Lucky World

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Welcome to Lucky World, a mod designed to make your world feel... luckier. Let's dive in!


Four Leaf Clovers

Four leaf clovers are new plants found in game. There is 1 lucky variant, that drops 2 gold ingots, and there are 3 unlucky variants which explode, drop dead bushes, and set you on fire for 15 seconds.


Lucky Charms

There are 6 types of lucky charms in the mod so far, speed, jump boost, luck, regeneration, resistance, and slow falling.  Each give you the effect for about 5 seconds when you right click the air. They stack up to 16 and 1 gets removed from your inventory when you activate the lucky charm. These are good for when you are about to die from a horde of mobs and you need a little speed boost, or when you need just a little extra luck in desert temples, or when you need to clear just 1 more block when you're climbing a mountain, or when you are at 1 heart and you need more hearts, or if you need a little resistance for anything, or if you are about to die from fall damage and you need some slow falling.


Ancient Lucky Carvings

These half rare-half common carvings emit light and produce particles, making them easier to find in dark caves. There are about 50 of them per chunk. They are carved to look like a coin. When you mine it, you will get a lucky coin.


Lucky Coins and The Gold Dimension

The lucky coins are VERY lucky! It is the key to the gold dimension. What is the gold dimension you ask? Well, to get to the gold dimension you will need a lucky coin and you will need a portal frame made out of gold. Once you light the portal and go into the portal, in front of you is a beautiful sight. Giant mountains 100+ blocks tall made out of gold, trees made out of gold, EVERYTHING IS GOLD!!! Not only is it an amusing sight to behold, you now have an infinite amount of gold!


The Rainbow Biome

This dazzling spectacle is like the gold dimension, but more colorful. This is a rare biome, so consider yourself lucky if you find it. It has a red sky, orange grass, yellow water, green stems on trees, blue leaves on trees, and magenta concrete as fruits on the trees, too


Lucky Rabbit's Foot

This item is the luckiest rabbit's foot you will ever find! It gives you Luck IV when held, so hold it if you want to be lucky!


Potion Of Luck

This lucky potion is like an upgraded version of a Lucky Lucky Charm. Once you drink it, you get luck for about 30 seconds.



What will you wish? Right click in the air with a wishbone and you will get the luck effect, but it takes away the wishbone to signify that you "broke" it.



This item acts like a Lucky Rabbit's Foot. As long as you hold it, you get the luck effect. Neat!


Q and A


I have a great suggestion for this mod!

Type it in the comments below! I love suggestions!


There is a bug in this mod!

Type it in the comments below


Why is this mod so small?

Don't worry, I'll be updating this often


How do I install this mod?

Well.. Here's how I would do it.

Step 1: Download the mod and copy it to your desktop

Step 2: Open Forge (It has to be version 28.1.106 exactly)

Step 3: Go to "Mods" and click Open Mods Folder

Step 4: Copy and paste LuckyWorld.jar or any version of Lucky World that you have into your mods folder

Step 5: Restart Forge and check "Mods". It should be there.. Have fun!


Thank you so much for taking time to look at my mod! I hope you like it and I hope you have a lucky day!

Minecraft mod files
LuckyWorld.jar - Version 1.0.0 Uploaded on: 12/29/2019 - 20:35   File size: 109.89 KB
LuckyWorld1.0.1_0.jar - Version 1.0.1 Uploaded on: 12/29/2019 - 22:27   File size: 120.32 KB
LuckyWorld1.1.0.jar - Version 1.1.0 Uploaded on: 12/30/2019 - 16:35   File size: 137.02 KB
LuckyWorld1.1.1.jar - Version 1.1.1 Uploaded on: 12/31/2019 - 20:14   File size: 150.79 KB


Added Regeneration and Resistance Lucky Charms



Added Rainbow Biome, Slow Falling Lucky Charm, and Lucky Rabbit's Foot



Added Potion of Luck, Wishbone, and the Horseshoe