
Published by Kotishe on
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This mod exists since Sep 26, 2019. Older versions you can find on CurseForge.

Mod versions for Minecraft 1.14.4/1.15.2/1.17.1/1.19.4 you can find at CurseForge:

Supported Languages:

- English;
- Russian;
- Spanish(2.4/3.1+);
- Ukrainian(2.5/3.2+);
- French(2.6/3.3+);
- Italian(2.6/3.3+);
- German(2.10/3.7+);
- Belarusian(2.10/3.7+).

Mod reviews:

- Russian, part 1 -
- Russian, part 2 -
- Spanish - (v1.7)

My other projects:
Midnight Madness:
Dota Mod:
Timeless Power:
LTA Universe:

Minecraft mod files
[1.20.1]Nonexistent+5.1.3.jar Uploaded on: 01/02/2024 - 11:55   File size: 1.87 MB
[1.19.2]Nonexistent+5.1.3.jar Uploaded on: 01/02/2024 - 11:57   File size: 1.89 MB
[1.18.2]Nonexistent+5.1.3.jar Uploaded on: 01/02/2024 - 11:58   File size: 1.9 MB
[1.16.5]Nonexistent+4.1.3.jar Uploaded on: 01/02/2024 - 11:57   File size: 2.28 MB
[1.12.2]Nonexistent+2.15.4.jar Uploaded on: 01/02/2024 - 11:58   File size: 2.09 MB
  • In 1.3 update:

-Added enderium and netherium rods;

-Added netherium tools;

-Some crafts changed.

  • In 1.4 update:

-Added enderium tools.

  • In 1.5 update:

-Added Titanium ore, ingot, shard and sword;
-Added Ultimarium ingot and The Ultimarium Sword.

  • In 1.6 update:

-Added 10 new achievements;
-Added obsidian shard;
-Fixed some bugs;
-Updated Netherium and Titanium swords;
-Changed Titanium Ingot craft;
-Another little craft changes.

  • In 1.6.1 update:

-Fixed bug with distolium and kronolium ores generation in the world;
-Added obsidian craft using obsidian shards.

  • In 1.7 update:

- Added 2 new special swords - Thunderer and Omnivorous;
- Added 1 new achievement;
- Some crafts changed;
- The Ultimarium Sword damage fixed from 50 to 35.
- Added 3 new blocks.

  • In 1.8 update:

- Added the ultimarium and titanium tools;
- Added netherium and enderium-coated iron and golden swords;
- Added fuel function for netherium shards.

  • In 1.9 update:

- Added some new enderium and netherium-coated swords;
- Netherium-Coated Kronolium Sword - new special sword, named The Infernal Wrath. Have special ability that use netherium shard to teleport you to Nether(can teleport into the air or into blocks, be careful using it);
- Changed some swords properties;
- Added one new achievement.

  • In 1.10 update:

- Added 3 reinforced pickaxes;
- Bloodthirsty and Nightkiller - two new special swords, that have a great power of manipulating life and time;
- Added obsidian rod, some crafts changed;
- Added 2 new achievements.

  • In 1.10.1 update:

- Fixed some bugs.

  • In 2.0 update:

- Added 2 new reinforced pickaxes;
- Added 3 sets of armor;
- Netherium shard fuel function was fixed a bit;
- Added titanium rod, some crafts changed;
- Thunderer's special attack has been improved;
- Creative tabs has been sorted;
- Updated localization files.

  • In 2.1 update:

- Added new reinforced pickaxes: iron, gold, diamond, netherium and Ultimarium;
- 2 new achievements;
- Changed some crafting recipes;
- All tools and weapons have been balanced;
- Bug fixes;
- Changed the properties of some special swords;
- Added The Ultimarium Block;
- The properties of many items and blocks also have been changed;
- Added some features.

  • In 2.1.1 update:

-Fixed a typo in modid. Launching the old world with a new version, be prepared for the everything from the mod will disappear!;
-Fixed bloodthirsty special attack;
-Created a consistent achievement system;
-Other minor fixes.

  • In 2.2 update:

- Added some new enderium and netherium swords coated with other materials;
- The Ultimarium Star has been added. Its ability gives you a bunch of buffs;
- Now mod have tags for its materials;
- Added The Ultimarium Shard;
- 2 new achievements;
- New special sword - The Ethereal Ease which ability gives you speed boost and extinguish if you on fire;
- Some bugs fixed;
- Some new sounds.

  • In 2.3 update:

- Updated a lot of textures;
- Updated ability cost for special swords;
- Updated properties of some swords;
- Craft recipes changes;
- Bug fixes;
- Localization fixes / updates;
- Achievement changes;
- Block properties have been balanced;
- Added burn function for netherium tools and block.

  • In 2.4/3.1 update:

- Added Reinforced Emerald Pickaxe;
- (2.4) Fixed damage of tools;
- Added 1 new material: Astral Stone. Can be obtained from completing the achievements of the mod;
- Added astral tools;
- New special sword: "The Death Prisoner", which ability allows user to enter the Astral for 15 seconds;
- Titanium armor properties changed;
- One new achievement, some improvements;
- Reinforced pickaxes properties changes;
- Added mod translation to Spanish;
- Updated the localization files.

  • In 2.4.1/2.4.2 updates:

- Localization fixes;
- Tools properties fixes;
- Other small changes.

  • In 2.5/3.2 updates:

- (2.5) Astral Stone tag changed (stoneAstral);
- Added Enderium and Netherium armor sets;
- Added mod translation to Ukranian;
- Updated the localization files.

  • In 2.6/3.3 updates: 

- Changed damage of diamond swords;
- Added Obsidian-Coated swords;
- Mod translated to Italian and French;
- Updated the localization files.

  • In 2.6.1 update:

- Updated the localization files.

  • In 2.7/3.4 updates:

 - Changed special ability, now it trade 19 of your health for power-ups;
 - Added sound effects on ability using;
 - Achievement description changed.
 - Special ability cost increased from 5 to 15, cooldown increased from 5s to 15s, now strikes 3 lightbolts instead of 1;
 - Fixed texture of the sword;
 - Added sound effect on ability using;
Other swords changes:
 - 7 new Titanium-coated swords;
 - 9 new X-coated Titanium swords;
 - Slightly changed texture of Distolium sword;
 - Added new way to create any coated sword in existence;
 - The damage of all coated swords has been changed according to a new formula;
 - Damage of swords on 1.14.4 has been equalized with 1.12.2;
 - Added ignite on hit function on netherium-coated swords.
 - (1.12.2)Fixed bug with Nightkiller's achievement.
The Ultimarium:
 - The Ultimarium Star's ability cost and duration increased. Power-ups were buffed;
 - The Ultimarium Block's power-ups were increased;
 - The Reinforced Ultimarium Pickaxe after-creating buff duration increased from 15 seconds to 10 minutes;
 - The Ultimarium tools stats were incresed.
Other changes:
 - (1.12.2)Changed Enderium/Netherium pickaxes recipes;
 - (1.12.2)Damage of all axes degreased by 2;
 - The mod was ported to Minecraft 1.15.2;
 - Updated the localization files.

  • In 3.4.1 update(1.15.2):

- Fixed the bug with enderium not spawning or spawning very rare.

  • In 2.8/3.5 updates:

 - Added one new special sword - Strengthblessed. Its special ability gives you a boost in defense, but removes your mobility for 30 seconds. Cooldown - 1 minute after activation. Cost - 20 sword's durability;
 - Added one new achievement for Strenghblessed;
 - Added Retorium Crystal and 8 its versions - one for each special sword: 
1)Thundered (Thunderer), 
2)Infernal (Infernal Wrath), 
3)Cursed (Omnivorous),
4)Sanguinary (Bloodthirsty), 
5)Ethereal (Ethereal Ease), 
6)Midnight (Nightkiller), 
7)Astral (Death Prisoner),
8)Enduring (Strengthblessed);
Recipes of all special swords had been changed;
 - (1.14.4/1.15.2)Increased enderium ore spawn rate.

  • In The Ultimarium Update(2.9/3.6):

 - Added The Ultimarium Armor;
 - 6 new The X-Powered Ultimarium Swords;
 - Updated texture of The Ultimarium;
 - Added sound effect on Strengthblessed ability using;
 - Added 2 new achievements:
(22)Overlord - Equip the full set of The Ultimarium Armor;
(23)The Founding Titan - Create The Titanium-Powered Ultimarium Sword;
 - (1.14.4/1.15.2) Added achievement (21)Sword Demon - Get all achievements of Nonexistent+;
 - (1.12.2) Achievement (12)Sword Demon has been succesfully fixed and now can be obtained;
 - Durability of all armor in the mod has been increased;
 - Updated the localization files;
 - The mod was ported to Minecraft 1.16.5.

  • In 2.10/3.7 updates:

 - Added German localization;
 - Added Belarusian localization;
 - Other minor localization fixes;
 - Increased Distolium/Kronolium/Enderium ores spawn frequency;
 - Changed Titanium recipe, now it needs 4 obsidian blocks instead of 4 obsidian shards;
 - Added another way to create Titanium shard: now it can be created of 1 Enderium shard and 1 obsidian;
 - Changed Netherium/Enderium armor's helmet texture;
 - Animated textures of astral, cursed, thundered, midnight, sanguinary and ethereal retorium crystals were made more smoother;
 - Astral Stone no longer could be obtained by completeng achievement "Manipulating Time";
 - Minor bug fixes.

  • In 2.11/3.8 updates:

- Special swords changes:
   - Added special ability - summoning a wither skeleton. Cost - 15 sword's durability and a bone, cooldown - 15s, range - 50 blocks;
   - Added powered lighting strike. Happens on special attack in rain. Gives the player some boost and a new effect - Thor's Blessing. Costs 5 more sword's durability, cooldown is 3 more seconds. Has a double range;
   - Updated passive ability;
   - Added passive ability - gives you speed and night vision when it is full moon;
  Ethereal Ease:
   - Added passive ability - gives you speed and slow falling when in inventory;
  Infernal Wrath
   - Added passive ability - gives you fire resistance and strength when in inventory and you are in Nether;
- Added 3 new achievements:
- (A24)May the Force Be With You - Unlocks when you shot a powered lighting strike with Thunderer's special ability;
- (A25)Like a Werewolf - Unlocks when you receive a buff from the Nightkiller at the full moon;
- (A26)Magic Without Magic Wand - Unlocks when you summon a wither skeleton with Omnivorous' special ability;
- (A12/21)Sword Demon updated with new achievements;
- Added Astral Block;
- Added Reinforced Astral Pickaxe;
- Updated textures of Astral tools;
- Updated the localization files.

  • In 4.0 update:

- Mod was ported to Minecraft 1.17.1.

  • In 2.12/3.9/4.1 updates:

- Added 12 new achievements:
  - (27)Path To Power - create the Retorium Crystal(50 xp reward);
  - (28)What Have I Done? - create The Ultimarium Hoe(150 xp reward + 1 AS(Astral Stone));
  - (29)Ender Dragon's Heritage - equip the full set of Enderium armor(200 xp reward);
  - (30)Impenetrable Darkness - equip the full set of Titanium armor(300 xp reward);
  - (31)All-Consuming Bloodthirst - equip the full set of Kronolium armor(100 xp reward);
  - (32)Legion Commander - equip the full set of Distolium armor(100 xp reward);
  - (33)I Am The Fire Lord! - equip the full set of Netherium armor(150 xp reward);
  - (34)Unstoppable - create The Distolium-Powered Ultimarium Sword(300 xp reward + 1 AS);
  - (35)Berserk's Path - create The Kronolium-Powered Ultimarium Sword(300 xp reward + 1 AS);
  - (36)Crazy Diamond - create The Diamond-Powered Ultimarium Sword(200 xp reward + 1 AS);
  - (37)Infernal Hatred - create The Netherium-Powered Ultimarium Sword(400 xp reward + 1 AS);
  - (38)Dragon's Fury - create The Enderium-Powered Ultimarium Sword(500 xp reward + 1 AS);
- Added reward for completing achievement (12/21)Sword Demon - 9 Astral Stones;
- (1.14.4/1.15.2)Fixed achievement (21)Sword Demon;
- Special swords' achievements are now located after (27)Path To Power;
- Changed icon of achievement (0)Nonexistent+;
- (1.14.4+)Changed icon of achievement (21)Sword Demon;
- Added passive effects to all Powered Ultimarium Swords:
  - Diamond-Powered gives haste(3) and speed(1);
  - Distolium-Powered gives absorption(3);
  - Kronolium-Powered gives regeneration(3);
  - Enderium-Powered gives night vision(3);
  - Netherium-Powered gives fire resistance(3);
  - Titanium-Powered gives strenght(3);
  - Added new sound effect on ability using;
  - Special ability now adds time(12000) instead of changing day to night;
  - Removed Astral Stone reward for achievement (25)Like a Werewolf;
The Infernal Wrath:
  - Special ability now gives absorption and regeneration(3) for 15 seconds on using;
  - (1.16.5/1.17.1)Special ability now works properly;
- Thor's Blessing potion effect have been deleted due to its uselessness and bugginess;
- Enderium/Netherium armor helmets' textures have been changed;
- Added animation to Enderium/Netherium;
- The Ultimarium Star now gives 1 Astral Stone on ability using;
- (1.12.2)Fixed damage of Emerald-Coated Iron Sword(from 5 to 8,5);
- (1.14.4+)Fixed damage of Emerald-Coated Iron Sword(from 9,5 to 8,5);
- Other minor fixes;
- Updated the localization files;
- Mod was ported to Minecraft 1.18.2.

  • (1.14.4/1.15.2)In 3.9.1 update:

- Fixed Omnivorous' special ability.

  • In The Astral Update(2.13/3.10/4.2):

- 20 new swords:
  - Astral Sword;
  - 8 Astral-Cursed Swords;
  - 10 X-Saturated Astral Swords;
  - The Astral-Powered Ultimarium Sword:
    - (2.13)Passive: gives night vision;
    - (3.10/4.2)Passive: gives slow falling and night vision;
- Added set of Astral Armor:
   - Full set of armor gives ability to fly;
- 1 new item: Astral Shard;
- 1 new mob: Astral Being:
  - 13 attack strength, 90 hp, 4 armor;
  - Immune to every type of damage except direct player's attack;
  - Drop: 0-5 astral shards, 45 xp;
- 5 new achievements:
  - (39)Spiritualistic Power - Create The Astral-Powered Ultimarium Sword(600 xp reward + 1 Astral Stone);
  - (40)Real Evil Spirit - Equip the full set of Astral Armor(350 xp reward);
  - (41)A Shard of the Deads - Get the Astral Shard(50 xp reward);
  - (42)Astral Power - Create the Astral Sword(50 xp reward);
  - (43)Spiritual Harmony - Saturate the Astral Sword with one of allowed materials(200 xp reward);
- Changed kronolium/distolium armor textures: removed shine elements;
- Changed recipe of Astral Block;
- Changed damage of Astral tools(+3);
- Changed repair item for Astral tools;
- Changed repair item for special swords: from Titanium to Retorium Crystal;
- Changed titanium axe/pickaxe/hoe recipes;
- Changed The Ultimarium Star ability:
  - Deleted 1 Astral Stone per use reward;
  - XP reward increased from 60 to 300 per use;
- Returned old Nightkiller's special ability sound;
- Titanium Sword's passive ability was given to all swords and tools created with titanium;
- Titanium Sword's passive ability was fixed a bit;
- The Nightkiller's passive ability was fixed a bit;
- Strengthblessed's passive and active ability were changed a bit;
- (3.10/4.2)Attack speed of all swords in the mod was fixed: from 1.0 to normal 1.6;
- (3.10/4.2)Added tooltips for special swords. Tooltips for armor, swords and items with effects will be added in next update;
- Updated the localization files;
- Other minor changes/fixes.

The localization of the mod has a lot of problems, so the next update will be focused on mod translation and everything will be improved as much as possible.

  • In 4.2.1 update:

- Fixed missing Astral Being model;
- Mod was ported to Minecraft 1.19.2.

  • In 2.14-2.14.4/3.11/4.0/5.0 updates:

-(5.0) 2 new blocks:
  - Deepslate Distolium Ore;
  - Deepslate Kronolium Ore;
- (5.0) Changed distolium/kronolium ores spawn height;
- Rebalanced damage and attack speed of all tools;
- Updated textures of all helmets;
- Added multitools for all mod materials:
  - Needs pickaxe, shovel and axe to craft;
  - Doesn't have hoe functions;
- Added 5 armor toughness to The Ultimarium Armor set;
- Omnivorous:
  - Reduced cooldown of special ability(from 15 to 10 seconds);
  - Special ability now summons regular Wither Skeleton(with stone sword);
- Death Prisoner:
  - Switching sword now doesn't hurt player;
- The Ultimarium Star:
  - Now gives you 600 xp instead of 300 on ability using;
- (3.11/4.0/5.0) Updated the localization files:
  - Added subtitles for mod sounds;
  - Changed tooltips of special swords;
  - Added tooltips for:
    - Netherium swords and tools;
    - Netherium shard;
    - Titanium swords and tools;
    - Powered Ultimarium swords;
    - The Ultimarium Star;
    - All sets of armor;
    - The Ultimarium Block;
  - Other general localization fixes and improvements;
- Changed modid for some items:
  - Be careful! These items will disappear from your world once you update the mod and you'll have to obtain them again!;
- (3.11/4.0/5.0) Fixed bug with full set of Astral armor leading to game crash;
- Other changes and fixes.

  • In 2.14.5/3.11.1 update:

- Fixed issues with Astral Armor;
- Increased efficiency for all Multitools by 7.

  • In 3.11.2 update:

- Fixed Astral armor not allowing to fly in spectator mode.

  • In The Last Hit Update(2.15/3.12/4.1/5.1):

- General:
 - 22 new swords:
   - 1 new special sword - The Shadow Dance. Its special ability allows you to teleport. In the dark or at night the ability enhances;
   - (1.16.5+)11 new Netherite Swords;
   - (1.16.5+)9 new swords coated with Netherite;
 - (1.16.5+)1 new tool: Reinforced Netherite Pickaxe;
 - 2 new items: Netherite Shard(1.16.5+), Shadow Retorium Crystal;
 - (1.16.5+)All tools and weapons made of Netherium and higher tier materials are now immune to fire. If main material is Enderium/Netherium or better, then the tool doesn't burn. Netherite tools and swords are immune to fire as they are in Minecraft;
 - Updated Astral Being:
   - Reduced xp drop from 45 to 30;
   - Reduced surface movement speed from 0.7 to 0.55;
   - Now cannot appear in spawners of Minecraft's dungeon rooms;
 - Updated The Thunderer:
   - Special Ability cooldown decreased to 12/9;
   - Special Ability durability cost decreased to 12/15;
 - Updated The Strengthblessed:
   - Active Special Ability duration decreased to 20 seconds;
   - Active Special Ability cooldown decreased to 45 seconds;
   - Active Special Ability now gives effects lvl 4 instead of lvl 5;
   - Passive Special Ability now gives resistance lvl 2 instead of lvl 3;
 - Updated The Bloodthirsty:
   - Active Special Ability now gives regeneration lvl 4 instead of lvl 3;
   - Active Special Ability now gives resistance instead of fire resistance;
   - Active Special Ability now requires 18+ health instead of 20+;
   - Active Special Ability now deals 15 damage instead of 19 when used;
   - (Some versions)Fixed Active Special Ability giving night vision effect lvl 3 instead of lvl 1;
   - (1.14.4+)Added Passive Special Ability "Vampire Blade" that regenerates 0,5 user's health every hit;
 - Updated The Death Prisoner:
   - Astral Exit now returns player in gamemode he was in before using Special Ability;
   - Fixed Special Ability giving lvl 3 effects instead of lvl 1;
   - Special Ability now doesn't gives speed when used;
 - Updated The Nightkiller:
   - Added "Titan Power" passive ability;
 - Advancements:
   - 4 new advancements:
     - (44) Sealed in Darkness - Use special ability of The Shadow Dance(150 xp reward);
     - (45) The God of Ultimarium - Collect The Ultimarium Armor, Reinforced Pickaxe, Multitool, Star and all 9(8 for 1.12.2-1.15.2) Swords(6000 xp reward);
     - (46) Now I've Seen Everything! - Collect all Special Swords(600 xp reward);
     - (1.16.5+)(47) Nether Power - Create The Netherite-Powered Ultimarium Sword(500 xp reward);
   - Removed Astral Stone reward from all advancements;
   - (12/21) Sword Demon is now placed after (0) Nonexistent+;
- Other:
  - Mod was ported to Minecraft 1.19.4/1.20.1;
  - Rebalanced all Reinforced Pickaxes;
  - Rebalanced all Emerald-Coated Swords;
  - (1.16.5+)Increased efficiency for all Multitools by 7;
  - Updated textures of Distolium, Kronolium and Titanium armor sets;
  - Changed recipe of Titanium Sword;
  - Changed recipes of The Thunderer, The Death Prisoner, The Nightkiller, The Bloodthirsty and The Ethereal Ease;
  - (1.16.5+)Improved Astral Armor flying ability;
  - Improved mod sounds;
  - Updated the localization files;
  - Other changes and fixes.

  • In 2.15.1 update:

- Fixed Astral Being sometimes causing game crash.

  • In 2.15.2/3.12.1/4.1.1/5.1.1 update:

- Updated Special Ability of The Shadow Dance;
- Changed recipe of Distolium-Kronolium Block;
- Added missing Astral Stone recipe(from block).

  • In 2.15.3/3.12.2/4.1.2/5.1.2 update:

- Fixed Multitools not being able to mine blocks with respective harvest level;
- Minor localization fixes.

  • In 2.15.4/3.12.3/4.1.3/5.1.3 update:

- Astral Being:
  - Increased health from 90 to 100.
  - Increased armor from 4 to 6.
  - (1.18.2+)Increased follow range from 16 to 32.
  - Reduced xp drop from 30 to 20.
  - (1.16.5+)Is now immune to wither effect.
  - Now can drop maximum of 4 Astral Shards.
- Astral Armor:
  - Reduced armor durability.
  - Reduced chestplate protection value from 13 to 12.
  - (1.14.4+)Reworked the fly ability to fix the issues.
  - (1.14.4+)Added key to activate/deactivate flying ability(default - X).
- Other:
  - (1.14.4+)Fixed incorrect durability of the Titanium Armor.
  - Changed the amount of Netherium Shards coming from the recipe from 2 to 1. The recipe is now shapeless.
  - Slightly increased Distolium and Kronolium Ores spawn rate.
  - Decreased the amount of Enderium Ore spawning in one group.
  - Distolium/Kronolium/Enderium Ores can now be smelted using the Blast Furnace.

cool!i love ender ores and i don't care if it is called a generic name so imma download!

I see alot of "kinda generic" comments....
But "generic" mods are what can make a modpack great, they add more diversity to minecraft, more options. Not every mod needs to be super original and unique. This mod adds some cool new materials, swords, tools, and armor. With alot of my modpacks I have created for personal use, these are the kinds of mods I look for.
I love the swords, they look super cool.
Seriously, great mod!

Love the mod! but maybe remove netherium and update it to 1.14, also, maybe change the end of the ores names to "ite" instead of "ium"

it's a little generic. i like enderium a lot (i think they should add a mineral/ore in the end), but "netherium" is already kind of a thing.