Celphone Mod 1.12.2 Release 1.3
► This mod is for people that likes smartphones. You can mine Bit Coins and minerals by right clicking with your cell phone in your hand. There are 7 smartphones, The challenge is to get them, from obtaining prismarine, iron, and redstone, to obtaining different plastics and electronic components, that will allow us to manufacture them.
- Do you think Minecraft is from the past?
- Yes
- Tired of jewelry and swords?
- Yes
- Do you want to try ... Celphones?
- Hum, yes!
This mod is for you.
In this new version, you can mine Bit Coins and minerals by right clicking with your cell phone in your hand. According to the cell phone you can mine Bit coins or more valuable or less valuable minerals.
Samsung Model 1: Can mine gold
Samsung Model 2: Can mine Diamond.
Samsung Model 3: Can mine
Moto Model 1: Can mine Bit Coins and Emerald.
Moto Model 2: Can mine Bit Coins.
Old phones can mine iron and redstone.
The Bit Coins will serve us to buy things in BitCoin Shop.
This message has been generated by a traductor, because the language of its creator is originally in Spanish. Therefore, it may contain errors.
V. Release 1.5
- Changed structure textures.
- Added 2 smartphones.
V. Release 1.4.5 (In development)
- Added BitCoin Shop. (BitCoin ShopStore system)
- Version Beta 1.3, 1.3.1 Desprecated!
This version may contain bugs.
V. Release 1.3
- Added Minning BitCoins (Right click on a celphone).
- Added Minning Minerals (Richt click on a celphone)
Added minning Gift Cards.GPU recipe will be changed in release.- Version Beta 1.2.1 Deprecated!
A procedures long job!
V. Pre-Release 2, Beta 1.4.5
- Added other two smartphones.
- Added capacitor block
(creative mode only). - Changed box texture.
- Changed price of box.
- Fixed (2) texture errors.
- GPU recipe will be changed in release.
Next version will probably be issued in a few days
V. Pre-Release 1, Beta 1.3.2
- Added capacitor block (creative mode only).
- Changed electronic textures.
Next version will probably be issued in a few days.
This mod was published from beta 1.2.1
There are 2 smartphones. There are 3 smartphones.- Changed 2 textures; GPU, Electronic Board.
Next version will probably be issued in a few days.
Este mod fue publicado desde la beta 1.2.1
Hay 2 smartphones. Hay 3 smartphones.- Se modificaron 2 texturas; GPU, Tablero Electrónico.
La próxima versión probablemente se publicará en unos pocos días.
V. Beta 1.3, 1.3.1
- Added 2 new Smartphones.
- Fixed capacitor's texture bug/error.
- Changed capacitor's recipe.
Next version will probably be issued in a few days.
V. Beta 1.3 y 1.3.1
- Añadidos 2 nuevos smartphones.
- Arreglado el error de la textura del capacitor.
- Cambiada la receta del capacitor.
La próxima versión probablemente se publicará en unos pocos días.
1.5 is finaly in the air!