This mod simply adds 98 new commands. 1.1 update introduces support for mob spawning.
/gms = Gamemode Survival
/gmc = Gamemode Creative
/gma = Gamemode Adventure
/gmsp = Gamemode Spectator
/ovrwrld = Teleport to Overworld
/nether = Teleport to Nether
/end = Teleport to End
/day = Sets the time to day
/sunr = Sets the time to sunrise
/night = Sets the time to night
/suns = Sets the time to sunset
/wclr = Clears the weather
/wrain = Changes weather to rain
/wthndr = Changes weather to thunder
/feed = Fill hunger bar
/starve = Empty hunger bar
/barrier = Gives barrier block
/cmdblock = Gives command block
/fly = Enables flight
/nfly = Disables flight
/bld = Enables build
/nbld = Disables build
/dmg = Enables damage
/ndmg = Disables damage
/strike (2) = Strikes 1(2) bolts of lightning
/clr = Clears all effects
/empty = Clears player inventory
/diamond = Covers player in diamond armor
/gold = Covers player in gold armor
/iron = Covers player in iron armor
/chain = Covers player in chainmail armor
/leather = Covers player in leather armor
/home = Sets player spawn
/(Entity name) = Spawns desired entity (Supports all living entities)
1.1 - Introduced support for entity spawning.
Can you add /home to tp to spawn point if possible