The Fallen Commander Guarded By His Minions
This Mod Has Been Cancelled
I have not--and will not--be working on this mod any longer. I have grown uninterested in continuing the project altogether.
From here on, I will focus on smaller mods with better features rather than a poorly-made "everything" mod. If I ever gain the skill to fully custom code my own mods instead of using MCreator, a project like this may return.
Prepare For A Challenge
This mod wishes to bring many modifications to the combat system and possibly bring new content to the game in the future.
Upon spawning, you will be given a Vessel of Ravaging. Using this item will activate Ravager Mode and place three skulls on your GUI. Each skull represents a separate system.
[Shows Precise Values If You Hold The Mod's Debug Key]
Glee is the "Happiness" of your character, indicated by the skull with yellow eyes. It will slowly build constantly and will only deplete upon taking damage or when enraged. When hurt or enraged, however, you will lose all of your glee.
Benefits of Glee:
Increase In Speed [Multiples Of 10]
Haste [Multiples Of 20]
Luck [Multiples Of 20]
Fear will be the main difficulty of the mod, indicated by the skull with blue eyes. Fear builds by a half point [1.5 at night] whenever you take damage, and will only deplete while you aren't being attacked. Fear has many elements to it:
Panic is the element of your heartbeat rapidly increasing while your fear value goes up. This will start at fear value 5, and will scale with the following values without any set multiple. As your panic increases, your speed will as well. Due to this, Fear can have similar effects as Glee, however in a negative way.
After reaching a particular fear value [25 on Easy, 20 on Normal, 15 on Hard], you will become petrified. This will disable your ability to fight, leaving you only with the choice to flee.
Universally, Paranoia will set in after fear value 20. This will cause you to hear sounds of mobs that aren't there on occasion. In addition, the Darkness effect will be universally applied at fear value 25.
Potion Of Bravery
The Potion Of Bravery is the elixir to Fear. This potion will half the value of fear added each hit, with the next modifier bringing it down to a quarter in exchange of half the duration.
The first level requires a full blaze rod and an awkward potion. The next will require a diamond and a bravery potion.
Rage is the beneficial and detrimental element of this mod. Rage will increase by a half point every time an entity is hit by the player.
Benefits of Rage:
Strength [Multiples Of 20]
Haste [Multiples Of 5]
Not only will you lose your Glee at any point Rage increases, but the exact value point of Rage will be the extra damage each enemy will deal to you. (ex. A Rage value of 20 will add exactly 20 extra damage points to each enemy's attack, which is enough to instantly kill an unarmored player on its own.]
The Cloak Of The Reaper
Upon activating Ravager Mode, you may notice the Cloak Of The Reaper Appears In Your Inventory. Using the Cloak will enable Reaper Mode. Reaper Mode applies the following enhancements:
Damage Taken By Rage Is Doubled
Fear Value Depletes Twice As Fast, But Also Increases Twice As Fast
Glee's Speed Is Halved
Make sure you wish to use this before you do, as it is not reversable.
Beyond The Grave
Is Reaper Mode not enough for you? Have you managed to keep your Rage and Fear down already? Then, throw it all out of the window! Beyond The Grave is accessible upon enabling Reaper Mode, granting you the following enhancements:
Damage Taken By Rage Is Multiplied By 5
Fear Value Depletes Five Times As Fast, But Also Increases Five Times As Fast
Glee's Speed Is Negligible And May Never Be Achieved
Beyond The Grave will require dedication and focus. Death is incredibly nigh as any points of Rage are a detriment.
Extra Content
!! This section is still highly work in progress, as it involves details going into the new contents of the mod that may change !!
NEW! Fallen Knights And Their Commander
Fallen Knights & Archers
Fallen Knights & Archers will only spawn on Normal and Hard mode. They will not spawn on Easy or Peaceful.
Fallen Knight
Fallen Knights are melee-based warriors. The Knights spawn as neutral, but when provoked they will charge at you and attack with their Fallen Knightsman Blade. The best way to avoid them is to run until they despawn, as they have AI that can locate you for up to a hundred blocks. They will work together and act like Zombie Pigmen in swarming you while working together. The best advice is to only fight when you're confident and armed. Once so, make sure to fight in an area that is not enclosed so you can run and build high to avoid their attacks.
Fallen Archer
Fallen Archers are ranged-based warriors. They have the same conditions as the knights in spawning. They are also neutral, and will only attack when provoked, however they will stand idle and fire their Fallen Longbow. This has a firing rate of two seconds, making it threatening if unprepared. They will work together with fellow archers to fight you. The best advice is to get a shield, even if you're armed, and make sure you only fight them in areas with high amounts of cover, as their arrows can be hard to see.
Fallen Commander (Title Image)
With New Systems, You Will Be Given The Recipe For The Summoner When You Should Be Ready To Use It. This item will summon the commander of the Knights.
As the mod's first boss fight, it should be easier compared to the later stages. However, this does not mean it is easy: A custom arena, full Netherite, Enchantments, and Golden Apples are recommended. It has the health of the wither and high defense.
The additions for the fight include a periodic summoning of four weakened puppet-summoned knights and archers. Two of each will spawn, which can quickly overwhelm you in open and tight spaces alike. They will all despawn when the boss dies, however, so it's best to focus on the boss.
Ranged Systems And Bows
The bows added to the mod always fire at their highest possible strength, however in exchange have cooldowns. Each weapon has its own statistics that are based off the code's own data.
In the simplest form, this weapon is slow but fires with high damage and twice the speed of a normal bow. It has a 3 second cooldown, making it only fire a shot every three seconds.
All bows and ranged items in the mod will have this status applied to them, as it differentiates the capabilities for each.
Current Bows (So Far):
- Skybow
- Fallen Longbow
- Crimson Strike
- Lapis Longbow
- Celestarius Skybow [Creative Mode Only At This Time]
Current Arrows (So Far):
- Sky Arrow
- Nether Arrow
- Lapis Arrow
Tomes are a form of upgrading and repairing weaponry in this mod, being used in the Smithing Table. Tomes are created by making a Casting Table.
The Casting Table will require you to put an Enchanted Book in the left slot, then pressing the orb indicator. This process will not reveal which tome you get, and it will be randomly chosen.
So far, there are two variations for both Ranged and Melee, both indicated by the colors for Rage and Fear. The 'Rage' ones are indicated by a red symbol, usually for melee and rage-related content, while the 'Fear' upgrades usually do mild forms of improvement to the weapon. This isn't always the case, however, as many strong and risky perks can come from the Fear upgrades while the Rage ones can be only improvements.
Melee Content
Melee Swords (So Far):
- Fusion Sword
- Crystal Brand
- Fallen Knightsman Blade
- Fallen Knightslord Blade
- Fallen Knightsmaster Blade
- Green Spirit
- Spider's Edge
- Sand Reaper
- Frost Slayer
- Sea Melody
- Brand Of The Land
- Touch Of Midas
- Ancient Ward
[] - 4/22/2023 : 9:21 PM
- [CRITICAL FIX] Fixed Frost Slayer Tome Variants Being Uncraftable
- Added Charge Of The Commander And Put It In Bossbag RNG For Fallen Commander
- Made Lethal Edge And Charge Of The Commander Immune To Fire
- Made Knightslord And Knightsmaster Immune To Fire
- Added New Advancements
- Now Grants The Root Advancement
- Renamed "Masochism Mode" To "Reaper Mode"
- Added Blade Of The Land, Its Recipe, And Added It To Recipe Add Data
- Added Book Of High Repair, Its Recipe, And Added It To Recipe Add Data
- Added Celestarius Skybow Tome Variants
- Added Touch Of Midas
- Categorized All Recipes In Code
- Added Butcherer
- Reduced Knightsman's Rage Max Value {3 -> 1.5}
- Added Fusion Sword And Tome Variants
- Increased Heart Of The Warden's Health Boost To Match Actual Warden's Health {200 -> 480}
- Added Ancient Ward
- Made Most Melee Rage Variants Have Increased Attack Damage With Lowered Attack Speed And Fear Variants Vice Versa
- Buffed Dagger Attack Speeds In Fear Variants {2 -> 2.2}
- Added Green Spirit Tome Variants
- Reduced Tome Descriptions That Made Exact Point Values To An "Increase"
- Removed Useless Tome Descriptions
[] - 4/19/2023 : 8:19 PM
- Added Vampirism Enchantment
- Fallen Knightsman And Bowsman Armor Can Now Be Repaired With Iron Ingots
- Added Knightslord Armor And Its Recipes
- Added Knightsmaster Armor And Its Recipes
- Made Knightsmaster Armor And Weapons Repaired By Honored Souls
- Added New Armors To Recipe Add Data
- Removed All Guns From Creative Inventory; Guns Are No Longer In The Mod At All
- Added Celestarius Skybow [Creative Mode Only For Now]
- Added Lethal Edge And Put It In Bossbag RNG For Fallen Commander
- Added Knightslord Armor To Fallen Commander RNG
- Fixed Skybow And All Upgrades Not Performing Functions When Hitting Players
- Remodeled Arrows
[] - 4/19/2023 : 1:18 PM
- [CRITICAL FIX] Sea Melody's Raging Tides Upgrade Gives Stated Strength Levels
- [CRITICAL FIX] Fixed Sea Melody's High Rapids Upgrade Removing The Ocean's Craft Function
- Honored Soul Properly Named
- Entirely Overhauled Song Of The Dragons Upgrade So That It Isn't Reliant On Levitation
- Added "Demon Strike Immune" Data Tag
- Added New Melee Weapons To Recipe Add Data
[] - 4/18/2023 : 2:59 PM
- [CRITICAL FIX] Fixed Fallen Commander Bag Giving Knightsman Rage Instead Of Knightslord
- [CRITICAL FIX] Hellfire Upgrade Is Now Properly Assigned
- [CRITICAL FIX] Summoning Item For Fallen Commander Recipe Will Now Be Properly Assigned
- Wary Soul Properly Named
- Added Green Spirit
- Added Repair Items For Sea Melody [Nautilus Shell], Frost Slayer [Diamond], Sand Reaper [Iron Ingot], And Spider's Edge [Diamond]
- Added Fallen Longbow To "Ranged" Tag (Counts As Ranged Item For Data)
- Added Book Of Repair As a Possible Item In The Casting Table
- Very Minor Tweaks To Descriptions
- Fixed Winter Of Madness Rage Exceeding The Highest Value Of 50
- Sand Reaper Creative Mode Will No Longer Be Damaged By Confusion
- Knightslord Blade's Tome Description Is Now Correct
[] - 4/17/2023 : 11:31 PM
- Added Knightsmaster Blade Tome Variants
{Glory Of The Fallen Update} [] - 4/17/2023 : 10:21 PM
- Recoloring Of Fallen Archer
- Fallen Knight Texture Tweaks
- Fixed Fallen Commander Spawning Naturally
- Critical Hits Now Add An Extra Half-Point Of Rage
- Heart Of The Warden Now In Correct Creative Tab
- Fixed Fallen Longbow Delay
- Rage Will Only Add Every Half Second, Preventing Autoclick Rage
- Gun Recipes Removed; Items May Be Discarded In The Future
- Gun Recipe Items Removed
- Added Sand Reaper And Its Recipe
- Added Compacted Sandstone
- Will Now Give Recipes If Required Items Are Collected
- Added Frostbite Effect
- Added Frost Slayer And Its Recipe
- Made Fallen Knightsman Blade Repairable By Iron Ingots And Knightslord By Netherite Ones
- All Knight-Related Content Renamed With Fallen Prefix In Commands
- Creative Tab Reassortment
- Made All Tome Color Alternations The Same (For Textures)
- Fallen Knights Summoned By The Fallen Commander Will Have Lower Attack Strength {6 --> 4}, While Archers Remain The Same
- Fallen Commander Summon Delay Increased {500 Ticks --> 800 Ticks}
- All Tome-Modified Tool Durabilities Has Been Decided To Be Equal To Untomed Variants
- Added Spider's Edge Tome Variants
- Added Sea Melody And Its Recipe
- Added Frost Slayer Tome Variants
- Removed Debug Keybind; Moved Out Of The Mod For Testing Use Only
- Fixed Knightslord Blade Having Efficiency Of Iron Sword {6 --> 9}
- Gave Knightslord Blade Immunity To Fire
- Added Knightsmaster Blade
- Added Boss Bag For Boss That Gives Materials For The Knightsmaster Blade
- Gave Placeholder 1/10 Chance For New Boss To Drop Knightslord Blade, Allowing Knightsmaster Blade To Be Obtained Instantly Upon Defeating The Boss
- Added Fallen Longbow Tome Variants
- Added Sand Reaper Tome Variants
- Added Sea Melody Tome Variants
- Added Commanding Signal To Summon Fallen Commander
[] - 4/15/2023 : 6:24 PM
- Boss Testing
[] - 4/14/2023 : 11:50 PM
- Added Fallen Archer With Its Weapon And Armor
- Added Fallen High Guard
- Patched Lapis Longbow's Description Falsely Naming Lapis Arrows "Sapphire Arrows"
- Patched Lapis Longbow's Double-Edged Description Leaving Ammunition Requirement Out Entirely
- Repurposed "Brewing Materials" Creative Tab For "Difficulty Exclusives"
[] - 4/14/2023 : 6:50 PM
- Added Heart Of The Warden [Masochism Only Drop, Currently Creative Mode Exclusive]
- Creative Tab Reassortment
[] - 4/13/2023 : 1:52 AM
- Added Spider's Edge
- Basic Gun Sprite Tweak And Recipe
- Added Resistant Chamber
- Added Powerful Pistol
[] - 4/13/2023 : 5:19 PM
- Reduced Skybow Durability {Base: 525 -> 425} {Upgrades: 525 -> 500}
- Knight-Related Content Renamed With Fallen (i.e. "Knightman Blade" -> "Fallen Knightsman Blade"
- Added Crimson Strike And Its Recipe, As Well As Tome Variants
- Basic Gun Durability Reduced {256 -> 128}
- Added Casting Table To Create Tomes (Basic Texture, Revision TBA)
- Added Advancement Menu
- Functional Item And Debug Data Is Now Properly Hidden
- Creative Tab Reassortment
- Song Of The Dragons Sound Effect Volume Reduced {1 -> 0.5}
- Sprite Tweaks
[] - 4/13/2023 : 3:12 PM
- Added Basic Gun
- Knightslord Song Of The Dragons Leap Item Damage Reduced {10 -> 2}
- Tuned The Damage Output Of Song Of The Dragons {11 -> 10}
[0.0.7] - 4/13/2023 : 1:32 PM
- Added Tome Variants For Knightslord Blade
- Reduced Strength For Fury Of War Knightslord Blade Variant
[] - 4/13/2023 : 1:14 PM
- Reduced The Skybow's Damage Output {D: 4 -> 2} {FotC: 4 -> 3} {GB: 3 -> 2}
- Sprite Tweaks
[] - 4/13/2023 - 2:58 AM
- Polishing Tweaks
[] - 4/13/2023 - 2:35 AM
- New Knightsman Blade Tome Variants With Basic, Low-Quality Projectile For Dagger Variant [Knightslord TBA]
[] - 4/13/2023 : 2:21 AM
- New Creative Tab Assortments
- Spawnrates For Fallen Knight Reduced
[] - 4/13/2023 : 2:04 AM (Will Be Logging Time And Date When Entries Are Made From Now On)
- New Custom Tabs For Items (Some Are Empty As There Aren't Many Items Yet. These Will Have Vanilla Items Representing Them)
- Fallen Knight Will Not Spawn During Easy Mode
- New Enemy: Fallen Knight
- Custom Armor For New Enemy
- Animation Changes For Bow, Now Most Bows Can Be Held Before Firing (Does Not Affect Power)
- Guns Can Be Held Before Shooting
- New Enemy Testing
- Armor Testing
- Added Haste For Ranged Items (To Prevent Swinging Animation)
- Added The Knightsman and Knightslord Blade [Made For New Enemy]
- Improved Skybow Recipe And Added Tome Variants
- Added Gunpowder Contraption Rage Tome Recipe
- Very Minor Resprites
- Added Skybow
- Thunderstorms Now Also Add Extra Fear
- Introduced Starting Items For Future Weapons
- ???
- Added The Gunpowder Contraption And Its Upgrades
- Added Lapis Longbow with Crystal Arrows
- Added The Crystal Brand
- Introduced Tomes As Smithing Upgrades For Each Weapon
- Fixed Rage Exceeding A Value Of 50 Due To Mistargeting
- Weapon Testing
- Custom Tab For Most Items
- Capped Glee And Fear To 25 And Rage To 50
- Resprites For All Totems To Match Beyond The Grave
- Modified Sound Indicators For Rage, Some Fear And All Glee Attributes Remain Silent
- Major Sprite Polishing For Alpha Publication
- Glee And Fear Balancing For Vanilla Difficulties
- Fixed Debug Value Misplacement
- Added Trigger Items For Each Difficulty
- Increased Bravery's Effectiveness
- Reduced Beyond The Grave Difficulty Variable From 10 To 5
- Introduced Masochism Mode And Beyond The Grave
- Added Balances To Glee For Each New Difficulty
- Glee Resprites
- Limited Glee To 100 And Fear To 50
- Added Bravery
- Balanced Glee For Each Difficulty
- Introduced Glee, Fear, and Rage
- Mod Creation
cool mod !