Too Much Trouble Mod

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OUTDATED, not a great mod but do with it what you will.
My first mod. It probably is terrible as its a very small amount of additions. Introduces 2 new biomes, new mobs, and new items.


Ruvv - Docile, kinda just exists. Breedable with Infernal Fruit

Blockburn - Neutral, has a powerful ranged attack

Molten - A quick zombie with no stealth whatsoever

Magmantula - Quick, and dont kill it without expecting...


Fennec Fox - I mean its a fox what do you want from me

Igloogo - A little shelled guy that doesn't  do much

Scorpion - Hostile, but slow.

Minecraft mod files
Too Much Trouble.jar Uploaded on: 12/13/2019 - 18:16   File size: 495.68 KB