Quick Commands

Published by xSnowyx on
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Quick Commands adds shorter versions of vital creative/map-making commands, such as gamemodes. 


/c - quick-jump to Creative Mode
/s - quick-jump to Survival Mode
/a - quick-jump to Adventure Mode
/spec - quick-jump to Creative Mode
/heal - a classic, fully heals you
/feed - a classic, fully fills your hunger bar
/strike - summons a bolt of lightning where executed


Now, it sounds stupid, but I think some of these would be very useful for map-making. And, once you're done, you can remove the mod and share the map! Just be sure to replace command blocks that use the modded commands with ones that use Vanilla commands. (i.e. /c to /gamemode creative)

Minecraft mod files
QuickCommands_1.14.4_1.0.jar Uploaded on: 01/01/2020 - 16:30   File size: 43.35 KB

Nothing much'll go here unless I find commands I can add.