This page is no longer being updated as of November 2022, newer releases are available on Curseforge and Modrinth
Shadowlands is a mod which adds 6 new dimensions, each with biomes and dungeons, there's loads to explore! First you must summon an kill a huge flying magical construct and then you can visit the wonderous lands this mod has to offer.
It adds:
- 6 new dimensions
- 47 new mobs
- 211 new blocks
- 17 new armor sets
- 66 new plants
- 9 new bosses
- 118 new structures
- 274 new recipes
- several other things such as GUIs
The Shadowlands dimension is a dark shadowy dimension with grey trees and black stone dungeons along with occasional red cactus forests, here you will find the keys to the Glowshroom Forest and Vellium dimentions.
The Glowshroom forest has glowing mushrooms everywhere, but be careful - some of them can move and are not at all welcoming to outsiders. The dimension also has strange stinging Jellyfish and Spore Mines (inspired by Warhammer 40k) the spore mines seem harmless but will explode without warning if you go near them. And of course there are plenty of towers and dungeons to loot and explore.
The Forgotten Desert dimension can be reached by acquiring a gold coin from a Trader robot, the desert has huge ruined rusty metal towers and generators - the remnants of an advanced civilisation lost to the harsh sandy wasteland
The Vellium dimension is a bright sunny cheerful place - but do not be fooled - the strange yellow one-eyed beasts which inhabit it are deadly, and if you're not careful you can get hopelessly lost in the low lying fields of fluffy cloud.
The Bloodlust dimension is an evil dark place, full of hostile mobs and covered in sharp spikes which without the right armor can tear apart the player, a powerful boss can be summoned here - but it's very powerful so make sure you can get back to the altar if you get killed (don't worry it won't despawn)
The Sparkpolia dimension is a vast ocean with forested islands, it is a dimension full of creepers and strange ghostly mobs. There are currently no structures there but that will may change in the next update.
Want to see more images? Go here:
Want to see a short video of the mod?
The old wiki can be found here:
However a new wiki has also been made here: which is more detailed and has better images.
Total Mcreator mod elements: 1152 (in 1.16.5 update: 1231) (in 1.19.2 update: 1229)
Music/sound credits: David Renda on Kevin MacLeod Sound effects from
If you want to include this in a modpack or have a question please contact me.
All rights reserved, unless otherwise stated this pack may be downloaded for personal use only.
This page is no longer being updated as of November 2022, newer releases are available on Curseforge and Modrinth
Fixed a bug where the Glowshroom forest portal igniter didn't appear.
Fixed a bug where killing the Red Knight didn't grant an achivement.
Fixed a bug where Glowing Crystal wasn't obtainable.
Updated the mod to 2.0!
Shadowlands 1.14.4 - 1.15.2 version 2.0 Changelog:
Blocks added:
Toxic Glowing Shroom Block
Toxic Grass
Goo Ore
Goo BLock
Brutallium Ore
Brutallium Block
Vellium Redstone Ore
Display Stand
Desert Coal Ore
Desert Redstone Ore
Desert Lapis Ore
Ooblen Stone
Ooblen Grass
Ooblen Tenticle Tree Log
Ooblen Iron Ore
Ooblen Brick
Ooblen Leaves
Dark Sandstone
Belronite Ore
Dark Yellow Stone
Light Deep Sandstone
Belronite Block
Plants added:
Vellium Starflower
Toxic Shroom
Purple Shroom
Blue Shroom
Red Shroom
Pink Shroom
Tall Toxic Shroom
Small Vellium Grass
Small Shroom Grass
Small Toxic Grass
Dark Fern
Poisoned Plant
Dull Shroom
Thin Red Cactus
Void Fern
Red Grass
Shadow Fern
Tall Red Shroom
Vellium Water Lilly
Ooblen Bush
Ooblen Small Grass
Ooblen Bulb
Ooblen Tentacle Plant
Ooblen Fern
Ooblen Cactus
Items added:
Brutallium Ingot
Brutallium Plate
Brutallium Robot Kit
Ooblen Sword
Belronite Ingot
Belronite Megasword
Goo Blade
Biomes added:
Toxic Forest
Armor added:
Belronite Armor
Structures added:
Big Tree
Vellium Forge
Vellium Worm Dungeon
Underground Library
Firegem Vault
Metal Tank
Entities added:
Toxic Disgruntled Shroom
Brutallium Robot
Ooblen Knight
Other changes:
Made Doom Star and Awakened Star bosses less laggy and changed the way they attack - they now summon Vexes instead of lightning storms which could crash the game.
Made Glowing Crystal mineable with pickaxe rather than just tnt/creepers.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed Vellium Logs not using log rotation
Fixed Shadow Wood Planks/Slabs/stairs not being broken quicker with an axe
Fixed Forgotten Desert having a global light source
Fixed various incorrect harvesting levels for ores
Fixed Doom Star/Awakened Star potentially crashing the game in 1.14.4
Fixed Shadowgem Sword not haveing a crafting recipe
Fixed Ruby Cube not dropping the correct loot
Fixed Pistol doing too much knockback
Fixed Ghostmetal tools not having a recipe
Improved the Metal Cooling procedure
2.0.1 Fixed bug where Purity boots needed Purity boots to craft
2.1 Added:
Brasswood log
Brasswood planks
Wires (plant)
Brass knuckles
Brass ingot
Brasswood hills (biome)
Living machinery (rideable passive mob)
Added Belronite as a usable resource, it was added in 2.0 but was unfinished and not available in survival mode.
Fixed bugs with achivements being gained at the wrong times.
Blocks added:
Corrupted Bricks
Shadow Spirit
Fire Portal
Fire Portal Igniter
Unbreakable Nether Brick
Unbreakable Red Nether Brick
Keyblock Activated
Keyblock Stage 2
Keyblock Stage 2 Activated
Wither Skull Block
Magma Lamp
Mobs added:
Pigman Brineguard
Emperor Wither
Vellium Jellyfish
Items added:
Corrupted Tablet
Shadow Eye
Cursed Armor Fragment
Dungeon Reset
Dungeon Key
Wither Blaster
Molten staff
Commands added: /wiki shadowlands (this will send a link to the wiki in chat)
Changed custom mob models and textures, fixed a few bugs, updated
Mcreator version which should make stuff run better, made modded wood
usable as fuel, added a huge nether dungeon and huge portal, added a way
to smelt shadowmetal to unenhance it and added a load of new
Added 199 new elements
Dry grass
Tremluous log
Tremulous leaves
Tremulite planks
Tremulite stairs
Tremulite slab
Tremulite fence
Volcanic spawner (creative only, not yet used)
Ward (creative only, not yet used)
Fireball object (creative only, not yet used)
Golden leaves
Spike part 1
Spike part 2
Spike part 3
Spike part 4
Mushroom stalk
Huge green shroom
Huge toxic shroom
Yellow shroom block
Yellow shroom block edge
Purple shroom block
Purple shroom block edge
Glowshroom forest stalagmite
Glowshroom forest stalactite
Vellium stalagmite
Vellium stalactite
Thin red cactus
The eye of dreamoulous (creative only, not yet used)
Golden leaf
Sparklefern seeds
Eye of dreamulous (creative only, not yet used)
Area affect entity 1
Molten staff
Andrillican (creative only, not yet used)
Redtip grass
Big green mushroom
Tall green mushroom
White crystal
Also added custom particles, vanilla structures to some of the dimensions, 199 new structure spawns, and all sorts of other bug fixes and changes.
Added approximately 209 mod elements
Sacrificial circle
Bright red nether bricks
Bright red nether brick stairs
Bright red nether brick slab
Dungeon test block
Ornate glass 0
Ornate glass 1
Ornate glass 2
Ornate glass 3
Red castle altar
Casting furnace
Reinforced obsidian
Portal bricks
Creep log
Creep leaves
Sparkpolia stone
Cyprendium ore
Creepr egg
Sparkpolia leaves
Sparkpolia diamond ore
Creep planks
Abyssal eye
Red nightmare
Bouncing shroom
Ascendant star stage 1
Ascendant star stage 2
Ascendant star stage 3
Ascendant star stage 4
Ascendant star stage 5
Elite mob spawner
Large creeper
Creeper knight
Creep spider
Creeper ship
Ghost creeper
Ghost guardian
Guardian boar
Redstone bullet
Nightmare tooth
Void blade fragments
Casting mold
Ultraflame ingot
Hellish eye
Glowshroom master token
Summoning rings
Summoning circle
Creepoid chunk
Creepmetal ingot
Creeper alloy
Sparkpolian diamond
No no book
Guardian idol
Ultra void sword
Andrilicine void sword
Andrilicine blaze sword
Nightmare tooth sword
Starcrystal maul
Creep sword
Cyprendium sword
Guardian bane sword
Vex blaster
Tendrilled bow
Desert armor
Glowshroom master armor
Star crystal armor
Creeper alloy armor
Enhanced diamond armor
Nightbreaker helmet
Creeper forest
The red castle
Added several modded items to vanilla tags for better compatibility, tweaked several mob spawn rates/drops/stats, modified several armor stats, added a huge red castle which needed it's own dimension so that it could all generate without bits being placed in unloaded chunks, fixed bug where sparklefern crops didn't drop the correct items, made ores compatible with silk touch and fortune, changed the Red Knight's and Brutalium robot spawn sounds.
Updated to 1.16.5, changed all tree generation, shortened cloud tower structure, replaced Awakened Star with Wither Skeleton Commander, (existing Awakened Stars will not be deleted), added new biome (Averite Forest) Added music to the Vellium Megabee and Spore King bosses.
Music/sound credits: David Renda on Kevin MacLeod Sound effects from
avertite leaves (all variants)
avian armor
averite sword
averite orb
avertite potion
shadow potion
void potion
glowshroom potion
shadow herb pile
glowshroom herb pile
void potion ingredients
giant strider hide
cosmic orb
avertie forest
giant strider
averite warrior
wither skeleton commander
Fixed a lot of non-game-breaking bugs, buffed several of the bosses to include occasional healing and extra damage, made rare mushrooms obtainable (although very rare), removed Bloodlust overlay, doubled Cyprendium ore spawning. 1.18.2 support may be added next update, I do not yet know when that will be. It is very unlikely that 1.17 support will be added.
UPDATE 2.6.1, 2.6.2. 2.6.3!
Several bugfix updates have been made.
2.6.1 Changelog:
Fixed Toxic Spore being unobtainable, also changed Sacrificial Circle to say how much power it needs and changed shadowmetal cooler GUI to warn that it can only hold 2 ingots.
2.6.2 Changelog:
Doubled rusty trader spawn rate to 2k per 1m chunks as their small size made them very hard to find, fixed batteries being unobtainable, fixed Casting Furnace using wrong item to craft, fixed Spore King not attacking. Removed Meteoric Descent advancement as it was unobtainable. Improved AI on several mobs.
2.6.3 changelog:
Fixed Creepership not spawning, fixed Red Nightmare not giving advancement upon death, fixed Large Creepers not having the right loot table, made instructions on Watershrine clearer.
UPDATE 2.6.4
2.6.4 Changelog:
Fixed Creeperships spawning in every dimension
UPDATE 2.6.5 - 2.6.6
2.6.5 - 2.6.6 Changelogs:
Bug fixes
2.7 Changelog:
Replaced copyright screen with a less intrusive once-per-player chat message, added Polished Shadowstone Wall recipe, fixed a few spelling mistakes, added chance for Void Fruit to drop from Shadow Spirits since the void forest does not generate. Replaced the old ore drops system with proper loot tables. Added various items (such as leaves) to vanilla tags. Removed various unused textures.
Biome spawning had to be redone due to 1.19.2 worldgen, this means biomes are larger and some biomes had to be excluded, you may need to travel a long distance (1k - 2k blocks) to find all the biomes in a dimension. Biomes do have more varied heights now though, removing the need for separate mountain biomes.
Biomes which no longer spawn:
Void forest, Shadowlands Red, Shadowlands Mountains, Glowshroom Forest Mountains, Glowshroom Forest Huge Mountains.
I also updated the mod to work in 1.19.2
I've fixed the description now, thanks.