Dimension Jumper

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Get Ready for an Adventure Out of this World!

Dimension Jumper is a mod that adds 5 new dimensions to your Minecraft world!

Each new dimension has a few resources that you can collect to become more powerful than you ever could with diamonds,

custom theme music upon entering (because why not?),

and custom mobs and structures!

And while this mod adds 5 dimensions (which is kinda insane when you think about it), it is still pretty small.

I want this mod to be the best it can be, by adding more mobs, structures, maybe even more dimensions!

If you like this mod, please leave feedback for me.

Find the official demo for this mod here:


Radio Receiver required Items (recipe shape is in the photos for this mod!)

4 Iron Ingots

1 Gold Ingot

1 Redstone Dust

1 Redstone Torch

Right-click the Radio Receiver to give the people over at BLOCKY Industries a call!

The following song files do not belong to me or this mod:

dimension_jumper.radio.dualscream - "Dual Scream" from "Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon" by Nintendo

d_jumper.iceisland.music - "Winter is Coming" by Andrey Avkhimovich

d_jumper.moon.music - "Empty Reef" by Dorian Luthier

d_jumper.moltenmagmamine.music - "Dark Clouds" by -Maze- UNUSED

d_jumper.unknown.music - "Suspense" from "Minecraft: Story Mode" by Telltale Games

d_jumper.haunted.music - "Dark Hallway" from "Luigi's Mansion" by Nintendo

The following are known errors I have yet to fix:

Structures in the Haunted Forest spawn on trees most of the time

Haunted Forest can be cheated

That's about it! I hope you will enjoy the mod and I will see you again soon!

Minecraft mod files
Dimension_Jumper(version1).jar - I may not be able to add much more, as this almost exceeds the 15MB limit. Please understand. Uploaded on: 09/30/2019 - 00:01   File size: 13.87 MB

V1- Wow, the third mod I've uploaded... Well, time flies.

I think maybe you should improve the description to say how to go the dimensions and what mobs, ores, blocks, structures etc. But otherwise a really good mod