The Butter Mod

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This mod adds butter and the butter churner!

To use the butter churner, have milk in your inventory and right-click on the butter churner. You need to keep right-clicking to churn it fully. Afterwards, it will spit out butter and a bucket.

Minecraft mod files
ButterMod(1.12.2)_2.jar Uploaded on: 10/10/2019 - 00:25   File size: 95.57 KB

1st Change: Added butter churner stages.

2nd Change: Added Salted Butter, Salt, Salt Block, Mortar & Pestle, Fine Butter, and Buttered Chicken.

3rd Change: Added Vegan Butter, and Buttered Bread

Can you add margarine but when you eat it it kills you and in the chat it says "This is the butter mod idiot"

Nice mod :)
I am allergic to butter, could you also add a vegetal alternative?