Upvotes: 1
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Snails and Farming Update
- The Snails can be found in the Taiga,Taiga hills,Savanna,Giant tree Taiga and Dark forest,this mob spawn in a structure calles a "Snail Nest" with 2 babies and Adult.
- The baby size is the same size of an adults size,but there are many differences between adult snails and baby snails:
- The baby snails have a smaller hitbox,when they are in grass they will produce "Snail Slime"
- The Enchantment Bane of Arthropods affects them.
- When a Adult Snail is touching podzol they will cultivate red mushrooms in the podzol
- They can be breed with Brown Mushrooms (they will also follow you if you have one in your hand)
- They will run from spiders
- If they find Beetroot or Carrot crops they will destroy them
Snail Composter:
- Its crafted with a composter,a wooden slab,dirt and 4 Snail Slime
- You can right click it with a carrot,beetroot or wheat to cultivate it
- If a snail is in a 3 by 3 radius that the composter makes it will cultivate the crop that is in the composter every 30 second-1 minute
Sugar Cane Mulch:
- Its crafted with 9 Sugar Cane
- It can be crafted back into 9 Sugar Cane
Snail Slime Bottle:
- This can be obtained by right clicking a baby Snail with a bottle
- You can cook it into Heated Snail Slime Bottle in a campfire
Snail Slime Block:
- Its crafted with 8 Snail Slime
- It can be crafted back into 9 Snail Slime
- Its slippery (more than ice)
- its translucent
Aloe Vera:
- Aloe Vera plants spawn in deserts,beaches and in desert hills
- They only support Sand and Red Sand
- You can stripp a Aloe Vera plant and it will give you Aloe Vera
- The stripped Aloe Vera is going to re-grow into a normal one
- They grow 3 block tall
- Aloe vera provides half of the nutricional value and gives 0.4 of saturation
- its eaten faster than kelp
- You can craft it with 8 Aloe Vera and one bottle into Aloe Vera Juice Bottle
- It gives 0.8 of saturation and 4 nutricional value
- If you drink the juice while burning it extinguishes the fire
Sweet bread roll:
- Crafted with 3 sugar,3 wheat,2 eggs and one milk bucket
- It will give 4 Bread Rolls
- each roll provides 6.46 of saturation and gives 5 nutricional points.
Modification files
snapshot 20w51a.jar - Testing Snapshot
Uploaded on: 12/18/2020 - 22:34 File size: 468.92 KB
snapshot20w52a (Full Release).jar - Full Realease!
Uploaded on: 12/21/2020 - 16:44 File size: 588.52 KB
Adds new blocks
Nice mod and ideas :)
Snails look cute, but you could improve the other textures