Food Plus!

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Food Plus Mod V 1.2.1

I see that you've come here because you want to know more about the mod. So i will tell you something. If you like food and other stuff, you will like this mod too!

This mod is all about the stuff I wanted most in Vanilla Minecraft. So I made it! It has over 230 new Items, blocks, achievements and more!

There are:

  1. Different Dishes
  2. Fruits and Vegetables
  3. New kinds of Armor
  4. New Tools and Weapons
  5. And lots of more Good Stuff!

For full list of all items and blocks open the spoiler below.


banana Plant

banana Tree Leaves

banana Tree Log

banana Yoghurt


beach Dimension

beach Dimension Portal Frame

bell Pepper

boar Meat

boar Meat Cooked

boar Skin

bread Slice

bull Horn



candy Cane

candy Cane Block


cheese Block

chili Pepper

chili Powder

christmas Balls

clay Black

clay Blue

clay Darkgrey

clay Green

clay Lightblue

clay Lightgreen

clay Orange

clay Pink

clay Purple

clay Turquoise

clay White

clay Yellow

coffea Beans Cooked

coffea Beans Uncooked

coffea Plant

colored Wood Black

colored Wood Darkblue

colored Wood Darkpurple

colored Wood Green

colored Wood Lightblue

colored Wood Lightgreen

colored Wood Limegreen

colored Wood Orange

colored Wood Pink

colored Wood Purple

colored Wood Red

colored Wood Turquoise

colored Wood White

colored Wood Yellow

compressed Coal

cooked Pizza

cooling Element

cotten Candy Web

cotton Candy

cotton String


crate Block

cutting Board

diamond Dust

diamond Ingot

diamond Slingshot


emerald Axe

emerald Hoe

emerald Pickaxe

emerald Shovel

emerald Sickle

emerald Slingshot

emerald Sword

fiery Axe

fiery Block

fiery Dust

fiery Hoe

fiery Ingot

fiery Ore

fiery Pickaxe

fiery Shovel

fiery Sickle

fiery Slingshot

fiery Sword


frying Pan



gold Dust

golden Slingshot

grilled Cheese

heavy Cream

iron Dust

iron Slingshot

knife lemon

lemon Cake

machine Frame

mixing Bowl

molten Sugar

mortar And Pestle

mug Coffea

mug Cooked

mug Hotwater

mug Tea

mug Uncooked

mug Water


paprika Powder


pineapple Yoghurt

raspberry Bush

raspberry Fruit

raw Pizza



ruby Axe

ruby Block

ruby Dust

ruby Hoe

ruby Ingot

ruby Ore

ruby Pickaxe

ruby Shovel

ruby Sickle

ruby Slingshot

ruby Sword


salt Ore

saphire Axe

saphire Block

saphire Gem

saphire Hoe

saphire Ore

saphire Pickaxe

saphire Shovel

saphire Sickle

saphire Slingshot

saphire Sword

sharpend Bull Horn

sharpend Bull Horn Sword

steel Axe

steel Block

steel Dust

steel Hammer

steel Hoe

steel Ingot

steel Ore

steel Pickaxe

steel Shovel

steel Sickle

steel Sword

stone Slingshot

stone Stick


strawberry Bush

strawberry Cake

strawberry Yoghurt

sugar Bucket

tea Leave

tea Leave Plant



wooden Board

wooden Plank

wooden Slingshot

wormMeat Cooked

wormMeat Raw



Please enjoy and have Fun!


Open Spoiler for update info!

V 1.1.7 : Added more Foods, a new mob; Worm

V 1.2.0 : The Candy update, added a few items to Improve Survival

V 1.2.1 : Added 9 new Slingshots

V 1.2.2 : Reworked a lot of the textures, Balancing, Added some new stuff

How to install?

  1. First, Make sure you have Forge installed
  2. Download the Mod
  3. Drag it into the mods folder (If you type %appdata% in your search bar you will get the location)
  4. Press Play!

(PS: Im working on a new mod (Better Survival) right now, so updates could be slow.)

-Warning, this mod is still in Beta, you can expect some bugs-

Minecraft mod files
food_plus_v_1.2.2.jar - V 1.2.2 Uploaded on: 05/13/2017 - 15:09   File size: 3.25 MB
food_plus_v_1.2.1.jar - V 1.2.1 Uploaded on: 12/03/2016 - 11:52   File size: 1.08 MB
food_plus_v_1.2.1.jar.jar - V 1.2.0 Uploaded on: 12/01/2016 - 19:15   File size: 948.43 KB
food_plus_v_1.1.7.jar - V 1.1.7 Uploaded on: 11/30/2016 - 20:57   File size: 941.31 KB

There is alot of food mods, but this one is superior to all the others. Reasons? The textures are freaking BOMB, the creativity with the dimensions and weapons, omg, i love it all. 10/10 friend! :D

Didnt Find Any Bugs At This These Versions Actually So...Good Work And Keep It Well

If you find any type of bugs or if you have some ideas to inprove the mod, leave a comment!