Tunneller's Dream

Published by saismee on
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Tunneller's Dream is a mod that adds some new items and blocks designed to help you get many more materials.


  • Blumium. Blumium is a mystical ingot used in creation of powerful tools and blocks, even unlocking the Scripted Dimension
  • Walnut Plains. The Walnut Plains biome comes with walnut trees and wood, used for nice decoration. (Currently not usable in recipes except sticks) (Saplings / Leaves WIP)
  • Tree Farm. WIP
  • Scripted Stone. This stone is very tough and can be used in recipes for the Scripted Dimension. It is crafted by right clicking Stone with an Etcher. Requires Silk Touch to attain.
  • Example blocks. These are for showcasing recipes for other mod showcases.
  • The Gateway.

The Gateway

The Gateway is a multi-block structure consisting of 3 blocks. The controller, the bottom, and the top. It is placed in a 3 block tall arrangement, and when finished, it allows you to enter to the Scripted Dimension. This dimension has copious amounts of Scripted Ores and Scripted Stone. You also need a Return Linker and a Return Block. You right click with the Linker to link to the Block. It has a ~50% chance of breaking upon use, and once in the Scripted Dimension, you can press C to return to the Overworld. You will need to re-link after returning or you will be permanently stuck.

You need a Diamond Pickaxe (or Blumium) to dig the Scripted Stone. It is likely you will spawn in it, and start suffocating, so be ready before stepping in the gate.

Minecraft mod files
TDream1.jar - Version 1 Uploaded on: 01/18/2020 - 06:43   File size: 284.12 KB