
Published by SuperNolax on
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Pebble! Is A Mod That Adds Pebbles To Minecraft, Changes Ore Loot Tables To Drop Its Pebble Kind When Broken, As Well As Giving Copper Ore And Its Deepslate Variant Their 1.18 Raw Copper Drops!

Made By SuperNolax


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Check Out Raw Debris


Other Official Downloads: CurseForge: Pebble! Cu

rseforge Download. Planet Minecraft: Pebble! Planet Minecraft Download.

Made With MCreator

Minecraft mod files
Pebble-1.17.1v1.0.2.jar - Look At Changelog. Uploaded on: 02/05/2022 - 17:26   File size: 137.87 KB
Pebble-1.17.1v1.0.1.jar - Look At Changelog. Uploaded on: 01/13/2022 - 22:53   File size: 119.97 KB
Pebble-1.17.1v1.0.0.jar - First Release Uploaded on: 01/09/2022 - 22:42   File size: 102.92 KB

V1.0.0 Changelog:


Pebble Released To Public

V1.0.1 Changelog:


Dripstone And Calsite Pebbles Added

V1.0.2 Changelog:


Added Deepslate, Obsidian And Crying Obsidian Flakes, As Well As Endstone And Magma Pebbles! Use Just Enough Items For This Version.