Ancient Rituals

Published by ME_Logan on
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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0
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The Ancient Rituals Mod adds unique spells, magic artifacts, and rituals to grant the player magical powers that can alter the world.. and more.


Long ago, there were the Old Ones. A race of superintelligent beings who created a magical force that would change everything. Now they are gone, and their secrets are buried beneath, alongside the secret to obtaining this enigmatic force.


To learn how to harness the spells, find an Old One's Library and there you will find answers.



The Fire Spell

Casting fireballs is what any novice wizard aspires to, and this spell lets you do just that.


The Growth Spell

Allows you to grow plants without the need of bonemeal!


The Cursebreaker Spell

Breaks through warding magic that makes some blocks unbreakable...

Removes curses on armor and item held in offhand when used


The Hurtful Spell

Gives your wand magic melee damage


The Sprintfast Spell

Increase sprinting speed while holding the wand


The Shadow Sneak Spell

Become invisible and quick while sneaking, at the cost of limited vision


The Cyclone Spell

Launch yourself into the air with the power of wind!


The Bountiful Spell

Enhance the ores you mine with extra loot


The Lightning Spell

What's a magic mod without some lightning?


The Avian Spell

Make yourself a master of the sky


The Subterranean Spell

Make yourself a master of the underground


The Metamorphosis Spell

Turn creatures into other, similar creatures


The Ghast Fireball Spell

Summon a punch-able ghast fireball for your destructive pleasure


The Lifesteal Spell

Are you dying? Try stealing life!


The Worldstone

Tier I

Alter the world around you with the worldstone, which lets you control time and weather


The Piglin Pendant

Tier I

Grants fire immunity when exposed to flames


The Eye of Resolution

Tier I

Could save you from certain death


The Strange Pie

Tier I

Eating magic never tasted this good


The Bottle of Life

Tier II

Use magic as an instant health potion


The Anti-Gravity Totem

Tier II

Disable gravity, so you can just float around and have fun


The Tome of the Enchantress

Tier II

Enchant all your armor at once!


The Coin of the Wanderer

Tier III

Get all the best deals at all times

Minecraft mod files
Ancient_Rituals_Mod_1.0_1.19.2.jar - Ancient Rituals 1.0 Uploaded on: 05/17/2023 - 14:48   File size: 4.52 MB


- Tier II Upgrade item
- Tier III Upgrade item
- Final Legacy Items


- Manuscript System/Journal overhaul (much easier now)
- Ritual Platform Removal improvements
- Creative Tab Icons
- Hid unnecessary creative items


Bug Fixes:
- Empowered Tablet can now be removed
- Couldn't remove legacy ritual platform
- Soul tether enchant removed on wand when platform is removed
- Forcefield removed when platform is removed
- Passive spells not applying while in offhand

- Bountiful redstone and lapis drop correct amounts