Etr Economy

Published by legendnoob on
Upvotes: 10
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-don't be surprised if you see a question in the chat and reply with /answer "your answer"


-To use the vending machine, you have to make a key and make a name that you will know and right-click with that key. When you change the password, you should touch the unlock button from the interface and right-click with your new key.This works For all locked blocks

-You can withdraw money from your account with /withdraw money wanted amount.


-Money(1/5/10/20/50/100/200)(Not craftable you need work in any job)

-Jewelry_Gold(uncraftable you can make a profit by buying and selling) 


-Potions(you can earn extra money and get career advancement if you drink this while working) 

-XpBook(this item is give some money and experience)

-GearPattern(you can make gears easly !requires electronized diamond) 

-Electronized Diamond(USED in crafts, not one-time use)

-PowerBattery(lvl1/2/3/Diamond)(Powers the machines)

-jobcoin: you can do the quests in the knowledge book or finish your career progression and earn. You can also get lucky tickets from your special vending machine with this.

-luckytickets:there are 3 different tickets here, random things will come out according to the points you spend.




-Vending Machines(Basic/Upgraded(Holds More Item))(Craftable)

-MoneyToRedstoneBlock(This block gives a signal for the time you set when the money you set is given.)(Craftable) 

-Recycler Block(Basic/Upgraded(Work Faster))(Craftable) 

-Lucky Chest(Basic/Middle)(Uncraftable(drops in monsters) 

-Safe Case(Basic/Upgraded(Have More Slot)(Craftable)

-Recharger:this block works when it sees the sun and sees the sky, it starts to accumulate energy inside and with it the batteries can be charged.

Some new additions may not have been written in this description, check the update notes.

!If you like my mod, you can support it by commenting on this website and other websites.

You can visit the youtube channel for the making process of the mod and more.

Warning: This mod contains many bugs so only use stable versions and don't forget to make a backup.

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For Modrinth


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to mcreator



Tasks Ui



Modification files
Etr Economy 1.8.5(CominForBetterB3).jar Uploaded on: 04/14/2024 - 20:46   File size: 15.14 MB
Etr Economy 1.8.5(CominForBetterB1).jar - -GUI updates -Task Codes Fixed -New Key Styles added- vote system fix Uploaded on: 03/14/2024 - 03:59   File size: 15.1 MB
EtrEconomy1.8.3(MoreMoreMore_release).jar - -somebugs fixed -New Profiles Added -İndustrial furnace added -some new tools added -Fast Money Sending System Added (fs) Uploaded on: 09/05/2023 - 10:35   File size: 7.59 MB
Etr Economy 1.8.5(Money Gate).jar - Money Gate Added Mjostry Potion and Aura added Legendnoobe painting added Uploaded on: 07/21/2024 - 12:00   File size: 13.15 MB

-Etr Economy 1.8.5(CominForBetterB3) 

*Gui Changes Added
*Some Block Bugs Fixed
*New Keys And Batterıes Added

-1.8.5(CominForBetterB1) New E-vend system added new key styles added and more things


Project workspace corrupted i cant fix it
I cant update or fix bugs this project.

I really like this mod and the idea and wanted to help in building the mod. I am still new at mcreator but I wanted to help by editing your videos and generating thumbnails. You can contact me on discord under the name youwasted

I'm happy the $1 is a coin and not a bill. That's what he have in canada.

I like the textures, just a tip, on this website you can add your own items and save a photo of the recipes, it will look better than a jumping gif of crafting from the game:

Congratulations for winning Mod of the Week :)

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