Edge Of Realities

Published by Agent5M1TH on
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In development
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Discover Edge of Realities, a Minecraft mod that lets you immerse yourself in the world of the Pop-Culture! 

The Mod requires Geckolib !

" There's one thing we can all agree on: version 1.12 of Minecraft offered an inconsiderable variety of pop-culture mods, such as those with Marvel hero powers or the addition of Godzilla to your survival... I think this style of mod should come back to the fore, and that's why my Brother and I decided to create this mod. Hope you'll like it ;) "
- Agent_5M1TH

EOR is a Forge mod that adds new mobs, items, blocks and structures to Minecraft. All of these come from Movies, Books, Videogames and even Mangas or Animes! 
The mod enhances exploration by adding massive (and small) Pop-Culture structures! Like a pile of amber from the Jurassic Era or even the rest of a build fight from the Fortnite Universe! You can find Deadpool and make him fight against the Minutemen of the TVA or befriend Frisk from Undertale!

Now about the mod itself ?
For EOR we decided to choose smooth animations that will match with mods like Born In Chaos, Creature Compendium. The mod offers a variety of achievement making the experience more thrilling than before!
Some achievements require patience, others require dexterity and bravery and some require to travel in this world to find rare items ! 

If you think Minecraft lacks spice, Edge of Realities can easily compensate for this lack of difficulty offering a variety of new companions, but also foes, it's up to you to find the right strategy to defeat each of them.

Follow me on Instagram, Youtube and Tik Tok : Agent_5M1TH

Minecraft mod files
edgeofrealities-2.0.0.jar Uploaded on: 08/30/2024 - 14:05   File size: 11.38 MB
edgeofrealities-3.0.0.jar - New mobs, items and dimension ! (Check Curse Forge for more informations!) Uploaded on: 10/28/2024 - 11:01   File size: 18.76 MB

Notes E.O.R - 3.0.0

Bugs/Things Fixed :

Buff Master Sword
Changes Salesman Trades
Custom texts when a hunter is tamed
spawn : (+) Titans, Zombies, Springtoys / (-) Shyguy, Minutemen
Special texture when the Shyguy and Springtoys are tamed.

New Mobs :

Skull Crawler (Hostile) - From "King Kong : Skull Island" -
Mono (Hunter) - From "Little Nightmare" -
Slenderman (Hostile) - From "Slenderman... ?"
Ultron Sentry (Hostile) - From "Marvel"

New Items :

2 Cartridges : Ghostbusters & The Grand Finale
Slender Moss 
Pokedex + Device Plate (The Pokedex gives informations about the right-clicked entity)
"Go Back Home" Device (To escape the Void and return to the Overworld)
Plug (Electronic component used for electronic crafts)
Cursed License : Tame the Springtoys and Shyguys

Blocks :

Void Sand
DNA Mutater (non-functional for now)

Dimension :

The Void from Loki !

Advancements :

+7 new achievements !