Little Camera

Published by Goldorion on
Upvotes: 22
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Did you always want to make a teaser trailer for your mod or a cinematic, but camera mods are to complicated to understand? Little Camera is for your!

Little Cam is a little mod adding the possibility to execute paths you created.

A small preview of what the mod can do.


There is only one command to know, /camera.  To do a specific action you need to write the action as first argument. let check everything we can do!

clear: Reset all positions

pos (or "P" on the keyboard): This command will set a new position to the camera at your location. You can set as many locations as you want.

start <seconds>: This command will start the path if you have at least 2 positions. The number of seconds is the second you will take to travel between 2 poisitions. It's not the total time.

stop: Stop the camera if started

Quick Guide:

  1. The first you need is to be able to execute a command, and to be in Creative or Spectator mode.
  2. Then, go to the first position of your path, and add a new position to this location. Do the same thing for, at least, a second location.
  3. When you have finished to set your positions, execute the command /camera start <seconds>, where <seconds> is the number of seconds between 2 positions.
  4. You're done! See your player move like a real camera!


Quick note: Currently, the camera don't save the direction you looked. So, for the moment, you will need to turn your head yourself. I suggest you activate the Cinematic mode (Select a shortcut in the Controls) to get something smooth.
If you find the mod looks like CMD Cam, it's normal. I re-use a command system too.

Minecraft mod files
1.14.4-1.0.0-alpha1.jar - Little Camera 1.14.4-1.0.0-alpha1 Uploaded on: 06/24/2020 - 19:08   File size: 43.64 KB
1.15.2-1.0.0-alpha1.jar - Little Camera 1.15.2-1.0.0-alpha1 Uploaded on: 06/24/2020 - 19:08   File size: 43.8 KB

- Added /camera command with:

  - clear


  - start <seconds>(between 2 positions)


- Added a shortcut (P) to add a new position

I want to learn how you made this. Can you please either make a tutorial or upload the workspace file somewhere?

Eyo goldorion! Didn't notice you made this mod, Keep up the good work man!

Wow cool Mod, pleas port it to 1.16! It is so simple and is easyer than all the other Mods like this one!

if you want to try the mod, if you got a PC, you can download the demo, it's way more limited, you can make only one and non-customizable world, the time is limited, but you can still use mods with curseforge (the app) or another thing idk i used curseforge when i wanted to play it with mods