Battle for Dream Island

Published by Stapy_BFDI on
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Welcome to the world of Battle for Dream Island! All your favorite characters from BFDI will be in your world so go meet them all!


This mod features ALL 67 contestants, 4 hosts, 4 dimensions, and 3 challenges from hosts!



A limbless contestant that wonders around your world. Entirely useless, He only drops himself which literally has no use.


Balloony has a low amount of hitpoints. He's also useless as he drops NOTHING

Barf Bag

Barf Bag drops Vomit which you can throw at things.


She normally spawns like most contestants do. She also appears in the Hotel


Her string is too high. Kill her to get some of her string! (Which turns white...)

Black Hole

Black Hole flies around and is almost UNKILLABLE! He can suck things up that get way too close to him so don't try to start a fight with him!


Neutral entity, He loves to kill Bubble for fun.


He explodes when you kill him so if you want to kill him, You must use ranged attacks on him. I guess you can use him to mine I guess...


Drops a regular book when killed


She is fragile and will drop Glass Bottles when killed


She is the contestant that appears if your in an unlucky spawn. Loves Ice related things and will chase you if you hold one. Drops her Ice Cube signs which you can craft a Block of Bracelety's Sign


She drops Yoyleberries when killed, She pops once you touch her. Runs away from Blocky. Spawns with you at the start of the world.


Use him as an emergency food source


Drops himself (but gold) when killed. Making annoying ticking sounds


Use him as a storage that will fly around the world. He can carry up to 9 items!


Drops Win Tokens when killed, Very useful


Neutral Mob, He only appears in Davidland. Hit him and he will get SERIOUSLY MAD! He hates Dora and will fight to the death


Use him as an emergency food source. You can also steal his diary and read it! (Thanks to the BFDI Wiki for the entries!)


She hates David and will fight him to the death. She likes eating blocks


Drops an egg when killed.


Drops himself when killed. Use him to erase blocks without a tool! He may disappear though...

Evil Leafy

Hostile Mob that will try to kill you and all the contestants! Only one spawns in the Evil Forest. Avoid her at all costs! (Even the contestants are!)


She hates everything because she is useless


Drops Blaze Powder when killed. Spawns in certain biomes only and can also spawn with you when you start your world! Drop him in water to instantly kill him!

Firey Jr.

Smaller version of Firey, Also dies when in water


She is a rare and hard mob to find. She may drop her Non-Slip Shoes So Ha when killed. She fights Foldy to the death.


She drops paper when killed. Neutral mob that will glide down to attack enemies. She fights Flower to the death.


You can click on Fries to collect his Fries! He may randomly die when he runs out of Fries though...


She drops a Oak Fence Gate when killed


He doesn't spawn in the world but instead he spawns in Gelatin's Steakhouse which you can find everywhere in your world. Trade a Win Token with him to get Steaks and Fries!

Golf Ball

Useless small thing


He hides under the grass for some reason. Try breaking it to see if he will pop out or not!

Ice Cube

Drops Ice Chunks when killed which can be thrown at others


She drops a leaf when killed which can be crafted into Oak Leaves


The only tameable mob with Strawberry Cake Slices. He will instanty kill anything you hit by zapping them!


Drops a lever when killed. Appears in the EXIT


Drops a Stick when killed.


He always looks for some reading material. He will steal Donut's Diary from you!


You can play eat the dirt with him and he might give something cool! He can also recolor white blocks into purple blocks! Drops purple dye when killed


Starts fires when she is set on fire so be careful with fire when nearby her! Drops a stick as well


She drops herself as a tool which you can use to stab through wood very easily!


Punch her and she will send you flying away!


Drops a Win Token when killed.


Drops Black Dye when killed.


Drops a Lead Pencil when killed which can re-color white things into gray things


She explodes into Blueberries when killed and those Blueberries can replace everything with them!


Drops herself when killed which can quickly craft into a bed easily


Surrounded by useless pins?

Price Tag

They drops Paper when killed.


They will kill Bugs for you


The most useful contestant in the game. You can ride on her and fly around with high-speeds and she even has a small inventory containing 3 slots, WOW! It's gonna be hard to catch her though...


Drops Redstone when killed.

Robot Flower

She appears in the Hotel alongside with Basketball. Drops Redstone and Iron when killed


Appears in the EXIT. Kill him for an Iron Ingot! (hmmm...)


Barfs on anyone who hurts him. Kill him for his barf that can be thrown at others!


She doesn't appear in the world normally. She only appears when your mining.


She starts off with her pink handle, Kill her to pick her up and use her as a tool to cut wood!


Drops Snowballs when killed.


Very fat and big. Kill him for a Sponge!


He has Stapler Instincts and will staple up anybody who hits him. Hit or kill him to get some Stapler Ammo! It's really hard to kill him due to how sharp those Staplers are. If he is falling from a high place, He will shoot staples at the ground to slow him down!


Use for emergency food, She gives a lot of hunger points back!



Tennis Ball

He drops a Tennis Ball which has no use yet!


He drops wood when you kill him. He only spawns in Oak Forests


He drops redstone and iron when killed. No use yet


Useless again


He's scared of you and Blocky and will run as fast as he can. Kill him to get Wood!

Yellow Face

He sells products. Trade a Win Token block to get a random gem!



His challenge is to find X's Emeralds which are hidden underground. He will give you a prize if you find X's Emeralds. Those emeralds can't be traded with villagers tough...

Trying to kill him but failing will send you to the EXIT!


X lost his baskets. Find them in the sky and punch them to collect him! You'll need a flying puffball to do the thing for you!

Trying to kill him will take you to the BRB!


Spawns when you start the world. He gives away cakes for 1 Win Token. Fights Four to the death


Boss mob. He will try to fight back with Bugs, Evil Leafy, Angry Davids, and Falling Anvils! He's very powerful and will fight Four to the death! He won't attack when spawned, Simply punch him to start the battle!

Future Updates

  • Old models will be fixed (As you can see the first picture the characters from red to lime need to have new models)
  • Loser, Four, and X plush will be added when this mod reaches 1000 real downloads!
  • All items will be obtainable in survival
  • Give all useless characters special functions
  • Firey Speaker Box, Flower Speaker Box, and Puffball Speaker Box will be added if this mod reaches the Viral Status!


Minecraft mod files
bfb_11.jar - v1.1.3: Who's Stole Donut's Diary Uploaded on: 07/29/2022 - 01:18   File size: 5.5 MB
bfb_10.jar - v1.1.2: This Small Update is about Foldy Uploaded on: 07/27/2022 - 15:49   File size: 5.5 MB
bfb_9.jar - v1.1.1: Cake Redesign Uploaded on: 07/27/2022 - 05:26   File size: 5.49 MB
bfb_8.jar - v1.1: The Power of Two Update Uploaded on: 07/22/2022 - 15:16   File size: 5.49 MB

v1.1.3: Stapy has been remodeled, Stapy now has Stapler Instincts and shoots staples whenever he's falling. Added Donut's Diary that can be taken from Donut but can be stolen from Loser

v1.1.2: Foldy is now neutral, She will attack Flower. She glides and no longer takes fall damage

v1.1.1: Drastically Improved Cake's Design, Thats all...

v1.1: The first major update! Added the Hotel biome with Goiky Trees, You can find the Hotel (formerly Bathrooms) that TPOT takes place in the biome! Entities can be sucked up into Black Hole if they get close enough to him! Re-added the Buried Forest, Deciduously Insulated which spawns underground.

v1.0.6: Added Fork Repellents, Spray the can to give everyone nearby the fork repellent effect that stops forks from flying to you!

v1.0.5: Four Deserts no longer naturally spawn, To spawn Four Deserts, Kill Four while in the Desert Biome

v1.0.4: Davidland Dimension now requires David Blocks instead of White Concrete, You can get X's Emeralds from Marker if your lucky! Changed Davidland by a lot.

v1.0.3: Renamed Red Leaf to Corrupt Leaf. Added PRICE TAG, REMOTE, and TV to the recovery center. You can now play Eat The Dirt with Marker. Evil Leaf/Yoyleberry/David/Four and Steel recipes are shapeless. Finding X's Emeralds and Win Token Ores is now easier!

v1.0.2: Removed 12th slot of Cloudy's inventory due to not working.

v1.0.1: Fixed bug where Evil Leaves will randomly drop. Gave Cloudy an inventory

v1.0.0: Released to the Public! Have fun!

I want to help make the textures because I think some of them look a little weird

Submitted by Aatreyu_Shau on Sun, 07/10/2022 - 03:35 Permalink

I used to wath it like 7 years a go and I started watching it again

Submitted by Aatreyu_Shau on Sun, 07/10/2022 - 03:33 Permalink

Jackn'Jellify I hope im right

Some of the textures look weird, but looks nice! I'm a huge fan of BFDI myself.