Update 1.0 is out! Go check it out!
This Minecraft mod is all about mineral named Amethyst. This mineral have purple color so because of my older mods I used Amethyst. This mod isnt't like others! This add way more things than other mods that are about Amethyst. You will have many adventures in the world where you can find stunning biomes and dungeons. Of course, you can have your own Amethyst armor and tool set, however crafting is more difficult. I thought that just going to mine some ore was too easy, so I added Crusher. Well, that wasn't enough, because how do we merge them? Yes, then I added Merger. These are the two machines that are now in game, however they don't need any energy input. Also, there is a dimension. To get to this dimension you will have to get some Blocks of Amethyst to make a Dimensional Transporter. In this dimension, you will find there many beautiful trees. It's really cold in this dimension, so get some jacket to not freeze like trees that are there. Simply put, this mod is about beauty of Amethyst and I tried to put it all in this simple mod!
- April 6th, 2020
- Mod has been for the first time uploaded on MCreator
- April 10th, 2020
- Created forum for Ideas & Bugs
- April 24th, 2020
The Amethyst Mod got MOTW. This is my absolutely first MOTW ever. I want to thank to everyone who clicked on the download button and tried this mod so far, and even more to these people who even upvoted this mod. Thank you for your support and feedback. Thank you so much everyone, it means a lot for me. I'm planning to continue making this mod even better!
- April 25th, 2020
- Mod has been for the first time uploaded on CurseForge with the same name The Amethyst World
- YouTuber named Gaansy uploaded his Cinematic Mod Showcase on YouTube
- June 10th, 2020
- All of the contents from informations and crafting recipes has been moved to the official website
- Changed style of MCreator mod website
- June 11th, 2020
- Changed style of CurseForge mod website
- Changed style of forum for Ideas & Bugs
- June 16th, 2020
- French YouTuber named Didactox uploaded his Mod Review on YouTube
- Cinematic Mod Showcase by Gaansy
- French Mod Review by Didactox
- All Blocks and Items
- Cobblestone Casing, Crusher and Merger
- Amethyst forest at morning
- Amethyst Forest while snowing
- Frozen Forest at morning
- Frozen Forest while snowing
Logo designed by Freepik
Version 1.0
- complete "rewrite" of the code
- complete retexture of the mod
- many things renamed
- fixed tree generation
- updated many recipes
- added frozen and amethyst fence gates
- removed icy and snowy zombie
- removed icy and snowy skeleton
Version 1.0 - Pre-release
- added Amethyst Slab
- added Amethyst Stairs
- added Amethyst Fence
- added Frozen Slab
- added Frozen Stairs
- added Frozen Fence
- added recipes to all above
- removed Amethyst Portal
- added Amethyst Book
- added Amethyst Book Recipe
- added Dimensional Transporter spawned by Amethyst Book
- added Stripped Amethyst Wood
- added Stripped Frozen Wood
- added Stripped Amethyst Wood Recipe
- added Stripped Frozen Wood Recipe
- added new Amethyst Planks Recipe
- added new Frozen Planks Recipe
- added Frozen Stick
- added Frozen Stick Recipe
- added Frozen Vine
- added Icicle
- added Small Icicle
- added Icy Zombie
- added Snowy Zombie
- added Icy Skeleton
- added Frozen Golem
- added Ruin Merger (not working)
- added Frozen Dungeon in Frozen Biome
Version 0.9
- fixed luminance on Frozen Sapling
- fixed Block of Amethyst, now it's translucent
- improved Amethyst Recipe
- added Snowy Bush
- changed texture in inventory on Amethyst and Frozen Sapling
- changed texture in inventory on Icy and Snowy Grass
- added Amethyst Berries
- added Amethyst Berries Seeds
- added Amethyst Berries Recipe
- added Stripped Amethyst Log
- added Stripped Frozen Log
- fixed Amethyst and Frozen Sapling, now can be only placed on Dirt blocks and Snow
- fixed Icy and Snowy Grass, now can be only placed on Dirt blocks and Snow
Version 0.8.5
- fixed Frozen Sapling not growing up
Version 0.8
- updated to Minecraft 1.15.2
- changed Amethyst Trees
- changed Frozen Trees
- changed Hammer name to Iron Hammer
- changed IDs of (almost) all blocks and items
- changed Crusher particles
- changed Merger particles
- changed Crusher Recipe
- changed Merger Recipe
- added Frozen Wood
- added Frozen Wood Recipe
- added Amethyst Wood
- added Amethyst Wood Recipe
- added Decaying leaves
- changed way of how Amethyst and Frozen Saplings grow
- added Amethyst Dimension
- changed Amethyst and Frozen Sapling Hitbox
- changed Icy and Snowy Grass Hitbox
- changed texture of Polished Amethyst
- Amethyst and Frozen Saplings now drop from leaves
- changed sound of Frozen Sapling
- removed Broken Portal Structure (for now)
Version 0.7.5
- changed Merger Model, now it's in 3D
Version 0.7
- changed Crusher Model, now it's in 3D
- added Cobblestone Casing
- changed Crusher Recipe
- changed Merger Recipe
Version 0.6.5
- added Sandpaper recipe
- fixed Merger and Crusher GUI
Version 0.6
- changed lenght of time of Amethyst Sapling to grow
- changed particles when you Bone Meal Amethyst Sapling
- added The Frozen Forest (it don't generate yet)
- added Frozen Leaves
- added Frozen Log
- added Frozen Sapling
- added Snowy Grass
- added Icy Grass
- added Sandpaper
- added Polished Amethyst
- added Polished Amethyst Recipe
- added Broken Portal Structure
Version 0.5
- changed Crusher Recipe
- added Merger Recipe
- added Diamond Hammer Recipe
- added Amethyst Log
- added Amethyst Leaves
- added Amethyst Planks
- added Amethyst Planks Recipe
- added Amethyst Biome
- added Amethyst Sapling
Version 0.4
- changed Crusher Recipe
- added Diamond Hammer
- there is no crafting for these yet but they work
- added Merger
- added Glass Dust and Dusts
- added Glass Dust and Dusts recipes
- added Stone Dusts
- added Stone Dusts recipe
Version 0.3
- added Crusher
- added Hammer
- added Crusher Recipe
- added Hammer Recipe
- added Crusher Advancement
- added Hammer Advancement
Version 0.2
- added Amethyst Block recipe
- added Amethyst Tab
- added Amethyst Armor (Helmet, Chestplate, Leggins and Boots)
- added Amethyst Armor recipes
- added Amethyst Stick (have no recipe yet)
- added Amethyst Tools (Sword, Pickaxe, Axe, Shovel and Hoe)
- added Amethyst Tools recipes
- added Amethyst Advancement after finding Amethyst Dust
Version 0.1
- mod first time posted
- added Amethyst
- added Amethyst Ore
- added Block of Amethyst
- added Stone Dust
- Amethyst Ore drops 1 Stone Dust and 1-2 Amethyst Dusts
- you can't make Amethyst right now
If you added a structure that would be amazing just a suggestion.