Upvotes: 2
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NOTICE: Biocube is being completely overhauled in 1.18 and the mod will be almost completely different.
Biocube adds 19 new biomes to the overworld. They aim to give players more places to explore, and this mod also works fine with BOP. It does not contain any features that are already in that mod, so that it can be used together.
Go check out my other mod (that is not discontinued), Precious Gemstones!
Minecraft mod files
biocubev1.4.0.jar - 1.17.1
Uploaded on: 04/16/2022 - 18:08 File size: 633.43 KB
biocubev1.5.0.jar - 1.17.1
Uploaded on: 04/22/2022 - 02:05 File size: 4.15 MB
biocubev1.6.0.jar - 1.17.1
Uploaded on: 04/23/2022 - 18:57 File size: 4.23 MB
- Mod release
1.1.0 - Diversity Update
- Added crafting recipes for marble blocks and flowers.
- Added 3 new biomes, Dry Plains, Dense Forest and Sparse Forest.
- Added Dry Grass. Spawns in Savannas and Dry Plains.
- Added Aqua Wildflower. Spawns in Flower Plains and Bamboo Flower Plains.
- Added Flamite Ore which spawns in the nether. It can be used as a fuel and lasts longer than coal and is very abundant.
- Removed Forest Bushes.
1.2.0 - Blossoming Update
- Renamed Aqua Wildflower to Light Blue Wildflowers.
- Renamed Carnations to Pink Wildflowers.
- Changed Flamite Ore texture.
- Changed Light Blue Wildflowers texture.
- Changed Pink Wildflowers texture.
- Changed Stargazer Lily texture.
- Changed Rye item texture.
- Changed grass and foliage colors of Flowering Plains and Bamboo Flowering Plains.
- Added Supersmelter achievement.
- Added Pink Flowering Plains, a varient of the Flowering Plains.
- Added red, orange, yellow, blue, purple, magenta, white, and gray wildflowers.
1.3.0 - Deep Update
- Added Tourmaline, Onyx and Diamond Geodes.
- Added Tourmaline, Onyx and Diamond crystals and crystal blocks.
- Added Tourmaline and Onyx shards.
- Added Uranium Ore.
- Added Deepslate Uranium Ore.
- Added Uranium Dust.
- Added Uranium Ingot.
- Added Nuclear Bomb.
1.4.0 - Dogwood Update
- Removed Diamond Geodes as they are too overpowered.
- Added Endshrooms.
- Added White Mushrooms.
- Added Puffball Mushrooms
- Added more achievements.
- Wildflowers can now be crafted into dye.
- Added Dogwood.
- Added Snapdragons.
- Added Snowball Merigolds
- Added Daisy Fields biome.
- Added Daisy Forest biome.
- Uranium Ore is now slightly rarer.
- Uranium Ore does not glow anymore.
1.5.0 - Chonky Update
- Removed most wildflower colors.
- Changed many textures.
- Changed many biomes.
- Added Roses (Blue, White, Pink, Rainbow).
- Added Hyacinths (Blue, Yellow, Purple).
- Added Orchids (Yellow, Red, Purple)
- Added Bluebells.
- Added Shineblooms.
- Added Butterfly Bushes.
- Added
- Added Yucca.
- Added Aloe Vera. Can be broken and used to give fragrance status effect which temporarily provides immunity to nausea, wither and poison.
- Added Rainbow Wool.
- Added Pink Sand.
- Added Fossil Sand.
- Added Rainbow Dye.
- Added Omega music disc.
- Added Acacia Jungle biome.
- Added Poplar Swamp biome.
- Added Hemlock Forest biome.
- Added Mountainous Hemlock Forest biome.
- Added Fragrance effect.
- Added new advancements.
1.6.0 - Sacred Sands Update
- Added Fairy Grass.
- Added Flowering Grass Block.
- Added Overgrown Red Sand.
- Added Blue Sand.
- Added Green Sand.
- Added Outback biome.
- Added Forested Outback biome.
- Added Arid Shrubland biome.
why is the forest on fire?