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Aromatic is a small mod that adds a number of neat cinnamon features.

Cinnamon Rainforest is an uncommon biome that is often adjacent to jungles, it is the biome where the cinnamon trees grow and caddles dwell.

Cinnamon Wood is a new yellow-coloured wood type which also has thin versions.

Cinnamon Bark can be obtained by stripping cinnamon logs and can be smelted to be used as an ingridient in foods.

Caddle is a scrunkly animal that lives in cinnamon forests, can be bred with cinnamon berries, and can be sheared to get cassia flowers.

Cassia is a mainly decorative flower that can be also smelted to be used to get anosmia.

Anosmia is a status effect that makes any food eaten give the same amount of hunger points during its duration.

Cinnamon Bundles can be used to stun any attacking arthropod.

Barkjam is a new music disc that can be obtained by stripping cinnamon logs.


Arabic (by ItsHamza

Belarusian (by Quixotic Critter

Breton (≥1.0.3) (by Quixotic Critter)

French (≥1.0.3) (by Lyof)

Hungarian (by Gyula

Spanish (≥1.0.1) (by DaricrahDev)

Ukrainian (by Quixotic Critter

Yiddish (by Quixotic Critter


GeckoLib is required to run this mod.

Minecraft mod files
Aromatic_1.20.1_1.0.0.jar - 1.0.0 Release Uploaded on: 06/22/2024 - 11:30   File size: 6.2 MB
Aromatic_1.20.1_1.0.1.jar - 1.0.1 Hotfix Uploaded on: 07/03/2024 - 18:00   File size: 6.28 MB
Aromatic_1.20.1_1.0.2.jar - 1.0.2 Hotfix Hotfix Uploaded on: 07/05/2024 - 20:20   File size: 6.28 MB
Aromatic_1.20.1_1.0.3_0.jar - 1.0.3 Hotfix Uploaded on: 09/20/2024 - 20:15   File size: 6.29 MB

1.0.3 Changelog

  • Cinnamon stems now grow back their bark as originally intended
  • Nerfed saturation values of some foods
  • Cinnamon tea doesn't anymore possess any hunger value
  • Cinnamon bark can now be smoked in a smoker
  • Cinnamon door and trapdoor are now craftable
  • Tweaked Belarusian translation
  • Added Belarusian Latin translation by Quixotic Critter
  • Added Breton translation by Quixotic Critter
  • Added French translation by Lyof


1.0.2 Changelog

  • Player has to actually stun an arthropod to get the "Sorry, I'm Bug-llergic!" advancement
  • Caddles only spawn in cinnamon forests
  • Tweaked Ukrainian and Belarusian localisations


1.0.1 Changelog

  • Tweaked the texture of cinnamon rolls
  • Barkjam music disc is now obtained by stripping cinnamon logs
  • Cinnamon saplings don't take minutes to grow
  • Reduced caddle speed
  • Added Spanish translation by DaricrahDev
  • Added custom sounds for caddles

Hello A Peace Of Pie Mods,

I hope this message finds you well. We are in the process of establishing a Mod Developing Studio and would like to extend an invitation for you to join our team. Having reviewed your work, particularly on Aromatic, we believe your skills align well with our vision and goals.

Our team is focused on collaborative development, where each member can contribute their expertise while benefiting from increased visibility. By joining us, you would not only be working with other skilled professionals but also gaining exposure through our established presence on platforms like CurseForge. This is a great opportunity for you to grow your own brand while contributing to exciting projects.

If you're interested in discussing this opportunity further, we would be happy to arrange a time to speak in more detail. We look forward to potentially working together. (Discord to communicate: gertet)

Best regards,
Jenkimods and Tenderestbee174