
Published by 4cqker on
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Outposter adds new, sturdy building materials and a form of progression for the avid builder.

AS OF VERSION 1.1.9, This mod requires Quark as a dependency. Quark is one of the most popular content mods for Minecraft.
Furthermore, this mod has its Forge version compatibility unlocked, and can be run on any version from 2768 to the final 1.12.2 build.

There are 5 new Stone variants to build with:
Lordstone (Cream Tint)
Filestone (Green Tint)
Stockstone (Beige Tint)
Muckstone (Brown Tint)
Prepstone (Orange tint)

Each material is created with different combinations of materials + stockmelt, a catalyst.
you will encounter structures and Ruins made of Stockstone in your travels. My recommended way to play with this mod is to deconstruct ruins you don't need so you can expand the ones you do, and create a network of uniform outposts and interesting architecture throughout your world.

To make Stockmelt, build a Stock Melter with Cobblestock and Spruce Slabs arranged around a furnace. Right clicking on the Stock Melter with an appropriate material in hand will melt it in to something more rudimental. Cobblestock melts down to stockmelt, for example. The other recipes are secret! Experiment with it and leave suggestions as to what other recipes I could add.

Filestone is created with Leaves.
Prepstone can be found underground.
Muckstone is found in the Taiga.
Lordstone requires Diorite and Granite to make, and can't be found naturally.

Those are all the hints I'm giving out. If you want it to be easy, just use NEI or an equivalent, as I do. (It won't show you Stock Melter recipes though)

Minecraft mod files
Outposter-v1.4.4_1.jar - Outdated. (1.12.2) Uploaded on: 03/23/2020 - 13:13   File size: 652 KB
Outposter-v1.4.7.jar - Previous Stable Version. (MC 1.12.2) Uploaded on: 04/12/2020 - 01:59   File size: 702.67 KB
Outposter-v1.5.1.jar - Latest Stable Version. Download This. (MC 1.12.2) Uploaded on: 10/20/2020 - 12:46   File size: 981.06 KB

1.5.1 Super Structure update.

12 new structures, including modular towers and dungeons. Additional Stock melter recipes.

1.4.4 - Bug Fixing.

Important fixes, such as cleaned up smelting recipes.

1.4 - Polishing update.

Mod revisited. All structures polished and refined to spawn more naturally. Some textures changed to be more uniform. Five new structures.

1.2 - Public release.

Cornerstones added for Lordstone and Stockstone. Three new structures. Block of stock and Stock Ingots removed (redundant). Streamlined block placement styles. Lordstone Edgeplate added.

1.1.9 - Bug fixes.

Blazing Prepstone removed for now. Might add it back one day. Filestone Edgeplate now works as intended.

1.1.8 - First release.

Current Bugs - Blazing Prepstone really does not work right, and Filestone Edgeplate doesn't point in the direction it should when placed.

I will fix these in 1.1.9


Would love that without Quark dependency, I have already too many mods on both 1.12 and 1.15 to install so huge mod like Quark. But the textures look crazy good!

Let me know what you guys think of the spawn rates. On a Superflat world (I test the structure generation by flying around in a new creative) it seems a little too frequent, but in regular Survival worlds it seems fine

Does anyone have a problem with the Quark dependancy? The spruce trapdoors look great but they are the only thing making it, so if it's causing troubles for people I'll just replace them with fences or something.

Great mod to devorate your world or to make structures (though I guess that was obvious...)!
Adds in structures and pretty blocks! 10/10 for the textures :D