Stamina mod

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Hey there. As you can see, I just made this mod!

This mod adds in a single thing, stamina!
I guess you know what this does already... but I'll explain it anyway :D

Basically, when your stamina gets too low, you start getting bad effects such as mining fatigue, slowness, hunger and weakness.

To be more specific, when your stamina gets a little bit under 50%, you get mining fatigue, when it gets a little bit under 25%, you get slowness and when it gets really close to 0% you get weakness and hunger.

Sprinting, sneaking, mining, swimming/climbing and jumping all reduce your stamina.
By the way, the more armor you have, the more stamina you'll lose by jumping, sprinting, sneaking and swimming/climbing ;D
How do you regenerate your stamina you ask? It's simple, you wait. When you're not sprinting or sneaking or anything that makes you lose stamina, you regenerate it!

As a warning, DON'T mine grass randomly. You'll destroy your stamina.

Known glitches :
-Spawning in gives you 0 stamina and all the bad effects that come with it.
-Effects might not disappear after they were supposed to. (temporary fix : try getting your stamina maxed then losing it all again to possibly fix this. If that doesn't work, then just exit your world and log back in again to try to fix it. If that doesn't work, then just try again until it works.)
-Sleeping doesn't regen stamina.
-Swinging your hand doesn't deplete your stamina.

Planned features :
-An overlay for when your stamina is low that makes the screen go blacker and blacker the less stamina you have. But since the overlay is currently broken, it won't be implemented until I figure out how to fix this.
-Upgrades to maximum stamina that can be unlocked with golden foods
-Bonus stamina that can be obtained through a special potion or special food.

Minecraft mod files
1.12.2staminamod1.0.0.jar Uploaded on: 10/14/2019 - 17:35   File size: 2.68 MB


-Added stamina bar

-Added stamina loss events

-Added stamina fatigue events