What Lurks Below (Alpha)

Published by N4zaris on
Upvotes: 6
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What Lurks Below expands the oceans by adding several new ocean biomes, multiple new mobs and new structures.

Upcoming Features and New Features will always be put onto the Mod Discussion Page.

What Lurks Below Mod Discussion Page: https://mcreator.net/forum/65379/what-lurks-below

The "Safe" Biomes

The "Coral Forest", The "Seagrass Meadows", "The Mushroom Grove" and "The Crystal Sea"


The "Neutral" Biomes

The "Thermal Vents"


The "Hostile" Biomes

"The Deep" and "The Whispering Deep"

Minecraft mod files
WhatLurksBelow Alpha V0.2_0.jar - Alpha Version Uploaded on: 10/14/2020 - 14:50   File size: 1.71 MB
WhatLurksBelowPreAlpha V0.1.jar - Pre-Alpha Version Uploaded on: 09/29/2020 - 20:47   File size: 1.47 MB

I want to work with you on your mod I am very good at making items and other I am French my discord ninjatorrent # 5156

nice, there's a pre-alpha now. more interesting oceans, here we go!

i'm looking forwards to future possible updates as well, but take your time :)

Cool. Looking forewards to future updates. Too bad the ocean expansion already happened ;/