Upvotes: 1
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Cherry World Mod Alpha1
Based on the real-life sakura/cherry trees
Mod items:
- Cherries - food
- Cherry seeds - unfunctional at moment, in further it will can be placed how as block and it will grow into a cherry tree sapling.
- Cherry tree sapling - a simple flower at the moment, in further it will can grow into a cherry tree how as other saplings.
Mod blocks:
- Cherry tree log - a simple log, it has three variations: looking at north-south, east-west and up-down.
- Cherry planks - are planks, from cherry tree log. Are wood but haven't some characteristics: function as fuel, burn with fire or lava and craft wooden tools and items.
- Cherry plank slabs - top and bot slabs.
- Cherry crafting table - a useless crafting table only for decoration. In further it will funcion as a crafting table.
- Cherry tree leaves - sakura flowers.
- I know that in the images are missing the cherries and their seeds, other items in the mod... sorry :!
The mod is now abandoned. I like modding but I'm also not for it. I can't and it's like I don't want too.
Minecraft mod files
Cherry World b1.jar - First alpha 1!
Uploaded on: 11/05/2018 - 22:36 File size: 95.36 KB
Mod release!
This mod now has:
- Cherry trees - Logs (looking sides and top), pink leaves(cherry tree flowers without leaves) and sapling (useless at moment).
- Cherry tree wood blocks - Crafting table (useless at moment), planks and slabs (top and bot).
- Cherries (food) and cherry seeds (useless - in a further it will can be place as block and grow to a sapling).
Any bug you find, please tell me in the comments :)
You die? (in MCreator)