Removed Features Mod!

Published by Smakced on
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This mod adds blocks, recipes, and flowers that were once in Minecraft! Also adds blocks from Minecraft: Education Edition! All blocks are cosmetic only and DO NOT function as their originals. Flowers generate in your world as they normally would.

I won't be adding items as they are only good for putting them into Item Frames. I'm also excluding adding the Rose flower as it has the same texture as Poppy flowers. 

If there is any blocks/flowers/recipes I missed please let me know! (I'm working on the Compound Creator block, it may or may not be added as MCreator is not playing friendly with my custom model which is required)



  • Nether Reactor Core 
  • Initialized Nether Core
  • Finished Nether Core
  • Heat Block [Animated]
  • Glowing Obsidian
  • Crying Obsidian
  • Stonecutter
  • Allow Block (Minecraft: Education Edition)
  • Deny Block (Minecraft: Education Edition)
  • Underwater TNT [CANNOT EXPLODE] (Minecraft: Education Edition)
  • Lab Table (Minecraft: Education Edition)
  • Material Reducer (Minecraft: Education Edition)
  • Element Constructor (Minecraft: Education Edition)


  • Cyan Flower
  • Paeonia


  • Saddle
  • Iron/Gold/Diamond Horse Armor
  • Golden Apple
  • Stonecutter
  • Nether Reactor Core
Minecraft mod files
RemovedFeaturesMod1.0.0.jar - Removed Features Mod 1.0.0 Uploaded on: 10/01/2018 - 15:34   File size: 173.9 KB

Hey! I'm not really expecting a reply, but could you please send me the texture for the finished reactor core? Been looking into this for hours :)

It has the same exact texture as the poppy. You would essentially be walking around looking for 2 of the same flower. This will also cause there to be more red flowers than any others, so I'd like to keep a nice balance. Hope you can understand!

I'm currently working on making Underwater TNT functional as well as the Heat Block. Everything else will remain the same as the other blocks either have no functions or their functions are replaced with things in modern Minecraft. As for the Education Edition blocks I would basically have to port the entire game over to make them functional because it's very expansive.