The NeoCraft Mod

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This mod is all about the NeoCraft community. The mod was made on 11/14/2019 at 10:02 PM. The NeoCraft server is owned by Gryffindor_Playz and is co-own by RealWinDogePlays (me).

Minecraft mod files
TheNeoCraftMod.jar Uploaded on: 11/15/2019 - 14:57   File size: 1.75 MB

11/14/2019 10:02 PM - The first version is added and it contains: a NeoCraft block, Gryffindor_Playz mob (he is rideable like a horse xD) and you can access every block and item in creative when you press e you will see a tab with a block that has the NeoCraft logo.

BTW Gryffindor_Playz drops the NeoCraft block but it's very rare to drop.

But he usually drops a stick.

(Because he has a harry potter skin and harry is a wizard)



11/15/2019 3:57 PM - Added a new mob RealWinDogePlays, added an achievement (but the achievement is broken but it will get fixed by the next mod version.

Nice :)
Some screneshiots would be great though, and it'd also be good if you could explain what it adds in the description.