Sol III Core Mod

Published by Hidan on
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About Sol III

Sol III "Sol 3" is a mod that aims to unitize most of the common ores along with adding some new into the game and providing
a working currency system stored per player or with coins that can be used with different mods too.
The main purpose of this mod is to have cross mod compatibility ore generation that will generate ores and
in case of adding new mods on a pre-generated world that adds new ore instead of creating a new world or traveling to
unexplored chunks.

Currently, it supports over 20 new ores "Note: Some ores might be missing their drop" that can be processed
and used in other mods such as Thermal Series, this is also core API for my mods and can by for others too, in
that case I will provide tutorials on how to use it and add support to it into your mod.

Also here is Mod forum topic:

And here is how to use it with different mods:

List of Features:

Over 20 new and common ores such as Copper"Malachite", or Tin"Laterite" but also brand new such as Xenotime, Beryl or Asisit
Cross mod currency system called Cube Bits 
Coins and Bank that transfers coins into players persistence variable Wallet and vice versa
Ore/Item Cross mod compatibility with Ore Dictionary/Tags

Planed Features:

Energy system
EMC like system
And More


Small FAQ Read it before asking questions:

Q.Will there be more ores?
A.Sure Just give me some time

Q.How I can use your ores in my mod?
A.Add Ore Dictionary/Tag Entry to your block/item
List of entries that are used can be found here:
List of tags can be find here:
Or More up to date and directly here:

Q.Can I suggest an ore?
A.Sure But check before If it's not added already

Q.How does Currency System Works?
A.Its simply, my coins have Ore Dictionary entries "You can also add your own coins and give them same entries"
which allows me to use them in different mods and store them as Player Persistence variable values, this values can also be changed by other mods

Q.Will you show how to use and add support for your mod?
A.Yep, I will explain the process of adding OreDict/Tags and Cube Bits support to other mods

Q.I am unable to obtain coins on survival mode why?
A.The idea of currency was to store it and make it cross-compatible
however, I'm planning to add simply Miner Box that will be giving coins for ores.

Q.Some ores are missing their drops is that a bug?
A.As I said before, I did not have enough time to make them have all the materials
however, you can still make a procedure that will be processing them into materials
in your mod.

Q.I Have a Bug

Q.How many ores are there?
A.Last time I was checking, there was 26 ores I guess

Q.You said it uses common materials but there is no Copper/Tin in it? "Throws table in Rage mode!"
A. Copper and Tin are added they are just made in different form which is "Malachite for Copper" and "Laterite for Tin"
If you use forge:ores/copper or forge:ingots/copper the your mod should treat "Malachite ore" as Copper ore same with ingots and Tin ore/ingot
Just make sure to use correct tags and their types for example for ore use ores/materialname and for ingot use ingots/materialname
so now put the table back on its place!

Minecraft mod files
Sol-III v1.1.2 [1.15.2].jar - Sol III v1.1.2 [1.15.2] Uploaded on: 06/28/2020 - 02:03   File size: 600.31 KB
Sol-III v1.1.2 [1.14.4].jar - Sol III v1.1.2 [1.14.4] Uploaded on: 06/28/2020 - 02:03   File size: 598.34 KB
Sol-III v1.1.2 1.15.2 Deobf.jar - Sol III v1.1.2 [1.15.2] Deobf Version Uploaded on: 06/28/2020 - 02:02   File size: 590.08 KB
Sol-III v1.1.2 1.14.4 Deobf.jar - Sol III v1.1.2 [1.14.4] Deobf Version Uploaded on: 06/28/2020 - 02:01   File size: 588.29 KB

-----v1.1.2 [1.14.4] [1.15.2]-----

Added Atlarus ore

Added Infuscolium ore

Added block tags for ores, now ores have their own tags as blocks and itemstacks

Fixed Platine and Cobalt ore not having their harvesting tool defined

-----v1.1.1 [1.14.4] [1.15.2]-----

Added Deep Iron Ore

Added Adamantite Ore

-----v1.1.0 [1.14.4]-----

Updated Ore blocks textures to fit 1.14.4

Updated ATM texture

Added Orichalcum ore

Added Titanium ore

Added Uranium ore

Added Tungsten ore

Added Drop for Asist ore

Added Drop for Zircon ore

Added Drop for Bukovite ore

Added tags to new ores and items

Added missing Blast furnace recipes

Redone smelting recipes for all smeltable ores to use tags as input instead of blocks

Fixed Malachite using wrong tag

Fixed Zircon have same drop as Xenotime

Fixed some ores have defected textures

Adjusted some ore stats

Zircon ore and ingot now uses 2 different tags

For Blocks:



For ingots:



-----B-20 I-20 [1.14.4]-----

Updated to mc 1.14.4 

Redo Ingot textures

Moved bank variable from Entity NBT tags to Player Persistence Variable

Fixed Command/ATM displaying float values

Fixed Laterite use Malahite ingot texture

Fixed Laterite was called Malahite in game

Added 90% of missing tags for items/blocks

Added 3 new ores: Asisite, Bukovite, Zircon "No drops yet"

New Logo :D

-----v1.0.1 [1.12.2]-----

Fixed wrong name for Lead ingot 

Added Adelite Chunk

Added Aluminum Ingot

Added Nickel Ingot

Added Magnesium Ingot

Added Fluorite Dust

Added Particles to Cube Bits ATM

Improved Mod logo

Nice idea, I hope people pick it up as their "Core Mod" because there really are too many mods adding same ores :P

I hope many mods will make use of it and I think it will be in many modpacks :)
Q: What does Sol mean?

Finally ! It’s an awesome core mod ! It will be very useful for tech mod and other mods ! :D