Have you long wanted to play minecraft with an unusual fantasy mod for temporal and spatial shifts?
Temporal Threads of Space mod are perfect for you!
- Get temporal bundles of enegry, move to the multiverse and create unique temporal items!
- Stop or return time!
- Jump through space!
Let's study temporal energy!
Spatial converter recipe (on crafting table):
Temporal bundles of energy spawn in the world and can be mined with a diamond pickaxe.
You can also get temporal bundles of energy by extracting temporal sediment from a wormhole (it is generated constantly).
To charge the spatial converter, you need to place a temporal supercluster at a distance of 1 block from it. The more superclusters around the converter, the greater its charge. The maximum number of superclusters is 5. Superclusters under the converter are not taken into account:
Particles from blocks as in the photo are only available on version v1.18.2 of the mod. They will be completely removed in future mod updates. (Unfortunately)
Servo recipe (on crafting table):
Beaker recipe (on crafting table):
Infinity wormhole bottle recipe (on spatial converter, requires level 1+ spatial converter charge):
To get a wormhole in a bottle you need to right-click on a wormhole (it appears all over the world in caves) with an empty bottle in your hand
Large temporal cluster recipe (on spatial converter):
Temporal supercluster recipe (on spatial converter):
It can drop 2 types of time shards!
Stopped clock recipe (on spatial converter when the sun is at its zenith, requires level 3+ spatial converter charge):
Temporal sand recipe (on spatial converter):
Tempered temporal glass recipe (on spatial converter):
Returnable hourglass recipe (on spatial converter, requires level 3+ spatial converter charge):
Time crystal recipe (on spatial converter, requires level 4+ spatial converter charge):
It uses 2 different time shards.
Wormhole recipe (on spatial converter):
Space warp ring recipe (on spatial converter, requires level 5 spatial converter charge):
Temporal pickaxe recipe (on spatial converter, requires level 2+ spatial converter charge):
Spatial annihilator recipe (on improved spatial converter, requires level 5 spatial converter charge):
Pause bomb recipe (on improved spatial converter, requires level 1+ spatial converter charge):
Temporal blade recipe (on spatial converter during thunder, requires level 3+ spatial converter charge):
Collapse recipe (on improved spatial converter, requires level 5 spatial converter charge):
It uses 2 different time shards.
Space compressor recipe (on improved spatial converter, requires level 5 spatial converter charge):
Energy stabilizer recipe (on improved spatial converter, requires level 5 spatial converter charge):
Sunrise recipe (on spatial converter during sunrise, requires level 3+ spatial converter charge):
Sunset recipe (on spatial converter during sunset, requires level 3+ spatial converter charge):
Zenith recipe (on spatial converter when the sun is at its zenith, requires level 3+ spatial converter charge):
Portable compressed space recipe (on spatial converter, requires level 5 spatial converter charge):
Matter converter recipe (on spatial converter, requires level 5 spatial converter charge):
Resonanse recipe (on spatial converter, requires level 5 spatial converter charge):
Solar clock recipe (on solar anvil when the sun is at its zenith):
The Solar Anvil is located in the Solar Forge, which spawns in the multiverse №1 on mountains above y=117
Hardened spatial annihilator recipe (on solar anvil when the sun is at its zenith):
----------------Instructions for using items----------------
When you hold a temporal pickaxe in your hand or stand next to a temporal supercluster, you will be subject to the "High Temporal Activity" effect. Be careful with this effect!
To obtain a space shard, you first need to overload the space compressor (try to compress 12+ temporal superclusters at the same time). When overloaded, a very powerful explosion will occur (be prepared, otherwise you will simply die). After the explosion, in the place where the space compressor stood, a space zero point is formed (a transparent block of 1x1x1 pixels). It cannot be destroyed, just like bedrock. But by breaking it with the help of a spatial annihilator, you get a shard of space.
Stopped clock:
To stop time you need to press RMB. If the sun is at its zenith, in stopped time you can hit mobs and fly. When you stop time, other players also cannot move unless they have a time crystal in their inventory.
Solar clock:
It does the same thing as a stopped clock, but this clock is constantly powered by pocket energy from the sun, so when time is stopped with this clock, you can always fly and beat mobs.
Returnable hourglass:
The return hourglass can only send back in time the player who uses it. To record a moment in time the player needs to take this watch in his hand. To start going back in time, you need to press RMB with this clock. But as soon as you remove this watch from your hand, the entire recorded moment in time will be erased and cannot be returned. But you can fix this by pressing "V". This activates the continuous motion recording mode. But be careful with this, it can cause a lot of lags.
Infinity wormhole bottle:
When you right-click this item, you find yourself in the “multiverse”. If you teleport with the Shift key held down, then the teleportation occurs taking into account your current Y coordinate. This works when teleporting to the normal world as well.
Space warp ring:
To control portals, you need to take this ring in your left hand, and there should be nothing in your right hand. To create a portal you need to press RMB or Shift + RMB. If you created a portal with RMB, then you must create a second portal using Shift + RMB and vice versa. To teleport through a portal created with RMB, you just need to go into it, and to teleport through a portal created with Shift + RMB, you need to go into it and press Shift. To delete portals you need to switch the mode using "Z". If you want to delete a portal created using RMB, press RMB, if you want to delete a portal created using Shift + RMB, press Shift + RMB.
Temporal pickaxe:
If you press RMB, you will make a dash in the direction of your gaze
Time crystal:
When you have it in your inventory, the cooldown for using items from this mod disappears, and you cannot be stopped in time by other players.
Pause bomb:
When you throw this bomb, upon landing, all entities around it within a 10 block radius stop (including you, if you are in that radius) and after 7 seconds they unfreeze.
When pressed RMB rewinds time to sunrise if it is night
When pressed RMB rewinds time to sunset if it is day
When you press RMB, it rewinds time to the solar zenith, if it is now between midnight and zenith.
Spatial annihilator:
When held in hand, it slows down, applies the effect "High Temporal Activity (H.T.A.)" and makes you immortal. When pressed, LMB or RMB makes a strong jerk in the direction of view. When digging, it quickly digs up a large area in the direction of your view, with some chance of throwing out additional temporal bundles of energy. Using RMB on a block instantly destroys ANY block you clicked on. When you right-click in the air, it makes a very strong explosion and imposes a long cooldown if you do not have a time crystal in your inventory (It is not recommended to use it together with a time crystal on a weak computer).
Hardened spatial annihilator:
Does the same thing as the spatial annihilator, but instead of the “High Temporal Activity (H.T.A.)” effect, it imposes a luck effect.
Energy stabilizer:
Turns on on RBM. When enabled in your inventory, removes all negative effects of this mod from you, such as High Temporal Activity and Temporal Instability.
Temporal blade:
This is a melee weapon with high attack speed but low damage. When you hit an enemy with it, he receives a temporary “Temporal Instability” effect, which causes him to randomly teleport in the space around him and has a negative effect on him, which will most likely finish off the enemy for you. When you right-click on a block that has sky above it, lightning will strike that block and put the temporal blade on cooldown if you don't have a time crystal.
A melee weapon with high damage (in the next update its damage will increase to 49 units). It is so sharp that it allows you to cut the space-time shell of the universe and find yourself in an intermediate temporal dimension.
Space compressor:
When this block is activated by redstone, it compresses the space (in the form of a cube) around itself within a radius of 9 blocks. You cannot compress a space within a compressed space, but you can combine compressed spaces with each other, creating another compressed space next to the first (even from different dimensions). (When compressing space, nbt tags of blocks, mobs and items are not transferred. The contents of chests are cleared! In compressed space there may be some bugs with vacuum walls. Sometimes they may not appear and when you try to exit, you will fall into the abyss. Be extremely careful when using of this block!)
Portable compressed space:
On RMB with this item, you will see the interface of a portable compressed space with a huge number of slots in which you can store your things.
Matter converter:
To transform matter you need to power it with temporal clots of energy. You can change the crafting result by clicking on the arrow between the slots. You can also use molecular samples. To create a molecular sample you need to place the beaker in a special slot. And then when you click on the arrow that appears on the right, you will place the molecular sample of the crafting result in the beaker. Then to use the molecular sample you need to place it in the beaker slot and your crafting result will change to the sample. (in a network game, the result of crafting this block is the same for all players)
When this item is in your inventory, it gives you complete invulnerability to damage and complete immortality.
Upcoming mod features:
- Particle accelerator
- Black hole
- Antimatter
- General portals (Quantum beacon and portal platform)
- Antimatter concentrator
There are more versions of the mod available on the Curse Forge mod page and updates are posted sooner!
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/temporal-threads-of-space-tts
Telegram: https://t.me/temporal_threads_of_space
Telegram in russian: https://t.me/temporal_threads_of_space_rus
1.3.1 - Fixed a bug preventing all players from using a stopped clock in a multiplayer game
1.3.2 - Added the ability to farm temporal bundles of energy with a wolehole - Changed the wolehole model
1.3.3 - Added temporal pickaxe, high temporal activity effect, temporal converter charging mechanics - Fixed bugs related to resonance
Nice mod, but I think there might be some English translations missing (some descriptions are written in Cyrillic), maybe take a look at that :)
As for some feedback, the stopped clock item doesn't freeze all the squids for me. Also is it normal that I move randomly when I have the temporal pickaxe in my inventory?
I don’t know why it doesn’t freeze octopuses. I'll try to figure it out. As for the pickaxe, yes, that's normal. Read the recipe descriptions for the mod at the end. When you hold it in your hand, you will be subject to the "High Temporal Activity" effect, which causes you to move randomly.
The problem with translating descriptions of objects and inscriptions in chat is that they cannot adapt to the user’s chosen language. And this cannot be configured in localization. And in any case, someone will not like that they are not translated. Therefore, these inscriptions in the future will only be in English.
interesting and nice