Biome Improvement (Mindthemood's Pile of Rocks)

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In development
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Especially in Java Edition, biomes can seem a little barren. Forests have trees, occasional flower patches, and little else. Plains have a similar lack of variety. This (relatively simple) mod aims to change all that, by adding a variety of new details to various environments, while only adding a single new block to the game. Overall, it is intended to be an extremely vanilla-friendly way of improving existing biomes without adding an excess of new features.

Raid Spider Nests for some half-decent prizes in Dark Forests, and be on the look out for Large Bee Nests in plains, birch forests, and flower forests- these structures always contain a rare, Royal Honey block; which grants absorption in increasing duration and potency based on nearby flowering blocks and beehive blocks. Royal Honey cannot be collected when broken, so be sure to plan your operations accordingly. When maxed out, a Royal Honey can grant fourteen minutes of doubled health, for those patient enough to locate and tend a hive.

In general, expect to see more rocks, boulders, fallen trees and stumps, and the like. Every Overworld biome, a couple of the Nether biomes, and even the Mushroom Fields have all seen some noteworthy additions. For a complete list of features, check out Curseforge of Planet Minecraft. 

Minecraft mod files
PileofRocksV4.jar - Older 1.20.1 version, with legacy terrain features. Uploaded on: 09/14/2023 - 02:10   File size: 2.36 MB
PileofRocksV5.1.jar - Old version for 1.20.1, optimized, with some experimental changes. Uploaded on: 05/07/2024 - 02:21   File size: 1.28 MB
PileOfRocks(NEOFORGE)V5.0.jar - Updated, optimized version for Neoforge 1.21 Uploaded on: 10/28/2024 - 23:58   File size: 1.45 MB
  • Podzol and Gravel now generates more randomly and in larger patches; gravel can now generate in windswept forests, and podzol in swamps.
  • Giant Dark Oak Trees are slightly less common, and won't generate on biome edges; only in dense parts of dark oak forests.
  • Added Spruce features and small andesite rocks to Windswept Biomes.


  • Hanging roots are more common, and can generate in large groups
  • Dripstone clusters are slightly better. (This did not need to take 4 hours, but somehow did anyways.)
  • Moss patches around Shroomlights in Lush Caves have been improved, as have azalea bush generation conditions
  • Mushroom patches in caves are more common and can be larger
  • Fixed Village Roots. (It was amusing that plain villages would generate roots around support beams, but still technically a bug.)
  • Added vines to Dark Oak Trees, via secret occult rituals the likes of which casual players need not be aware.
  • Added Glow Lichen to Birch Trees in Oldgrowth Birch Forests
  • Improved rock formations in Nether Wastes and Stony Shores. Which is to say, added more rockage.


  • Added Mangrove stuff
  • Attempted to add Deep Dark Stuff; broke the game; removed Deep Dark Stuff. It's cool enough anyways, right?
  • Lush cave features will no longer spill over into Deep Dark.
  • Updated to Version 1.19.4


  • Updated to version 1.20.1
  • Overhauled and rebalanced most features, especially ground stuff like podzol and whatnot.
  • Minor new additions, including cherry stuff, branches in birch/taiga forests, etc.
  • Added fairy circles for some reason. They're cool and they might give you something special, if you're watchful.


  • Overhauled most generation procedures, may result in slightly different patterns. In general, ground cover is more extensive, and features more limited to their specific biomes.
  • Removed tall birch and swam oak variants. 
  • Optimized several decoration functions for surface and subterranean decorations.
  • Added stone slab details to rocky slopes.
  • Increased frequency of vines and glow lichen in wooded areas.
  • Most trees should now feature proper roots.
  • Rooted dirt now exclusively appears in caves less than 35 blocks beneath forests.
  • Adjusted intensity of stony spikes
  • Added lilypads to lakes and ponds.
  • Increased frequency of small rocks.
  • Added better animated textures and slightly tweaked mechanics of Royal Honey.
  • Increased maximum absorption level attainable with Royal Honey.
  • Removed rooted dirt from support beams in village structures. (Again. For real this time.) 
  • Fairy circles now grant slightly more XP on completion.
  • Large Hives and Spider Nests are now proper structures, and can be located with commands. Hives are now exclusive to cherry groves and flower forests.
  • ...And then greatly reduced the quantity of cobwebs in larger caves.

New plant types? I love it!
I always like whenever someone, between all the things they could add, they choose to add new pants, considering Earth's ecosystem are inconceivably complex an there are probably hundreds of millions of plant species, an those are often overshadowed by the animals that inhabit those ecosystem that are added as mobs...
Also, the biome redesigns look very natural and well crafted, this mod absolutely deserves the title of MotW, just wait.

Do you know what not to add even if in the real ecosystems are very important? Animals that are so small that you need Optifine zoom to see them.
I've actually done it, learn from my mistakes...

Was kind of inspired by other biome mods, but wanted it to feel more... vanillaish, I guess? A lot of the biome mods out there are really cool, but feel like everything was built by a professional. So I wanted to make something that improved upon vanilla stuff, w/out all out replacing it.
Also like vanilla, the code is a mess, albeit a functional one...