and Lava Sources - places water/lava above the block when redstone signal is present
- Firebox - lights a fire above the block when redstone signal is present
- Diamond Maker - right-click it with a piece of Compressed Carbon and get a diamond
- Emerald Maker - right-click it with a piece of Compressed Carbon and get an Emerald
- Obsidian Maker - just right-click it with a bucket of lava and get a stack of Obsidian
- Cobblestone Maker - just right-click it with a bucket of water and get a stack of Cobblestone
- Kevium, Joycium, Jakium, and Bedrock Powders can be crafted into blocks to save storage space
- Many decorative blocks and several that provide a light source and Clear Glasses
- Craftable vanilla Bedrock, can only be removed with VBR
- Craftable Iron, Gold, and Diamond Horse Armor with enchants at levels 5, 6, and 7
- Craftable Horse Saddle
- Craftable Nametag
- Craftable Sugar from Beetroots, Paper from Wood Planks, and Enchanted book from regular book
- (3) Tiers of blast resistant concrete (Kevium, Joycium, and Jakium)
- (3) Tiers of TNT with high vertical yield (9x normal TNT + vertical blast of 25-75 blocks upward, great for blasting out an underground base or downwards to make a mining hole
- (3) additional levels of Blaze Rods that are very good fuel for a furnace
- (3) additional levels of Coal (Kevium, Joycium, and Jakium) that last much longer than regular coal
- (14) Mob spawn eggs are craftable and can be used to make Hatcheries that spawn a new mob every 10 min or so
- (2) new mobs (Kevin and Joyce)
WorldGen and Dimensions
- (6) new ores added to WorldGen - Kevium and Joycium Ores are richly available in WorldGen
- Sand-Glass Ore in WorldGen that drops Glass Powder which can be crafted into Vanilla Glass
- (4) new dimensions for resource gathering and exploration
- (4) ore blocks that are crafted by the player
TIP: Day 1, find Kevium and Joycuim Flowers to get powder to start making things right away. Also, Kevium and Joycium Berries grow wild and are a useful source of food from the beginning.
All recipes are in JEI, which is highly recommended. For magical items, just type the potion effect name you are looking for and JEI will show the items that provide it. For a more complete list and stats, please see the links further down the page.
@#24 It is billed as "designed for the casual player in mind", so yes, it is OP at times.
For more of a challenge, you might try the official modpack, that contains Lycanite mobs. It is a little more challenging.
This Mod is very nice, adding in alot of great objectives and new things to try out. Also the size is the most notable about your mod, I think its great you took time to create this mod. I personally prefer mods that have balance and a story behind it, but this mod can take the cake and the mod of the week, as it should.
Good mod. Great description. Everything's great.