Explorer's Dream

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Explorer s'Dream is a mod that makes adventure more exciting. This mod is in beta at the moment, new content will arrive as and when.

Here are the additions (from top to bottom) :


Jade :



Jade is an ore that generates between Layer 42 and Layer 16. It has the same power as iron.


Jade has a generation system equal to Iron.


Jade Statue :

These decorative blocks are small jade statues, you can destroy them and replace them.


Jade Samurai :

New boss coming in the next version



Do you need help ? :


If so: go to the Explorer's Dream Wiki forum which is on my profile page.





Deadreaper , creator of the mod .








Minecraft mod files
ESD 1.0.jar - Release and Jade Update (BETA) Uploaded on: 08/11/2023 - 07:37   File size: 50.37 KB
ESD 1.0.1.jar - Jade Utilities Update Uploaded on: 08/18/2023 - 07:26   File size: 68.53 KB

1.0 : Release and Jade Update

-Add Jade , a new ore in the caves

-Add Jade utilities : tools , blocks and armors


1.0.1 : Jade Utilities Update 

Add Jade Statue

Add 2 procedures for the jade statue (the item and the mob)





I have a few ideas on how to make this better, if you want. Jade is very pretty, and I most commonly hear about it being used to make Statues. Maybe some little jade statues? Other then that, its really just texture updates I'd make. This is a 1.19.4 mod, so updating the ore texture to look more Caves & Cliffs might be a good idea.