Useful Enchants !New!

Published by daxtimex 3 on
Upvotes: 2
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I'll describe all enchants

Freezing (I-III)

Inflicts various debuffs that interfere with movement in various ways. More level-stronger debuffs

Necromancy (Updated)

Now, when killing a mob, its zombie version will spawn with a small chance. For example when you kill hoglin will spawn zoglin, when kill horse will zombie or skeleton horse. More level-nothing changes

Night dig (Updated)

Now, night vision effect'll active only in darkness. More level-nothing changes

Fireball (In past "Magic arrow")

Now, you can shoot dragon fireball with big recharge. More level-shorter recharge

Gorgone Curse

With small chance you can transform entity in blocks of stone and rarely in diamonds. More levels-bigger chance

Acid dissolution (I-V) (Renamed)

This curse puts a acid dissolution effect on your enemy. More levels-stronger debuff but durability of item spending 3*curse level times faster.

Acid dissolution effect (Renamed)

Like a withering but damage is faster and items in the hand dissolves

Uppercut (I-V) (In past "C-moon")

Throws up enemy. More level-higher throw up


If it enchantment is on item it digs 3x3. More level-nothing changes

Cactus's thorns (I-III) (Renamed)

This curse better then sharpness but if you kick curse kick you. More level-bigger damage (to you and the enemy)

Kamikadze (l-lll) (In past "Erase the universe")

This enchant does what kamikaze do while die. More level-you stronger blows up


I think it should have been called a split, because when you take item in your hands you loose 50% of durability but recieve it copy. More level-nothing changes

Combo (In past "Rage")

 When you kill entity you get the effect of strenth that increase with every kill (under 5-th lvl). More level-faster increases

Miner's fury !New!

With every 2-nd broken block you get faster, but when you stop to broke them you have to start from the beginning. More level-faster get faster

Daylight and Darknight

2 opposite swords. Daylight- stronger and cheaper to repair, but slower and has small durability. 

Darknight- faster and has bigger durability, but weaker and expensive to repair. Also daylight make day and darknight-night

Minecraft mod files
UsefulEnchants.jar - I don't want update it more Uploaded on: 08/16/2023 - 14:54   File size: 127.24 KB

11/04/2022  I uploaded this mod like daxtimex09

16/08/2023  I updated this mod and translate on Russian

Nice enchant ideas - my favourite is the acid one. Upvoted!
(Maybe add some pictures to description)