[UNSTABLE + PAUSED] Mossy Apocalype

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Mossy Apocalypse is a mod adding a more... destructive version of the 1.17 moss block...

The mod currently only add one block, the moss block. It can be crafted with 9 leaves of any type. Placing it will make it spread over time and turning every blocks (except bedrock, but able to destroy end portal frames) into moss. Staying close to moss has a chance to give you the "infection" effect, slowly damaging you. You can grow crops on moss, so you are still able to farm food. Your goal is to survive, in a world getting corrupted by moss.


This is my first mod so it could be cool to get reviews/ideas, or to report bugs. The mod is transforming a lot of blocks, and some items like sapling or seed are dropping when dirt/wood is turned into moss, so except some little freezes if your running the mod with low ram

It's actually pretty easy to escape the moss by moving far from moss and unloading "corrupted" chunks, moving to another dimension or with a skybase, thats why i'm planning to add new events like the spore rain to spread the corruption everywhere. I also plan to add spore infected mobs, moss-proof blocs and containers to create a safe base and more blocks to add better ways to survive the moss and adding more uses to it, maybe also a mossy biome


You can put this mod in your modpack ;D

Minecraft mod files
MossyApocalypse_1.16.5_v1.1.3.jar - V1.1.3 Uploaded on: 12/11/2021 - 15:52   File size: 38.44 KB