Glacial Mod

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In development
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Can you imagine a reality in which there was a snowstorm so powerful that everything became snowy? Well this is the Glacial mod. You will be able to explore an alternative world to the Overworld, discover new entities, new blocks, even new commands! At the moment it brings two dimensions, the Glacial and the true end, to enter that dimension you will have to make the structure of a portal to the Nether but you turn it on with what you will see when you play it. Good luck and enjoy!!                                                                              


  Updates: Glacial 1.1.3

- Now you can craft sticks with snowy planks

- Now you can craft wooden tools with snowy planks

- Fixed Hail Boots Crafting

- Changed way to get hail

Minecraft mod files
glacialmod1.1.3.jar Uploaded on: 01/17/2022 - 15:50   File size: 578.02 KB