DragonCraft The Second Edition Beta

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Everyone this is the second installment in the DragonCraft Series. There is now a tutorial world that comes with the mod.

Discussion Thread

This mod is no longer supported and is a failed installment in the DragonCraft series of mods. DragonCraft 2 Reborn is the latest installment that is getting updated. DragonCraft 2 Reborn is technically the third mod in the series but it is the true successor to the original mod DragonCraft. Please go download DragonCraft 2 Reborn for 1.14.4 and 1.15.2 to continue to support me.





Minecraft mod files
DCTSEBR205.zip - Latest with a map Uploaded on: 04/17/2019 - 02:09   File size: 1.17 MB
DCTSEBR2052.jar - Latest Uploaded on: 05/05/2019 - 01:32   File size: 75.54 KB
DCTSEBR1122200_0.jar - Old Uploaded on: 04/17/2019 - 02:15   File size: 51.56 KB


Added: New Dragontite, Emerald Tools, Titanium Pickaxe.

Removed: Titanium Boxes. 

Changed: Dragontite is now called Draganium.