Byzantium Mod (indev-abandoned)

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WARNING: Mod has minor problems!





Byzantium Mod is the mod that (is trying) to bring you back in the age of byzantium! This mod adds:

-Green, red and purple grapes (along with green, red and purple grape seeds, has nutritional value of 4)

-Wooden stand (used to grow grapes, can be crafted with 4 iron nuggets and 3 sticks)

-Feta block (can be obtained by cooking milk in a furnace)

-Feta (has nutritional value of 7, can be obtained from feta block)

-Wooden, stone, iron, golden and diamond byzantine sword (have 2 times the durability of a normal sword)

-Byzantine Warrior (has 20 health and deals 7 damage, spawns in plains biome)

-Byzantine Archer (has 20 health, spawns in plains biome)

-Byzantine General (has 250 health and deals 12 damage), is a boss mob (only spawns inside the byzantine fortress)

-Byzantine Fortresses, which can only be found in the plains biome, contain treasure inside of them!

-Marble (can be found underground in the Overworld, you can make marble bricks with 4 marble blocks and smooth marble with 8 marble blocks, by doing a ring of marble blocks in the grafting table)

-Copper and Tin ore (ingot used to make bronze!)

-Bronze Tools and armor! (strong as iron!)

-Janissaries (spawn in the desert biome, agressive towards players and byzantines)

-Pork and Beef Souvlaki (made using 6 sticks and 3 porkchops/beef)





1: If the player has more than 1 type of seeds, then only the red reeds will be planted first

2: Grapes don't need grass in order to grow

3: Mobs of the mod sometimes slack off


In time, we can make it better!


New things will be added, if requested!


Please, if you enjoy this mod, suggest things that you want us to add in future versions. That would be deeply appreciated!


Minecraft mod files
ByzantiumMod_(Version indev0.2.0).jar - Latest Version Uploaded on: 07/20/2019 - 11:06   File size: 307.62 KB
ByzantiumMod_(Version 0.1.0)_0.jar - Oldest Version of the Mod (Has the fewest features obviously and some bugs) Uploaded on: 07/21/2019 - 17:36   File size: 154.01 KB

Version indev0.2.0

-Added Janisarries (enemies of the Byzantines! Have 20 health)

-Added Copper ore, ingot, nugget and block

-Added Tin ore, ingot, nugget and block

-Added Bronze ingot, nugget and block

-Added Bronze Armor

-Added Bronze Tools (strong as iron, more durable though)

-Added Pork and Beef Souvlaki (have nutritional value of 6)

-Changed the drops of the grapes and the Byzantines

-Added more treasure to the Byzantine Fortresses

-Fixed Bucket problem (now you can't obtain Feta blocks with silk touch, so that you only get the bucket you lost and not more than that)

-The Byzantines are now agressive towards Janissaries too


Version indev0.1.2

-Added Marble (along with marble bricks and smooth marble)

-Fixed bucket issue (somehow, still has problems)

-Fixed the drops of the grape stems

-Fixed structure issue


Version indev0.1.0

-Added Green, Red and Purple Grapes (along with green, red and purple seeds, has nutritional value of 4)

-Added Feta Block (can be obtained by cooking milk in a furnace)

-Added Feta (has nutritional value of 7, feat block drops 9 of these)

-Added Wooden Stand (made out of 4 iron nuggets and 3 sticks, used to grow grapes)

-Added Byzantine Warrior (has 20 health, drops gold nuggets and maybe a diamond byzantine sword, spawns in plains)

-Added Byzantine Archer (has 20 health, drops gold nuggets and maybe a diamond byzantine sword, spawns in plains)

-Added Byzantine General (boss mob, has 250 health, drops the diamond sword and will maybe drop diamond block-s, spawns in plains)

-Added Byzantine Fortress (can only be found in the plains biome, pretty big, guarded by all the mod's current mobs, has treasure)

Do you guys have any suggestions for future updates? Or for a new mod? The problems of this mod will soon be fixed