
Published by Sajevius on
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Shroomed is a small, early-stage mushroom mod that builds upon mushroom-related content as well as improving the survivability in mushroom islands biome and making it just a bit prettier. It adds new mushroom types (all of them being poisonous at the moment), new mushroom-related foods, and a few more!

(Spoiler: This is part 2 of 4 biome mods I'm making; previous one was Betterlands!)


  • Mycelial Growth - A special plant that generates in the mushroom islands. It can be planted on top of dirt, podzol, or grass block, and the block it's growing on will convert into mycelium after a while!

  • Mycelial Cave - There are some regions underground where mycelial growth & purple shroomsprouts generate!

(mycelial cave within a mineshaft)

  • New Mushroom Colors - Vanilla only has 2 colors for mushrooms: red and brown. Well, people could say that there's not enough variety in that... so now, there are new colors: blue, orange, and purple!

  • Shroomspores - There's now a new way to farm mushrooms! Shroomspores are seed-like items that can be planted just like mushrooms (requiring mycelium, podzol, or low light level & no sky exposure). When planted, they grow into small mushrooms of their respective color, which slowly mature over time.

  • Shroomwood - Don't worry about not being able to craft wood stuff in the mushroom islands anymore, because now there's a new wood type that comes in 4 colors: brown (normal), blue, orange, and purple! You can obtain them by chopping down hard large mushrooms, which are new variants of huge mushrooms that have hard mushroom stems as stem blocks.

  • Toxic Shroombombs - With toxic shroomspores (blue, orange, and purple), some paper, and a string, you can craft toxic shroombombs, which are new throwable ranged weapons that act like bombs, releasing toxic mushroom spores upon impact which poison nearby mobs (don't be too excited, you're not exempted if you're too close to the impact spot!) They aren't great for direct damage as they only deal 3... but to make up for that, they're great for making your opponents suffer damage over time!

  • New Mushroom Foods - Have you ever wanted more foods made from mushrooms aside from the same old stews? Well, look no further! Currently, the mod adds 3: mushroom slice, mushroom sauce, and mushroomed steak. Mushroom slices are crafted from 3 "non-toxic" mushrooms of any kind (red & brown mushrooms), and they can be combined with a glass bottle to make mushroom sauce. Combine a steak, sauce, and 2 mushroom slices to make mushroomed steak, which provides speed, haste, and jump boost when eaten during early morning, making it a great way to start your Minecraft day!


  • The caps of some blue, orange & purple huge mushrooms might intertwine with others on world generation, but it's not that bad - Fixed in 0.5.0
  • Bonemealing mycelium sometimes produces ghost blocks - Fixed in 0.5.0


  • Blue, orange, and purple mushrooms to be bonemealed and grown into respective huge mushroom - Added in 0.4.0

  • New mobs: shroomgull, cluckshroom [Postponed for 0.6.0] & shroomfin [Added in 0.5.0]


P.S. Sorry if there isn't a 1.16 version yet. I ran into code-related errors in porting it to 1.16.5, and I still need to fix them. It'll come sooner or later though! For now, you can only play this mod in 1.15, but still, enjoy! :) - 1.16 port is finally here! :D

Minecraft mod files
Shroomed-1.15.2-0.4.0.jar - Version 0.4.0 for 1.15.2 Uploaded on: 06/17/2021 - 06:39   File size: 610.45 KB
Shroomed-1.16.5-0.4.0.jar - Version 0.4.0 for 1.16.5 Uploaded on: 06/17/2021 - 06:39   File size: 659.92 KB
Shroomed-1.15.2-0.5.0.jar - Version 0.5.0 for 1.15.2 Uploaded on: 06/26/2021 - 06:42   File size: 672.94 KB
Shroomed-1.16.5-0.5.0.jar - Version 0.5.0 for 1.16.5 Uploaded on: 06/26/2021 - 06:42   File size: 727.05 KB

0.5.0 (alpha)

  • Added entity: shroomfin
  • Added item: bucket of shroomfin
  • Added foods:
    • raw shroomfin
    • cooked shroomfin
  • Added feature: mycelial cave
  • Added plants: shroomsprouts 
  • Reduced amplifier of poison effect received when planting toxic (blue, orange, purple) shroomspores
  • Tagged hard mushroom stems with item tag "minecraft:logs" for use in smoker & campfire recipes
  • Slightly reduced tiny mushroom growth speed again
  • Changed mushroom sauce nutritional value to 3
  • Shroomsprouts now only drop their respective shroomspores when broken, with a low chance, and no longer drop themselves unless harvested w/ shears
  • Made bonemealing mycelium compatible with Environmental; now if Environmental is loaded, there'll be a 50/50 chance to produce either mycelium sprouts OR shroomsprouts/new mushrooms/mycelial growths
  • Improved huge mushroom generation for the most part, thus reducing chances of intertwining caps to almost nil
  • Greatly improved mycelium bonemealing system 
  • Mycelium can now be bonemealed from all sides instead of just top, to mimic vanilla's grass block bonemealing behavior
  • Blue, orange, & purple shroomsprouts no longer generate in the surface mushroom island since they crowded the biome's surface and didn't blend in well (they now rarely generate underground) 
  • Retextured all mod's mushrooms & shroomsprouts 
  • Retextured all growth stages of tiny blue, orange, and purple mushrooms
  • [1.16.5] Changed shroomsprout sound type to nether sprouts 
  • [Bugfix] Purple shroomwood fence gate was unintentionally a fence block instead of a fence gate
  • [Bugfix] Shroomed creative tab still had "Mushroomed" set as display name (Mushroomed was the old mod name) 
  • [Bugfix] Orange shroomspores recipe wasn't grouped together w/ the recipe of other spore colors
  • [Bugfix] Bonemealing mycelium sometimes produced ghost blocks
  • [Bugfix] Purple shroomwood planks were missing from "minecraft:planks" item tag, thus making them not usable in recipes accepting planks 
  • [Bugfix] Mushroomed steak wasn't a "meat" food, making wolves unable to eat it 
  • [Bugfix] Mod's foods & shroombombs sometimes gave "ghost" potion effects when eaten (icons didn't disappear after running out, effect behaviours weren't present all the time)

0.4.0 (alpha)

  • Added support for Forge 1.16.5!
  • Added plant: 
    • mycelial growth
  • Mycelium can now be bonemealed to grow either of the following fungi: mycelial growth, brown mushroom, red mushroom, blue mushroom, orange mushroom, purple mushroom
  • Blue, orange & purple mushrooms can now be bonemealed and grown into respective huge mushrooms
  • Blue, orange & purple mushroom now generate slightly less frequently
  • Slightly decreased tiny mushrooms' growth speed
  • Tweaked generation biomes of new mushrooms:
    • orange mushroom: mushroom island, giant tree taiga, swamp
    • blue mushroom: mushroom island, giant tree taiga, swamp
    • purple mushroom: mushroom island, giant tree taiga, swamp
  • Mycelium can now be artificially made by using mycelial growth (place it on top of any block tagged with "forge:mycelial_growth_convertible" and it'll eventually convert; this mod's examples are: dirt, grass, podzol)
  • Slightly retextured item:
    • mushroomed steak
  • [Bugfix] Toxic shroombombs were really big when displayed in hand at third-person views
  • [Bugfix] Toxic shroombombs didn't play any sound upon hitting mobs

0.3.0 (alpha)

  • Released mod as alpha stage!
  • Added core features


Lovely mod ! Really ! I hope this will grow and get more features overtime, maybe think about adding new types of sucpicious/normal mushroom stews :O so you can have blue stew :)