PM Badges

Published by WiffPlays on
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The PM Badges Mod adds the Badges from the N64 game "Paper Mario" into Minecraft.

How to obtain badges

The most common way to get a badge is to find them in Badge Blocks.

Breaking them with an iron pickaxe or higher reveals a badge.

Another way to obtain badges is to craft a Badge Block with 4 badges in a 2x2 square.

Every badge got a rarity assigned to it. These rarites are: Common, Rare, Epic and Legendary.

The higher the rarity, the harder they are to obtain from a Badge Block.

Special Badges can't be gotten from Badge Blocks. They can be aquired in a different way.

Badge List

Common Badges

Attack FX A: Makes the sound of a sheep.

Attack FX B: Makes the sound of a cat.

Attack FX C: Makes the sound of a spider.

Attack FX D: Makes the sound of an enderman.

Attack FX E: Makes the sound of an explosion.

Attack FX F: Makes the sound of a phantom.

Deep Focus: Right-Click this badge to get Haste for 30 seconds.

Double Dip: Acts like a backpack. Has 16 slots.

Group Focus: Right-Click with this badge on any entity to give them Haste for 1 minute.

Hammer Throw: A Hammer that can be thrown or used as a melee weapon.

I Spy: Right-Click with this badge to get Invisibility for 30 seconds. Has a 1 minute cooldown.

Slow Go: Gives you Slowness II.

W. Jump Charge: Right-Click to get Jump Boost for 5 seconds.

W. Smash Charge: Right-Click to get Strength for 5 seconds.

Rare Badges

All or Nothing: Right-Click this badge to either get Strength II or Weakness II for 10 seconds.

Auto Smash: Entities you hit will sometimes receive bonus damage.

Close Call: You sometimes get Resistance II when you are below half your hearts.

D-Down Pound: Used as a melee weapon. When you hit a entity with it, it gets Slowness for 10 seconds.

Damage Dodge: You get Resistance when you hold this badge in your hand.

Deeper Focus: Right-Click this badge to get Haste II for 1 minute.

Dizzy Stomp: Hold this badge in your off-hand to give every entity you hit Slowness and Weakness for 10 seconds.

Flower Saver: Tools sometimes get repaired by 1 on usage.

Happy Flower: You sometimes get Saturation.

Happy Heart: You sometimes get Regeneration.

HP Drain: Gives you Regeneration and Weakness.

Initiation: Get some extra XP when killing entities when this badge is in your hand.

Jump Charge: Right-Click to get Jump Boost for 10 seconds.

Last Stand: You get Resistance for 10 seconds when you get attacked.

Multibounce: Gives your Quake Hammers +1 range if this badge is in the off-hand.

P-Down, D-Up: Gives you Resistance and Weakness.

P-Up, D-Down: Gives you Strength and Hunger.

Peekaboo: Right-Click to give the Glowing effect to every entity in a 40 block radius for 5 seconds.

Power Jump: You get Strength if you have this badge in your off-hand while using Power Smash.

Power Rush: You get Strength II when you are below half your hearts.

Power Smash: Used as a melee weapon. Deals 8 Damage.

Quake Hammer: Used as a melee weapon. Deals 4 Damage and attacks enemies in a 3 block radius.

Quake Jump: Attack entities in a 3 block radius when this badge is in your off-hand.

Runaway Pay: You get Speed for 10 seconds when you get attacked.

Shrink Smash: Entities you hit will receive Weakness II.

Smash Charge: Right-Click to get Strength for 10 seconds.

Spin Smash: Entities you hit will recieve Slowness II for 10 seconds.

Triple Dip: Acts like a backpack. Has 24 slots.

Epic Badges

Auto Jump: Entities you hit will sometimes receive bonus damage when this badge is in your off-hand.

Bagōn Jump: You get Strength II if you have this badge in your off-hand while using Bagōn Smash.

Bagōn Smash: Used as a melee weapon. Deals 10 Damage.

Chill Out: Entities in a 3 block radius will recieve Weakness.

D-Down Jump: Hold this badge in your off-hand to remove potion effects from the ones you attack.

Dizzy Attack: Gives every entity you hit Slowness and Weakness for 10 seconds when this badge is in the hotbar.

Dodge Master: Gives you Resistance.

Feeling Fine: Removes all Potion Effects when right-clicked.

Fire Shield: Gives you Fire Resistance.

First Attack: Kill entities in one hit if their max health is 10 or lower.

Flower Fanatic: Tools sometimes get repaired by 2 on usage. Not compatible with Flower Saver.

Flower Finder: You get Saturation when you kill a entity.

Healthy Healthy: Automatically removes every potion effect.

Heart Finder: You get Regeneration when you kill a entity.

Ice Power: Right-Click to freeze every ground entity in a 10 block radius for 10 seconds.

Mega HP Drain: Gives you Regeneration II and Weakness II.

Mega Rush: You get Strength V when you have 1 Heart or less left.

Money Money: You get a Gold Ingot when you kill a entity.

Pay-Off: You get Gold Nuggets when you get attacked.

Power Bounce: Hold this badge in the off-hand to get Strength if paired with any Hammer Badge.

Power Quake: Used as a melee weapon. Deals 5 Damage and attacks enemies in a 4 block radius.

Pretty Lucky: You sometimes get Resistance III.

Quick Change: Changes your spawnpoint in the Overworld.

Refund: You get Iron Nuggets when you get attacked.

S. Jump Charge: Right-Click to get Jump Boost II for 20 seconds.

S. Smash Charge: Right-Click to get Strength II for 20 seconds.

Shrink Stomp: Hold this badge in your off-hand and every entity you attack will get Weakness II.

Sleep Stomp: Hold this badge in the off-hand and every entity you attack will get Blindness and Nausea with a 25% chance.

Speedy Spin: Gives you Speed II when in the hotbar.

Spike Shield: Entities that attack you will recieve Poison II for 30 seconds.

Spin Attack: Gives every entity you hit Slowness II for 10 seconds when in the hotbar.

Super Multibounce: Gives your Quake Hammers +2 range if this badge is in the off-hand.

Zap Tap: Entities that attack you will hurt themselves by 4 damage.

Legendary Badges

Anger's Power: You get Speed II and Strength II when attacking an entity.

Bump Attack: Kill entities in one hit if their max health is 20 or lower.

Crazy Heart: You sometimes get Regeneration III.

Defend Plus: Gives you Resistance II.

FP Plus: Gives you Saturation for 30 seconds when you right-click with this badge.

HP Plus: Gives you Health Boost II for 2 minutes when you right-click with this badge.

Lucky Day: You sometimes get Resistance IV.

Mega Jump: You get Strength III if you have this badge in your off-hand and the Mega Smash in your main hand.

Mega Quake: Used as a melee weapon. Deals 6 Damage and attacks enemies in a 5 block radius.

Mega Smash: Used as a melee weapon. Deals 12 Damage.

Power Plus: Gives you Strength II.

Special Badges

Right On!: Gives you several buffs when right-clicked.


CurseForge: PM Badges

Minecraft mod files
PMBadges_NeoForge_1.21.1_1.1.1.jar - Version 1.1.1 (NeoForge 1.21.1) Uploaded on: 01/14/2025 - 15:28   File size: 544.01 KB
PMBadges_1.19.4_1.1.0.jar - Version 1.1.0 (1.19.4) Uploaded on: 02/04/2024 - 14:39   File size: 594.4 KB
PMBadges_1.16.5_1.0.0.jar - Version 1.0.0 (1.16.5) Uploaded on: 01/19/2024 - 21:15   File size: 706.55 KB
PMBadges_1.16.5_0.9.0.jar - Version 0.9.0 (1.16.5) Uploaded on: 11/24/2023 - 14:53   File size: 696.33 KB

Update 1.1.1 Changelog:

  • Updated the mod to NeoForge 1.21.1
  • Badge Blocks no longer spawn over liquids
  • Small tweaks


Update 1.1.0 Changelog:

  • Updated to 1.19.4
  • Added 18 new badges:
    • W. Smash Charge
    • W. Jump Charge
    • Anger's Power
    • Right On!
    • Auto Jump
    • Auto Smash
    • Crazy Heart
    • Mega HP Drain
    • Super Multibounce
    • Flower Fanatic
    • Bagōn Jump
    • Bagōn Smash
    • Deeper Focus
    • Shrink Smash
    • Initiation
    • Quake Jump
    • Attack FX F
    • Healthy Healthy
  • Increased the durability of all Hammer Badges
  • Added new damage types for:
    • All three Quake Hammers
    • Zap Tap
    • First Attack & Bump Attack
    • Auto Jump & Auto Smash
  • Badge Blocks can now also spawn in The Twilight Forest and The Aether
  • Added Advancements for the new badges
  • Fixed Quake Hammers deleting items on the ground when hitting an entity near them
  • Renamed some pre-existing Advancements
  • Minor tweaks and fixes


Update 1.0.0 Changelog:

  • Added the functionality of: Bump Attack, Chill Out, First Attack, Quick Change
  • Buffed HP Plus.
  • Minor tweaks


Update 0.9.0 Changelog:

  • Added the functionality of: Deep Focus, Group Focus, Dizzy Attack, Dizzy Stomp, Dodge Master, Flower Saver, Multibounce, Power Bounce, Sleep Stomp, Spike Shield
  • Every badge now has a rarity.
  • Remade the All or Nothing badge.
  • Spin Attack and Spin Smash got nerfed: Weakness II only lasts 10 seconds instead of 20.
  • All Attack FX badges and Feeling Fine got a small cooldown.
  • Removed the badge blocks spawning all the way in the sky.
  • Removed badge block GUI: You now have to break the block to get a badge.
  • Added a loot table for the Badge Block.
  • Added a recipe for the Badge Block.
  • Remade the advancement tree.
  • Added sounds to some badges.
  • Buffed Zap Tap by increasing its damage to 4.
  • Close Call,  Pretty Lucky and Lucky Day now give longer effects.
  • Power Rush and Close Call now activate when below half your hearts and not 5.
  • Fixed some bugs related to badges.
  • Minor tweaks


Update 0.8.1 Changelog:

  • Updated the Mod to 1.16.5.


Update 0.8.0 Changelog:

  • Added the functionality to these badges: Flower Finder, Hammer Throw, Heart Finder, Mega Rush, Money Money, Power Rush, Spin Attack, Spin Smash, Zap Tap.
  • Following badges have also been changed: All or Nothing, Close Call, D-Down Jump, D-Down Pound, FP Plus, Happy Flower, Lucky Day, Pretty Lucky


Update 0.7.1 Changelog:

  • Updated the Mod to 1.15.2.


Update 0.7.0 Changelog:

  • Added the functionality of these badges: D-Down Jump, Ice Power, Mega Jump, Mega Quake, Peekaboo, Power Jump, Power Quake, Quake Hammer, Shrink Stomp.


Update 0.6.0 Changelog:

  • Added the functionality of these badges: Close Call, Double Dip, Happy Flower, Happy Heart, I Spy, Lucky Day, Pretty Lucky, Refund, Triple Dip.
  • Made some Badge Blocks more rare and more common.


Update 0.5.0 Changelog:

  • Added Advancements
  • Added the functionality of these badges: All or Nothing, Feeling Fine, FP Plus, HP Drain, HP Plus, S. Jump Charge, S. Smash Charge.


Update 0.4.0 Changelog:

  • Added the functionality of these badges: Damage Dodge, Last Stand, Jump Charge, "P-Down, D-Up", "P-Up, D-Down", Smash Charge.


Update 0.3.0 Changelog:

  • Added the functionality of these badges: D-Down Pound, Pay-Off, Power Plus, Runaway Pay, Speedy Spin.
  • Made some badges more rare.


Update 0.2.0 Changelog:

  • Added the functionality of these badges: Attack FX A, Attack FX B, Attack FX C, Attack FX D, Attack FX E, Defend Plus, Fire Shield, Slow Go.
  • Added the Badge Block, which generates in the sky and always has one badge inside of it.

The mod has great ideas and i like them but the way to get the badges is very weird and a way of helping this could be a craft to give the player a random badge like a crafting recipie for the badge block but outside of that keep up the good work

Hello! I've been thinking about making a mod similar to this for a very long time, but in a fashion that is more faithful to the original game. With elements such as badges having a separate equip menu, and needing BP, which can be upgraded as you level up, to equip. So I was wondering if you'd be willing to make an overhaul of this mod with my ideas. No pressure to accept of course, but I feel like I could use your experience in MCreator in order to make my dream mod a reality.