The Ardaivona Mod

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Welcome to the Ardaivona mod!

Explore an alien world Via Ancient Technology from thousands of years ago

With Aliens lifeforms, Really Bad Biomes (don't blame me this is my first mod ever)



here is the rundown of some of the biomes because I need a larger description:

Serenice Surface:

the serenice surface was once a tropical biome before a brutal ice age hit the area killing some of the tropical wildlife

some plants and animals escaped to the deep underground where it was warmer, mainly lush cave plants but these may be replaced in the future

the only main creature that lives here is the flowerhead: a fish with 4 frills inspired by the ancient sacabambaspis of the ordovician period of earth


Infernal Plains:

These were apart of a lava field near a volcano called: mount diablos

here there are blocks called: Infernostone which can be cooked into a blaze rod (made to create brewing stands or blaze powder),

some lifeforms have evolved to the deadly climate of these volcanoes being the agnesteus, which eats dead wood (it's also that creature in screenshot for the mod page!) and oretono which look more like real life silverfish than the vannila silverfish


Ardaivonan Savannah:

this place currently has the mos stable ecosystem in any of the biomes as of current and also was one of the first one added.

With fernodus which eats zedflies (their favorite snack) and the alkzara (the largest herbivore in the plains) and the ferocious arzkoraptor the main predator feasting on fernodus and alkzara,

main issues:
1: the only aquatic plant can for some reason grow anywhere on land despite being an aquaic plant

Venomfiend Enchantment Procedure doesn't work yet (now removed)

Laichrekk (Alien creature) can't attack using Necropsis (a type of poison i made up)


1 note:
Feedback is valuable!

Suggest feedback in the comments :D

Github page here: Labels · Ther0poda/Ardaivona-mod

Minecraft mod files
ardaivona-0.3.1 part 1 alpha-neoforge-1.21.1.jar - updated to the lore update part 1 3.1 Uploaded on: 12/07/2024 - 17:41   File size: 1.54 MB
ardaivona-0.3.0 part 1 alpha-neoforge-1.21.1.jar - Updated to the lore update part 1! Uploaded on: 12/01/2024 - 09:26   File size: 1.55 MB
Ardaivona Forge Port Last Official - This is open source for anyone wanting to update it to the upcoming 0.3.0 Uploaded on: 11/24/2024 - 03:17   File size: 1.51 MB
  • Oldeveron desert has now been renamed to the desert wildlands
  • added the fungal reef biome
  • added ariaroot trees
  • added a new stone type: coaststone
  • added the varawyrm, a dangerous aquatic wyrm
  • added 2 new fish: coralidon and the skyskater
  • added the bergsterra, a seashore living creature
  • removed venomfiend
  • added 24 items in total
  • added the clam structure pearls and the Orb of the sea
  • made some logs and plants burnable in furnaces


  • added primal sand to distinguish the desert wildlands from the beach biome
  • added stonecutter recipes for coaststone
  • changed a part in the Orb of the Sea Dialogue: (you has been corrected to be those)
  • added breuthanium armor
  • due to limit 0.1.1 versions have been removed for download (maybe reuploaded for modrinth)


  • removed waedmuck due to worldgen problems (may be replaced soon)
  • added aquilirite ore (spawns only in underwater biomes)
  • tried to fix ariaroot generation


  • added 2 new creatures: the aridyne and sereniling
  • added a ardaivona exclusive item: afroditium battleaxe
  • guidebook now spawns when creating new world
  • added thornwood wood type that can grow flowers
  • added dryland flowers to the desert wildlands
  • sereniling can be holdable (but model and texture is broken as of right now
  • Note by thero: i have been getting bored of making mods recently so i decided to split 0.3.0 into seperate parts hence the less features


  • renamed thornwood to scarwood
  • fernodus variant is no longer a separate entity
  • bergsterra now has 2 new variants: Melon and Twilight
  • more maybe soon

accidentally destroyed the OG workspace separating the forge port so I will BRB on that note

Honestly, what I made does not look good, if only I could have done better :/