Industrial Creator 2

Published by Dreeperte on
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This mod is my biggest project, there are more than 500 mod elements :) -->Please install JEI to see the craft 

This is a FTB like mod where you will have cables, energy, generators, machines.

Tutorial for the mod (in french) :

Blocks in the mod :

--Cables / buffer--

-Cables transfer up to 8 energy /tick

-High cables transfer up to 32 energy /tick

-Ultra high cables transfer up to 64 energy /tick

-Buffer : can store 4000 energy

-High buffer : can store 8000 energy

-Ultra high buffer : can store 16000 energy

--Automation block--

-Conveyor belt

-Sorter (ouput item from nearest inventory)


-Solar panel

-Advanced solar panel

-Furnace generator

-Bio generator

-Wind generator

-Nuclear reactor

-Creative energy block (creative only)


-Electric furnace : smelt items (use energy)

-Crusher : crush ores into 2 dust, that can be turn into ingots. (use energy)

-Auto cutter : cut ingots into wire (use energy)

-Auto hammer : transform ingot into plates (use energy)

-Auto treetap : harvest resin from tree (use energy)

-Block breaker : breake block (use energy)

-Block placer : place block (use energy)

-Extractor : extract 3 rubber from a resin (use energy)

-Circuit infuser : infuse circuit into advanced circuit  (use energy and redstone)

-Blast furnace : make steel with coal powder and iron powder (use energy and redstone)

-Recycler : recycle items into scrap that can be use to make lootbox or fuel.(use energy)

-Compressor : can compress various items to make special material (use energy)

-Packager : transform item into there compressed version (ex : 9 iron ingots into 1 iron block) (use energy)

-Cobblestone extractor : transform compressed cobblestone into ores. (use energy)

-Uranium refinery : when there are refinery stabilizer at the top and at  the bottom of the block it can turn uranium into uranium rod (use energy)

-Charger : charge items / battery (use energy)

--Electric items--



-Nano saber

-Battery (2000 energy)

-High battery (4000 energy)

-Ultra high battery (8000 energy)

-Carbonite Armor

--Nuclear equipement / items--

-Azmat suit 

-Uranium rod (deal damage if the azmat suit is not equiped) (100 durability)

-Double uranium rod (deal damage if the azmat suit is not equiped) (200 durability)

-Quadruple uranium rod (deal damage if the azmat suit is not equiped) (400 durability)

-Iron plating (use to stabilize the reactor (100 durability))

-Copper plating (use to stabilize the reactor (200 durability))

-Steel plating (use to stabilize the reactor (400 durability))

-Diamond plating (use to stabilize the reactor (800 durability))


-Copper ore

-Uranium ore

-Iridia ore

-Iriadia powder

-Copper / iron / diamond / steel plating

-Copper / iron / diamond / steel wire

-Tree tap

-Steel equipement

-Loot box



-Rubber sapling

-Iron / gold / copper / coal powder

-Basic machine frame

-Advanced machines fram

-Basic / advanced solar cell

-Basic / advanced circuit



Minecraft mod files
Industrial Creator 2 (v1.4).jar Uploaded on: 06/21/2020 - 20:12   File size: 3.09 MB

V1.1 (update)

-Handles machines rotation

V1.2 (update)

-Added mining laser

-Added energy reader

-Added MM Fabricator

-Added MM Duplicator

-Added MM Scanner

V1.3 (update)

-Added crop breeding system please watch this video :

-Added crop analyzer

-Added water collector (need water to fill up the can)

-Added Dirt fertilizer

-Added iron can

-Added crop harvester (work with crop stick)

-Nuclear energy is 2x more efficient.

V1.4 (update)

-Added cement factory

-Added cement sprayer

-Added reinforced stone

-Added Wood / Iron frame

-Added iridia frame / Iridia energy port / Iridia furnace

-Added Crystalia Armor

-Added Storage manager

-Added Storage block

-Added steam generator (need iron can fill with water, and lava to work)

-Added manual generator (generate energy on player right click)



Hello cool mod but can you do a converter block to FE
And can you please REMOVE STEEL ORE because there is no steel ore in rl

Hello! I really liked your mod! There is only a question, will you change the textures or is this the final version?

Can you please upload this on CurseForge? I am including this mod in my modpack.

Nice Mod :D
If you want, you can send me all forge that's that you are using so that I can add them to my list for other people to use :D